Wednesday 23 August 2017


Recently we have all been made painfully aware of how Google and Facebook have become part of the problem in media bias. We have seen numerous examples of those who question the left-wing orthodoxy being excoriated and/or fired, same in the media and academia which are another two foundational fields of post-modern culture in the West at the moment.

This bias has become quite obvious on some levels and less so on others. For example, it has come to my notice that the algorithms behind search engines on our most popular and therefore most popular internet sources are deliberately set to bring the most ‘favourable info’ (favourable that is to the left/progressive alliances) to first in line and even to stack the first many pages of enquiries with information favourable to the orthodoxy.

Which means that in order to find unbiased or at least alternative view-points it becomes necessary to ‘dig deeper’. Of course this is not always obvious for the simple reason that some ‘conservative sites’ have such a large hit rate, but these bias instructing algorithms do exist and it behoves us all to make the extra effort to source out information effectively. That is why I was so impressed with Rosaria Butterworths exhortation about necessary and correct reading habits re our spiritual development, which I believe is equally applicable to all matters of the intellectual life:

Worldview matters. And if we don't reach back before the 19th century, back to the Bible itself, the Westminster divines, and the Puritans, we will limp along, defeated. Yes, the Holy Spirit gives you a heart of flesh and the mind to understand and love the Lord and his Word. But without good reading practices even this redeemed heart grows flabby, weak, shaky, and ill. You cannot lose your salvation, but you can lose everything else.

We witness on a daily basis the reality that activist’s for same sex marriage who are in charge of large TAXPAYER FUNDED CORPORATIONS are unashamed to use those positions of responsibility to push their personal agendas through intimidation and bullying tactics (all in the name of anti-bullying…1984 anyone?). Imagine if a conservative were to do the same? Can you just see the public humiliation such a response would engender.
Blatant bias is no longer hidden and it must be resisted.

I am not sure that we can reverse the slide into civilizational suicide currently being undertaken by the West, but we can perhaps delay the inevitable for some time, thus giving those who follow us a little breathing space and time to gather their resources.
I hope I am wrong, but looking at the state of decay within the main organs of ‘culture’ I fear we are too late.

On a more spiritual note however, I am convinced that Almighty God is on His throne and knows exactly what He is doing, which affords me real peace in the private place. Perhaps the ongoing ‘civilisation’ will not appear like ‘business as usual’ but He will accomplish what He wills and nothing can get in the way of that, and that is my singular hope for the future.


Leftists really began their 'long march' before even Gramsci coined the phrase. It began in the 19th century when the evolution myth began in earnest, when pre-evolutionary God-haters were looking for another way to account for life on earth as we know it.

The left today earnestly believe that 'evolutionary forces' are taking us ever closer to Utopia on earth.

They of course feel duty bound to help it along the way using any method available, including manipulation, propaganda, taqiyyah, scaremongering, violence, short using every lying, cheating, underhand way available to man since the beginning of time to ensure that they sit atop the eventual spoils of life. 

But; be of good cheer you 'ordinary mortals, you 'deplorables', you 'normals', you un-evolved hetronormative troglydites.....very soon, and with the help of the aforementioned 'innovative' group of 'evolvees' known as 'media/politicians', you will indeed achieve your destinies as servants, slaves and peasants to that holy order of the new world; the celebrities:
"What liberal journalists are demanding here is that every famous person in front of a microphone exploit that platform to call for a leftist revolution. Athletes, actors, musicians, reality TV stars and everyone else should always be shilling against the horrid country that America was -- and presently is under the Republicans. "History" (always equated with liberalism) will grade them as heroes ahead of their time." [B Bozell]

Friday 18 August 2017

Tuesday 15 August 2017


Frankenstein media have birthed their monster in Charlottesville:
"Richard Spencer, like David Duke before him, is treated like some kind of rock star by the media liberals even though he’s a nobody in the conservative movement. Why? Because they don’t care about conservative opinion. They don’t care about conservative views. They care about creating propaganda that paints the Right as a bunch of hood-wearing, Nazi-saluting scumbags. So, they treat Richard Spencer like a rock star.
This creates a sort of Kim Kardashian effect. Ninety five percent of any influence Spencer has comes from the fact that anything he does is a big deal to the media. Why were Spencer and Duke able to gather even 500 Tiki torch-waving idiots in Charlottesville? Because the media would cover everything they did with bated breath. It gave them a chance to feel important, to feel like they were making an impact. In fact, white supremacists have started to believe their own BS because they keep hearing it from the media. After fighting with Richard Spencer on Twitter, I still remember one of his fans claiming that white supremacists were an essential part of Trump getting elected."[G Benson]

Monday 14 August 2017


Some more information on the Soviet Socialist Utopia of Victoria in Australia...aka Desperate Dan's secret mosh-pit:
Every dictatorship worth its salt knows that a fundamental way to cement power and keep the masses in control is to separate children from their parents. When the state usurps the role of parents, the task of creating a compliant and comatose citizenry becomes infinitely easier to achieve.
Thus all the totalist states have specialised in separating parent from child. Instead of children looking to their own parents for guidance in all things, including moral and spiritual development, they look to the all-powerful state. This worked wonders for the Communists and other coercive utopians.
So it is no surprise that today’s secular left governments are happy to follow suit. And in Australia we have no greater example of this than Dictator Dan Andrews’ Labor government in Victoria. [B Muehlenberg]

Friday 11 August 2017


All the gefuffel over same sex marriage, which affects a tiny, tiny, tiny minority serves to illustrate the woeful worldviews that govern the ruling aristocracy in our country. Our pollies and those of most others in the modern West appear to have lost sight of the qualities that have established the most successful civilisation that the world has ever known.

Whilst they indulge in Neronic fiddling or like the 19th century Russian monks debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin; the economy, electricity prices (which affects our livelihoods) jobs, justice, and many other vastly more important issues are abandoned and left to whither and die on the 'too-hard' vine.

I have written before about the dangerous 'big lie'* that 'progressives' (I dislike that sobriquet because it in itself is a big, fat lie) have infiltrated into the culture; i.e. that culture is on an ever increasing trajectory to becoming 'better' and 'better' merely because of the evolutionary imperative. History show us just what a lie that is:
"One of the most dangerous errors instilled into us by the nineteenth-century progressive optimism is the idea that civilisation is automatically bound to increase and spread. The lesson of history is the opposite. [C S Lewis]"
Positive cultures are not some automatic outgrowth that just appears if you give human interaction enough time. Good culture requires sacrifice, determination, hard work, good habits, practical education, good will, strong hearts and a long-tern vision as opposed to immediate gratification... amongst many other qualities.

In most observable instances our current 'aristocracy' believes that the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which the West has been built by previous generations (following the characteristics listed above), is not only faulty but dangerous. They have been convinced or have deluded themselves into believing that they know how to build a better culture. That all they have to do is tear down this one and they will be able to build a superior one using Socialist precepts, thus we have hard-core Socialists of the Corbyn, Trudeau, Sanders variety (masquerading as 'moderates') influencing millions upon millions of 'useful idiots'#. 

Of course history shows us that this system has been tried before, quite number of times in fact, and every time it has been tried it has been found wanting. In fact it has been less wanting than disastrous and has been the cause of more heartache and devastation to humans than any other worldview in the recorded past.
Perhaps because of this our educational elite have altered the curriculum to avoid accurate reflections on the past. In fact we now focus on social engineering rather than developing intellectual and critical skills, and this where my conspiracy suspicions (which I detest) begin to kick in.

Perhaps what is really going on is that our 'ruling elite' want to create chaos, perhaps it is true that they want to devastate the economy, the justice system, bring trust in the media to an that we turn in desperation to 'big brother'; i.e. the government, for handouts, for safety, for guidance as so many do in times of trouble. I believe it was Mugabe who said that a starving people are more malleable, more inclined to be obedient than a satisfied, articulate and competent peasantry who are apt to be questioning and potentially fractious.

Looking back at history I think our ruling elites, particularly the political class, resemble the stories told about Palace intrigues, about the infighting experienced by those at the cronyism end of the spectrum, forever squabbling over the spoils, forever jockeying for position.

This reveals a lot about the state of our culture and the fact that the real divide is not between white and black, or religious differences as much as it reveals a divide between a new feudal hierarchy and the rest of us.

*The 'Big Lie' is what Hitler wrote about in Mein Kampf  as a tool of propaganda:
the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. [Wikipedia]
# Purported to be a phrase used by Lenin to indicate the help of communist dupes in the West.

Tuesday 8 August 2017


Truly this world we live in has gone completely, utterly and devastatingly mad. 
What is worst is that some Christians I know actually buy into this philosophy as well:
"From the same people who declared that milk was a symbol of white supremacy comes this blisteringly-hot take: cheese is the most sexist food there is, cows are regularly raped on farms, and the act of eating cheese is failing to combat sexism.
"Contrary to popular belief*," explains PETA, cows only produce milk when they're pregnant or have just given birth. In order to keep producing milk, PETA describes how cows are "raped" to become pregnant again and again and how their calves are treated immediately after birth."
Can food really be sexist? Yes, when it’s the product of imprisonment, rape, reproductive control, kidnapping, and abuse.
Contrary to popular belief, female cows produce milk only when they’re pregnant or nursing. They make milk for the same reason that human women do: to feed their babies. Cows who are imprisoned on dairy farms are forcibly impregnated through artificial insemination again and again on rape racks. Rape racks. All for your milk, cheese, and yogurt. [PETA] 
[Article by Christine Rouselle]
Talk about trivialising rape and demeaning the women who are survivors of such inhumanity.

Actually the whole affair brings to mind something I read by C S Lewis (which indicates just how prophetic Lewis was):
In A Pilgrim’s Regress, C.S. Lewis wrote about a man who ordered milk and eggs from a waiter in a restaurant. After tasting the milk he commented to the waiter that it was delicious. The waiter replied, “Milk is only the secretion of a cow, just like urine and feces.” After eating the eggs he commented on the tastiness of the eggs. Again the waiter responded that eggs are only a by-product of a chicken. After thinking about the waiter’s comment for a moment the man responded, “You lie. You don’t know the difference between what nature has meant for nourishment, and what it meant for garbage.”
However, it follows that if one entertains the fiction that there is no creator and everything we see around us is an 'accident' and the by-products of chance; then it is indeed possible to reason that there is no difference between what nature's God intended for waste and what He intended for nourishment.

And that is ineffably sad!


I have read another review of the movie Dunkirk and I think it paints the movie in a far better light than the way I actually viewed it and subsequently wrote about in my previous post.

I am quite prepared to reverse my position if the evidence before me warrants it, and in this case perhaps it is necessary.

Katie Kiefer's article points out some perspectives that I appear to have overlooked and on contemplation I am inclined to agree with her:

As a passionate and ever learning student of history I have to agree that the terrible condition of education in the West today is creating a people destined for slavery of the worst kind. Perhaps the movie director in this case is doing his bit to reverse this cultural plague.

I hope and pray she is right.

Monday 7 August 2017


The following extract is a rather insightful take on a movie I recently viewed and thought of as....OK. Somehow, IMHO, it lacked the only thing that the human commentator can take from a terrible state such as war.
Heroism! Which is possibly the only potentially redeeming feature that could be garnered from such a state.
There was a tiny testament to it on the part of the spitfire pilot but was treated almost like a reluctant afterthought.

Unfortunately and unlike those Utopianists who are multiplying by the moment, I do not believe that the human race can exist without war. I wish it were not so, but anyone who has gone to school, worked in a n office or played a team sport can attest to the fact that bullies and 'A-personality types' (cough) exist.

War is a part of the human condition and is attributable to that unfashionable word: SIN
Equally so the opposite and the solution to it is another word: GRACE
And that is what Dunkirk was about.
Dunkirk and the God of History.
History, they say, is written by the victors.
Which is another way of saying that you can tell who is in charge by how the story is told. Christopher Nolan’s new film of Dunkirk is no exception. A tour-de-force of tension from second minute to last, it is the tale of British character under extreme pressure, a homage to our doughty resolve to meet any challenge, a paean to our plucky Heath Robinson ingenuity when traditional methods fail – to build a sea dock from trucks overlaid with planks, to send out pleasure boats to rescue an army.
Tombs’ much lauded recent The English & Their History is similar: focusing on the loss of German nerve, the stubbornness of the French rear guard, quiet English stoicism, and Churchill’s granite determination that there would be, could be, no negotiating with Hitler.
But it is not quite the way the country lived the story at the time.
So convinced were the military that disaster was inevitable that King George called the nation to a National Day of Prayer on Sunday May 26th. Millions responded. The Daily Sketch claimed, ‘Nothing like it has ever happened before’.
There followed a series of ‘fortunate’ events.
Hitler overruled his generals, and halted his armoured columns ten miles from Dunkirk, relying, Churchill believed, on airpower to annihilate the British Army. On Tuesday May 28th, however, a huge storm hit Flanders, grounding the Luftwaffe, and allowing the British troops to scamper, largely unharried, to the beaches. Despite the Flanders storm, an uncharacteristic calm settled over the Channel, enabling the armada of smaller ships to make the crossing. Over 335,000 men got back to Britain: ten times the original estimate.
A day of National Thanksgiving was declared for June 9th. C.B. Mortlock, writing in The Daily Telegraph, said: ‘the prayers of the nation were answered … the God of hosts himself had supported the valiant men of the British Expeditionary Force.’ Churchill, addressing the Commons, called it, perhaps more ambivalently, ‘A miracle of deliverance’. Many officers and troops were clearer: God had stepped in.
But time passes, values change, and the tale is re-told by today’s cultural victors who choose to suppress these inconvenient, now academically awkward, witnesses to the glory of the living God.
Our call, as Psalm 145:4 reminds us, is to commend God’s works to the next generation, whether we see his hand on the beaches, the landing grounds, the fields… we shall never stop praising his name.  [Mark Greene]
BTW the root word of the Flemish name for Dunkirk means: Church of the Dunes.