Tuesday 22 March 2011

The disability trap

I have just been reading an article in Quadrant which examines the premises of a new book on Aboriginal affairs, and in it the author makes the statement that the more Aboriginal communities are given government assistance the more disabled they become. I don't think you have to look very far to observe the naked truth of that statement.

However, the same could be said for large portions of the white population i.e; the Centrelink 'tribe' whose  well-being has become dependent on the Government of the day and whose ability to lift themselves out of their 'poverty trap' is further diminished with every passing day of being enmeshed in the welfare system.

The aim of socialism is to create dependence on government, which leads in turn to control over the methods of production and wealth generation, thereby bringing into existence an effective manipulation of the entire population, which is the the declared aim of Utopianists (Green watermelons) whose Guru's and ruling ideologues have repeatedly claimed that the only way to create the perfect society is to suspend democracy until such time as the intellectual elites (i.e. ideologically acceptable) are able to control the entire system.

Gillard's new tax plan is a perfect manifestation of this philosophy...by creating a greater need for the  economically weaker members of the population to depend more fully on Government largess they expand their control over this segment of the population until very soon the vast majority of the population is dependant on Government handouts for their basic needs.

What a positive outcome for big government and a correspondingly negative one for personal freedom and democracy...Viva Ju-liar!...(perish the thought!)

Monday 21 March 2011

Truth vs. Power

Ju-liar Gillard has adopted the age old revolutionary tactic of saying whatever is necessary to achieve power and whatever is necessary to maintain it. Gramsci promulgated it with his 'long march through the institutions' and Ju-liar embraces it...note her beliefs when she headed the Australian Socialist movement:
For the Left to make any real advance all these perspectives on the relationship to Labor in government need to be rejected in favour of a concept of strategic support for Labor governments. We need to recognise the only possibility for major social change is under a long period of Labor administration. Within that administration the Left needs to be willing to participate to shape political outcomes, recognising the need to except (sic) often unpalatable compromises in the short term to bolster the prospect of future advance. The task of pushing back the current political constraints by changing public opinion would need to be tackled by the Left through government, social movements and trade unions.
Please, please, please Australia...rid us of this blight before she robs us of our faith, our culture, our families, our economy and our future.

Friday 18 March 2011

The Green nightmare

Consider the taxes the Green politicians would like to introduce...if this is not Marxism then my name is not Karl.
1. Increased income tax rates ( 3.3.2)
2. New Consumption tax with multiple rates (3.3.8)
3. Increase capital gain tax (3.3.9,3.3.10)
4. Higher Fringe Benefit tax (3.3.3)
5. Eliminate salary sacrificing (3.3.3)
6. Introduce estate duties [including family home] (3.3.11)
7. Introduce gift tax (3.3.12)
8. Higher Medicare levy with progressive rates (3.3.15, 3.3.16)
9. Eliminate Private Health Insurance rebate (3.3.18)
10. Increased taxations of superannuation(3.3.19, 3.3.20)
11. Tax family trusts (3.3.14)
12. Increased company tax to 33% (3.3.21)
13. Tax on franked dividends (3.3.22)
14. Carbon levy (3.3.24)
15. Increased timber royalties (17.1.8)
16. Tax equivalent on non recycled paper (17.1.8)
17. Tax bottles and containers (17.1.7)
18. plastic bag levy (17.1.7)
19. private transport user tax (2.4,2.5)
20. Tax on batteries (7.1.12)
21. Increased tax on rental property (3.3.28)
22. Mining environmental levy (15.1.6)
23. Nutrient pollution tax (3.3.25)
24. Tax on fossil fuel usage (3.3.25)
25. Tax on water pollution (3.3.25)
26. Tax on soil pollution (3.3.25)
27. Tax on air pollution (3.3.25)
28. Tax on timber use (3.3.25)
29. Tax on use of ocean (3.3.25)
30. Tax on use of freshwater (3.3.25)
31. Tax on mineral use (3.3.25)
32. Tax on land sites according to land value (3.3.25)
33. Tax on electromagnetic spectrum assets (3.3.25)
34. Tax on petroleum (3.3.25)
35. Higher taxes on ecologically damaging industries 3.3.27)
36. Currency transaction tax (3.3.36)
37. 33 % tax surcharge on high corporate salaries (3.3.31)
38. Pay-roll tax to fund employee entitlements (4.3.25)
39. Landfill taxes (16.2.3)
40. Increased environmental charges and fines (16.2.3, 16.2.8)
Tax elimination or reductions (Policy section reference)
1. GST ( Replaced with consumption tax ) (3.3.8)
2. Cut tax on bartering or black market (3.3.29)
3. Increase tax-free threshold (3.3.31)
4. Tax cut for non-frequent flyers (3.16)
5. Eliminate Higher Educations charge (2.18)
Source: The Australian Greens’ Election Policies. Why The Green’ Policies Matter By Jim Hoggett.

No to the lies

The egregious mendacity of this government knows no bounds. Their speech is Orwellian in the extreme, they call independents stooges and stooges independent, they create a Brobdingnagian new tax and say that the 'little people' will be better off due to a redistribution of the bounty...I think not.

If you are at all tempted by the handouts they promise (but will almost certainly never deliver) understand that they are attempting to tie you and I more completely to the apron strings of government handouts thus negating the populations will and ability to create, sans government interference, wealth generation.(Marxism!)

What we are facing is a massive build up of bureaucratic power. Let us examine the example of Europe where the much hyped generation of 'green jobs' has in fact birthed little more than 'fly by night' opportunists who spring up overnight and disappear just as rapidly, often leaving chaos and bankruptcy in their trail...think of the comparable Australian roof insulation disaster! The only real jobs created have been for a 'green police force' who fine people for binning the wrong items in their rubbish (another tax!) and cause problems which need fixing by other green bureaucrats, reference the following website:

I am going to the Adelaide Tax protest on Wednesday the 23rd and I urge all others to do the same...we must stop this disaster before it becomes legislated policy.

Monday 14 March 2011


The Apocalyptico's are hard at work. What with anthropogenic global warming, population explosion, running out of fossil fuels, food shortages, water wars and the newest one; nuclear 'melt down', the sandwich board, "end is nigh" wearers are hard at work spruiking the disasters so as to garner more grant monies for their dubious 'research' and model making gamesmanship.

The fact that so many main stream media scoff at and mock Christian eschatology and the evidence of sinfulness then turn around and swallow whole the fantastical exaggerations of the Apocalyptico's, speaks volumes about the gullibility of most of this current zeitgeist, and the post modern state of intellectual curiosity.

Pagan superstitions and new age soothsayers have rendered reason impotent. What do our children have to look forward to...I would despair if not for the fact that I know the creator of the universe has it all under His control.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Hypocrisy reigns

Michael Galak poses an interesting moral dilemma in his Quadrant essay of March the 7th:

Feel good, aid psychopaths...

...wherein he questions the unilateral aid given to Dictatorships and how such aid usually props up the dictator rather than helping those whom it is trying to assist and how many of these tyrants syphon off the money to their own bank accounts;
Most of the world’s tin-pot dictators are forthcoming and accommodating in letting Western aid in because Western charity helps tyrants to stay in power. Instead of spending their resources on food and medicines and infrastructure and schools and hospitals, they, like Lenin, can concentrate on what really matters to them - weapons, crowd control, and building armed forces. Then, there are always numbered Swiss bank accounts, so beloved by kleptocrats worldwide.
He makes a compelling argument, but I can already hear the putrid ranks of left wing luvvies overflowing with ad hominem attack on the sexist/Islamaphobic/racist/homophobic/extreme right-wing/ proponents of such a scheme.

The fact that most of these unbridled hypocrites hate the West and all it stands for is one thing, but the most egregious position of all is that almost all of these troglodytes say that they hate and despise Christianity and in fact blame the Christian Worldview for much of the tragedy in these countries. Yet they swoon with 'Christian' compassion at the sight of the underprivileged in these countries.

Where I ask does their compassion emanate from? Evolution is certainly not the harbinger of altruistic and 'wasteful' emotions. It is ruthlessly selfish and self promoting, 'red in tooth and claw' I think it has been expressed as...where then does such compassion come from if not from the law written on peoples hearts.


Saturday 5 March 2011

Brave new speak

Our justice system is a joke. Politicians, judges, lawyers and activists talk about 'losing the drug war' and then push the legalise drugs movement as the only 'humane' solution, often quoting the Kings Cross drug centre as an example of how well the legalisation of drugs helps.
It is all a lie and a marvellous example of how the destructive elements in society have accomplished a take over of the organs of propaganda in the media.

Paul Sheehan reports:
"In the Cross, the core of the rot is sponsored by the NSW government itself. It is the blandly named Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, conveniently located on Darlinghurst Road opposite the entrance to Kings Cross railway station. Never have so many lies been fed to the public in support of this policy quagmire.
The argument justifying the centre is that has cleaned up the drug trade and saved ''hundreds'' of lives. This is propaganda worthy of North Korea. The reality is the opposite. The centre is directly responsible for hundreds of drug overdoses. It has created an environment where the most reckless and self-indulgent people in society - junkies - know they will be bailed out of their own risks.
The result is stratospheric rates of drug overdoses and interventions, which are then counted as lives saved. This is the basis on which more than $25 million in public funding has been requested and justified by the drug-legalisation lobby. Anyone interested in the non-North Korean view of this social experiment can find a blistering, highly detailed counter-view on the website of Drug Free Australia ."

The fight against drugs never was a 'war' just as the fight against robbery is not a war. A war is a limited action with a beginning and hopefully an end, the fight against crime is a state of being. It never ends and will be around as long as people exist.

They call it sin in the good book and even a cursory look at the current as well as the historical record will show that sin is the best explanation for the behaviour that best defines mankind.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

The new Inquisition

You have to check out this blog: http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/6743475/the-judges-atheist-inquisition.thtml  to see how the judiciary in England are shaping the country's philosophy towards their own bias'. This self-same scenario is being enacted in every western country around the globe and is being driven by radical lawmakers who are in fact acting as law breakers as they fashion society after their own worldviews.

When you take the absolute out of the equation only human law remains as a 'moral' arbiter which means that power falls into the hands of a tiny minority, most of whom live in ivory towers and have little to no interaction with real life. Someone once said that without that 'inner policeman' no amount of 'exterior' policemen can control human sinfulness. We are witnessing that decline in our society.

When will we in the church wake up to and begin to encourage our bright young people to enter these professions with a view to influence, but realising as well, that we need to equip these young folk with both spiritual and  intellectual self-confidence before we send them into the lions den which is the university and legal professions as they currently exist.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

No Justice law

I am so tired of reading about bleeding heart judges allowing criminals to escape with piddling little sentences because 'jail would interfere with their (the crims) 'rehabilitation'.

Gadzooks! It is only during the last 50 years that the 'social sciences' (oxymoron) have pontificated about incarceration being for rehabilitation. Before that jail was always seen as a consequence of criminal behaviour. You break the law, you lose your freedom...if jail thereafter offers some rehabilitation in order to assist the criminal in re-entering the workforce and society, that's well and good but it is not the reason for being put away in the first place.

Our brave new other world!

Our Brave New Order

Watching question time in Parliament (on TV) I was struck by the overt dishonesty evidenced by Julia Gillard. Over the past months I have become convinced by the notion that she is a very dangerous and immoral politician, not least because of the obvious fact that she appears to be able to lie without conscience or discomfort.

In today's debate she labels Tony Abbot with being a 'hollow man', a phrase she has used many times over the past weeks, and she uses this phrase because she accuses him of being a man without any convictions and because he believes in nothing!

The patent absurdity of such a claim fairly boggles my mind and I wonder how she can say such things with a straight face (however having just made the point that she is a gifted liar I understand). Here is a woman who openly claims to believe in nothing, demonstrably stands for nothing (on a daily basis) accusing a leader who has been, and continues to be mercilessly vilified by the main-stream-media for believing too strongly in something.

I fear we have entered the realm of the brave new other-world where up is down, right is left and wrong is right...and the same people who have ushered us into this alternative reality are the same souls who want us to trust them with running a multi-billion dollar economy without question. In fact when questioned on their abysmal handling of the economy so far, they challenge the questioner rather than the issue, a technique known as ad hominem or 'straw man' attacks, usually employed when the one questioned is without a rational or reasonable defense.

The fact that her government survives solely on the votes of the idiot-pods of young university students and  job-for-life beaurocrats and union thugs says a lot about Australia's economic future.

If I was not sure of the fact that the future is in the hands of Tony Abbots God, I would despair.