Monday 31 December 2018


In a stable environment we take many things for granted.
Unfortunately society is a lot more fragile than we think (if we think about it at all) and the consequences of complacency are profound.
Beware creeping totalitarianism.
I would posit Victoria as a collectivist petri dish worth watching to determine just how such potentially ruinous policies will affect us in the future. 
If the truth doesn't fit into the official policy then we change the 'truth'. Nothing to see here, move along (gang violence), when things go wrong blame anyone else (the murderous bush fires), waste billions on useless policies and constructions that are motivated by false scares, the consequences of which propel living expenses into the stratosphere (climate change?), all of these examples, and there are many more that represent the sacrificing of ordinary middle and working class people on the altar of ideological claptrap by the current Victorian Labor government. 
And it has only just begun. 
Watch this space.

The lame-stream-media would have us believe that Donald Trump is the face of a new Fascism. 
Only history illiterates would conceive of such a notion never mind believe it.
The real dangers lie in those politicians who are at the coal face but are too interested in their own careers, goals and ambitions to challenge the increasingly hostile lawfare that is straight-jacketing ordinary Australians in so many professions. 

I was regaling some friends with my wife and my early escapades into retailing our own brand of clothing during the early 80's. 
As we were sharing stories and experiences it became very evident to all that to be able to recreate such events today would be impossible given the legal strictures and workplace requirements that strangle business these days. The only bodies capable of undertaking much new business today are those with large human resource departments capable of dealing with the debilitating amount of red-tape and governance requirements that local, State and Federal governments place on business development in Australia.  

The end result; free enterprise as we used to know it has almost been eradicated from our society. 

Oh sure, there are still some industries and small businesses that exist against all odds because of tenacious and the sometimes brilliant entrepreneurs behind them. But you speak to the average small and mid-range business owners these days and you will hear horror story after horror story of how bureaucratic busy-bodies are incapacitating the marketplaces.

Soon only crony 'capitalism' as experienced in the communist and 3rd worlds will be able to survive.

That is but one example of creeping totalitarianism in our 'free' society today.

Monday 24 December 2018


As our fragmenting culture picks its lemming-way across the cracking, fragile, societal membrane stretched wafer-thin over the abyss noir, those fostering the chaos continue to turn up the pressure until polite and civilised society shatters into a million tribal shards.

The destroyers then vacuum up the human detritus of scarred and shattered souls, fills them with a Mephistophelian motive and spews them once more into the mean-streets to wreak their blood-soaked revenge on those whom the destructive elite deem unworthy.

It reflects the vicious yet recurrent theme of history repeating itself ad nauseum; a true truth that chews up the under-educated, dislocated and disillusioned, rinses and repeats until such time as the new shattered zeitgeist renders society ripe for the inevitable triumph of the strongman:
Conor Barnes, a woke apostate, recounts his time among sad radicals:

Radical communities select for particular personality types… They attract hurt people, looking for an explanation for the pain they’ve endured… However, radical communities also attract people looking for an excuse to be violent illegalists. And the surplus of vulnerable people attracts sadists and abusers ready to exploit them. The only gate-keeping that goes on in radical communities is that of language and passion—if you can rail against capitalism in woke language, you’re in…
Abusers thrive in radical communities because radical norms are fragile and exploitable. A culture of freewheeling drug and alcohol use creates situations predators are waiting to exploit. A cultural fetishization of violence provides cover for violent and unstable people. The practice of public “call-outs” is used for power-plays far more often than for constructive feedback… Having somebody yell at me that if I didn’t admit to being a white supremacist her friends might beat me up, and that I should pay her for her emotional labour, was too much for my ideology to spin.

Saturday 15 December 2018


In the Western tradition one of our most important foundational presuppositions is that people are individuals.
The Socialist mindset holds that individuals make up ‘the people’ i.e. the individual is subsumed within the collective.

Hold this fact in tension: during America's mid term elections 64% of young people voted for left wing, socialist  candidates. In Australia I would guess that our young folk hold much of the same worldview, certainly those 'educated' through the university system.

Why? How can this be so given the atrocious history of Socialist governments?
Answer: Because the education of our young people in the West has been taken captive by left wing ideologues and education has been usurped by indoctrination. 
Don't believe it?  Experiment for yourself. Go and question any young person under the age of 25 (30?) and ask them about Socialism. 
Ask them what they know about Lenin, Hitler (yes he is called a Fascist but [NAZI=National Socialism]and so was Mussolini yet when he gained power Lenin wrote to congratulate a 'brother'), Stalin, Khrushchev, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez, et al. 

I guarantee the answers will surprise you if you have any knowledge of world history.

The terrible truth in the West with our freedoms (hard won) and the vote is that each one of us is partly responsible for the outcomes of government; because the individual stands as a bulwark against possible tyranny if we exercise our responsibilities, which makes our existence important. It provides meaning to each one of us individually as well as towards our families, our community and even in some cases towards the world communities.

Why you may ask is this a ‘terrible truth’? Because if you abdicate your responsibilities the negative results are then your responsibility and ultimately I believe we will each answer for these choices including sitting on the fence for that is a choice nevertheless.

Wednesday 21 November 2018


The 'education' unions in America are peopled by the same low-life, pinko activists as those in Australia. 

To these intellectual vandals the whole idea of 'education' comes way down the list of desirable outcomes after personal ambition, money for nothing, status, virtue signalling, political correctness etc. Thomas Sowell charts the political bastardy in not allowing 'charter' schools to open, usually because the charter system, though still public, gives meritocracy room to develop and the socialists "don lak tha'" 
As a result of the charter schools' educational achievements, it is not uncommon for thousands of children to be on waiting lists to get into such schools -- in New York City, tens of thousands.
This represents a huge opportunity for many low-income, minority youngsters who have very few other opportunities for a better life. But, to politicians dependent on teachers' unions for money and votes, charter schools are expendable.
In various communities around the country, charter schools are already being prevented from moving into empty school buildings, which would allow them to admit more children from waiting lists.
Denying these children what can be their one chance in life is a new low, even for politicians.

.....Such comparisons in New York City showed, almost every time, a majority of the students in the traditional public school scoring in the bottom half in both math and English, while the percentage of charter school students scoring in the top half was some multiple of the percentage of other students scoring that high.  [Thomas Sowell]
To see the results of our own rapidly deteriorating, semi-socialist educational system we only have to observe how the grades of Australian students are falling.

I suspect that if one plotted a graph charting the plunge it would be roughly equal to the amount of wasted extra money both Labor and  the 'liberals' (Labor-lite under Turnbull) have shovelled into the system.

Saturday 3 November 2018


Female Presbyterian minister standing on the steps shouts at Trump visiting the Tree of Life Synagogue: 
"you're not welcome here, we welcome everybody".
She's completely unaware of the absurdity of the statement.
Its almost a haiku of cognitive dissonance and yet the left insiders no longer possess the ability to recognise the contradictions emerging from their own mouths.

A 'blood dimmed tide' indeed

Thursday 25 October 2018


Marx goes PoMo via his nefarious acolytes never ending quest to destroy the most successful civilisation our flawed human world has ever achieved, primarily because it did so on the 'wings' of the Judeo-Christian worldview:
"The beginnings of identity politics can be traced to 1973, the year the first volume of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago—a book that demolished any pretense of communism’s moral authority—was published in the West. The ideological challenge of socialism was fading, its fighting spirit dwindling. This presented a challenge for the Left: how to carry on the fight against capitalism when its major ideological alternative was no longer viable?
The Left found its answer in an identity politics that grew out of anti-colonialism. Marx’s class struggle was reformulated into an ethno-racial struggle—a ceaseless competition between colonizer and colonized, victimizer and victim, oppressor and oppressed. Instead of presenting collectivism and central planning as the gateway to the realization of genuine freedom, the new multiculturalist Left turned to unmasking the supposed power relations that subordinated minorities and exploited third world nations.
..........The original battleground was the American university, where, as Bruce Bawer writes in The Victims’ Revolution: The Rise of Identity Politics and the Closing of the Liberal Mind,
The point [became] simply to “prove”—repetitively, endlessly—certain facile, reductive, and invariably left-wing points about the nature of power and oppression. In this new version of the humanities, all of Western civilization is not analyzed through the use of reason or judged according to aesthetic standards that have been developed over centuries; rather, it is viewed through prisms of race, class, and gender, and is hailed or condemned in accordance with certain political checklists.  "[M Conttinetti]
Western civilisation is a mess, even at its loftiest point it was riddled with weaknesses, betrayal, dishonour, corruption and every failure known to mankind(sin?), but like Churchill's take on Democracy it was infinitely preferable to its alternatives:
"...indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"
It appears that our erstwhile younger folk egged on by the globalist elite and desacrilized Hollywood sybarites and 're-educated' by neo-Marxist neophyte totalitarians with a penchant for allowing  children to direct the 'learning' (via critical theory from the Frankfurt school) resulted in cohorts of  graduates with a notable inability to think, reason research and/or comprehend consequences, we now end up with a voting population ripe for conquest.

As I have said before and will repeat ad nauseum; when they get what they think they want they are not going to like what they actually get....if history is anything to go by and unlike the bulk of educationalists today I believe history is an accurate indicator for the future.

Wednesday 24 October 2018


Cognitive dissonance and Trump derangement syndrome are like trans-rational dance partners:
"Oh, and it’s all Trump’s fault because Trump is magical and omnipotent and he personally approves Arab hit team operations in Asia Minor. Or maybe it’s Jared Kushner who did that. It’s hard to know which of the White House masterminds (who we are simultaneously informed are scatter-brained half-wits) is pulling the strings around the world. After all, no Neo-Dark Age potentate ever murdered anybody until Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit lost." [K Schlichter]


I have just read a post about an experiment in America where a drug was administered to a group of volunteers for the express purpose of 'making them more friendly towards refugees/immigrants'.
[The title of the study is, "Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection." (Reference: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Aug 29;114(35):9314-9319.)]
Huxley embraces Orwell.

I also happened to be watching TV last night, a favoured programme which for 3 seasons has managed to maintain some balance in the political arena...not so with the new series. It has adopted a much more radicalised left-wing perspective even getting Hillary Clinton in to lecture the viewers about 'loving multiculturalism and hating nationalism'....this is a direct attack on the concept of countries having borders and an unrepentant promotion of the idea of globalisation. As in the study of Oxytocin the idea is to change behaviour, not address legitimate issues such as overcrowding, the loss of identity, crime, etc

Behind this agenda is a belief that the human being is nothing more than a biological machine to be manipulated by those in power to do what they believe is best for everyone[actually themselves]. With a TV programme it is possible to switch off as I did, however when it gets to the point of tampering with our water supply the effects are much more sinister.

Welcome to our Brave New World.

PS......thank you Hollywood for being so stupidly unsubtle which provides me with the opportunity to stop watching TV and begin to reawaken my studies of the glories of Western Culture. So much to catch up on, so much wealth and richness of reading.

Saturday 20 October 2018


I am beginning to emerge from a long hiatus regarding art and am re-publishing my Wix art profile detailing some works over the years...appreciate any and all feedback.

Because this is an ongoing process I realise that I have duplicated some images and have left others out but I am editing every day and would appreciate suggestions.


Tuesday 16 October 2018


Leave it to our 'expert betters' to keep on keeping on with the comedy gold routines:
"When Trump’s electoral victory became apparent, Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman warned that the world was “very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight”. In fact, since the election of Trump, America has achieved solid and uninterrupted economic growth. Unemployment, and particularly black unemployment, is lower than it has been for many years. Home ownership is up. The stock market continues to climb. New industries have started and old ones have been revived. Trump’s America is prospering."[Hal Colebatch]
Pretty much every 'expert' these days is more influenced by ideology than fact and they prove it every time they predict some new doom and gloom scenario. The population explosion, the starvation of the world, the world running out of fossil fuels, the climate change scam, you name it they have got it wrong.

In fact just like the 'magicians' of Pharaohs court when confronted with Moses, all they manged to do was make a bad situation worse. Follow the money (especially taxpayer dollars) and you find the motive.

Saturday 13 October 2018


The Post Modern/Neo-Marxist worldview has through its various academic acolytes advocated for the deconstruction of language and has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams.

Relative values are not new, they have in fact being around for millennia, but since the latter part of the twentieth century they have gained enormous traction through the maniacal scribblings of Lyotard, Foucault and in particular Jacques Derrida.

Derrida is the deconstructionist/semiotics philosopher whose major influences included Rousseau and Nietzsche (surprise, surprise) and whose work though considered dull and incomprehensible, significantly impacted the intellectual climate of his day. It is no surprise that his work was unintelligible because it was the logical outcome of his own theory i.e. he considered words to have no meaning outside of their immediate context:
...asserts that words can only refer to other words; and attempts to demonstrate how statements about any text subvert their own meanings. [Wiki]
The English philosopher Roger Scruton said this about the works of Derrida: "He's difficult to summarise because it's nonsense."

Anyhow, we currently inhabit the afterglow of a deconstructed zeitgeist and its landscape of hollow worldviews occupied by hollow men and women. When we view our strange new world with 'eyes we dare not see in dreams' we observe politics and politicians who say one thing and then do another and who, if they are of the left, are never taken to task for such obvious incongruities.

The population at large appear to exhibit no 'common sense' anymore, everything is raw emotion and so many people seem to wear their emotional nerve endings on top of rather than under the skin.
Offence is taken, leaped on in fact, at every possible junction and lawfare breaks out at the slightest hint of a human rights' abuse, all the while admitting to no perspective being 'better' than any other...of course the actual evidence produced on the ground so to speak, points to an overwhelming bias dependant on which 'camp' you belong to.

Of course the blase acceptance of radically egalitarian values is sustainable only in the cultural/philosophical/literary avenues of existence; for example I would love to hear a Post Modern devotee who happens to hold a low skill occupation argue with their heart surgeon on the operating table that their opinion holds as much value as the surgeons. Of course such a view is absolute nonsense given that the surgeon has spent decades learning and perfecting his/her skills plus that such knowledge has quantifiable results i.e. life or death.

This is then the perfect segue to what motivated me to pen this diatribe in the first place.
Having opined briefly on how academic anarchists have altered the use and meaning of language; I draw your attention to an article I recently read featuring a 'bioethicist' named Joona Räsänen.

I grew up in a world that appeared to believe that to have ethics meant to act with integrity and morality under all circumstances. Ethics and morals have now been 'divorced' (maybe they never were 'married?) and ethics today appears to indicate a mere methodology. Hence we have academic superstars such as Princeton Professor of Bioethics Peter Singer arguing for what I would consider a highly unethical position: infanticide:
Singer often claims that his views have been misquoted, so I am quoting directly from his books. From "Practical Ethics": "Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons." But animals are self-aware, and therefore, "the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."[Nat Hentoff]
Singer was advancing his arguments before the new millennium and was, at the time, encountering some push-back. It appears that his ideas are becoming more acceptable these days and in fact are being built upon, as so often happens.
Consider the views of the aforementioned Professor Räsänen:
According to Finnish bioethicist Joona Räsänen, “[T]here might be an argument that gives, for example, the genetic parents a right to kill (or leave to die) their newborn infant even if the infant has a right to life. For example, it might be argued that people have a right to their genetic privacy and having the newborn infant in the world that carries the genetic material of the genetic parents violates their right to genetic privacy. Put another way: the fetus does not have a right to the genetic material of her parents.”[Lita Cosner]
At the risk of activating 'Godwins Law' I should point out that these ideas were advocated by the Nazi's under the rubric; Eugenics, and were, at the time, universally condemned as well they should be.

How times have changed...and yet they have not.

As any student of history can show, the period into which Jesus Christ was born, the early Roman Empire, such practice was commonplace and considered completely 'normal'. Roman law, religion and the entire ethos of the ancient world saw nothing morally wrong with infanticide or with abandoning their newborns on the dung heaps or garbage dumps of cities.

It appears that our modern day academic 'saviours', in their attempt to create Utopia on earth are in fact merely returning us to a time in history that most are quite ignorant of, and would if knowledgeable about, would want nothing to do with, whilst I, being a critic of how Derrida has bequeathed us confusion in thinking and communicating have managed to achieve both in the writing of this short opinion.

My bad!

Wednesday 10 October 2018


It is really hard to understand the leftist worldview.
I try to give most the benefit of the doubt but everyday those with a left tilt to their worldview confuse and confound common sense and reasonable perspectives.

I can only assume these people live in the 'eternal now' without regard or reference to anything in the past, and here I am not talking about history per se, but the very words that they themselves have recently uttered.

Take for example 'Peter the Red', a.k.a. 'Peter the bandanna-man' who begs forgiveness from terrorists for something we may have done to cause them to attack us (shame on you for victim blaming Peter FitzSimons!!!):
We are sorry. We are desperately sorry that the world has now moved to the point where it is on the edge of an abyss from which there can be no return. We accept that such hate as drove the planes into the World Trade Centre towers can only have come from incredible suffering, and we are desperately sorry for that suffering, even if we are yet to come to grips with its specific cause.
And then reflect on his current outburst at those who would dare to advertise on the 'holy' sails of Sydney's Opera house:
The role of those involved will not be forgotten or forgiven. The anger is visceral and widespread.
A tad unbalanced wouldn't you say?

Of course the use of advertising on behalf of stinky 'capitalism' is what offends our 'red brethren', not the use of the OH exterior for display purposes given his approval of a recent event on these same sacred sails:
The sails of the Opera House in Sydney are lit up with a projection titled "Badu Gili", which means 'water light' in the language of the Gadigal aboriginal people.

What about another example of tergiversation from another keening milquetoast; Waleed Aly who whilst probably not of the vermilion variety, leaning possibly towards that of the taqiyya type.

Here he is displaying the exact same victim blaming methodology as Peter the red:
The terrorists are weak, they're just an irritant, it's our fault, it could be white racists....
Terrorists are merely misunderstood victims of Western malevolence, weak people who are little more than a mere irritant, in fact they are probably not Islamic at all but 'white supremacists'.

Talk about Alice Aly in Wonderland!

However, when it comes to the white, capitalist patriarchy using the sacred space of the Sydney Opera house sails for the frippery of horse-racing (a favourite Australian pastime btw), they are:
"tearing apart the fabric of our society". 
There is unfortunately no end to the absurdity from the loons of the left.

One can only hope that the sensible, silent majority are able to differentiate what is intended for the good of society from what is intended for destruction; a distinction well articulated by C S Lewis in his Pilgrims Regress and, as herein illustrated, frequently misunderstood by our left leaning commiteriat.


We are inhabiting an 'eternal present', a Peter Pan generation where you are encouraged to remain  eternally adolescent  like Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and at the grotesque end;  Cher.

What we really need to do is to shuck the short pants, respond to responsibility and read some could save our civilisation and in the process you might just grow up!.

Monday 8 October 2018


Australia's taxpayer funded national broadcaster...:
"Another myth commonly floated about the ABC is that a state funded broadcaster means an independent broadcaster free of the whims of the evil media barons like Rupert Murdoch and those evil advertisers. The ABC is the least independent media outlet in the country because it’s owned by the government. There’s nothing independent about it." - Gideon Rozner, IPA
It may well be 'owned by the government (aka the Taxpayer) buts its entire operation is overseen by the 'collective'.

It is no great secret that the ABC is run by its own special interests group and what the recent spats with management have shown, is that the content, behaviour and the ideologies behind those who run the joint are firmly on the side of the Lenin/Stalinesque variety.

It is a cancer at the heart of Australia and deserves nothing less than a massive withdrawal of the free booty that keeps its head above water.

If these neo-Marxist ideologues and their twisted brethren want to spew their venom into the atmosphere then I as an advocate of free speech declare; "let them".

But what I emphatically, categorically and passionately reject is that they are able to do it on MY dollar, at MY expense both figuratively and literally.

If their ideas are so powerful, if they believe that what they are selling is the real thing,then let them loose on a level playing field to compete with all others in the common arena. Why should this bunch of bottom feeding ferals be free to use our hard earned cash to trash all that we hold dear.

This 'arrangement' is the most ridiculous case of the death of a civilisation by suicide that I have ever heard of....its plain nuts!

Saturday 15 September 2018


Identity politics is really a revival of the pre-modern notion of caste — that is, of a person's status fixed at birth. The sheer persistence of that idea across continents and centuries suggests that our notion of personal autonomy is the more difficult one to sustain.

The values that make an open society possible are not innate. We have to be taught that things we don’t know might have value, that people we dislike might have wisdom, that disagreement does not imply immorality. Are we still teaching our young people these lessons? To ask the question is to answer it. [Dan Hannan]
I have said it before (ad-nauseatingly it seems) that our 'cultural elites' (um...oxymoron alert!)  are trying to subvert the freedoms hard won by the Western civilisational story (a Judeo-Christian one).

In an attempt to be understanding even of those things I abhor (I take Dan Hannan's comment seriously) I would posit that many who are actively working against the freedoms that we enjoy are doing it out of ignorance (i.e. the herd mentality) or because of their own sense of meaninglessness rather than out of the dark malevolence of a 'lets conquer the world' mentality, at least I hope so for their sake.

Whatever the motivation the end results remain the same; Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Mao's China. Stalin's Russia, all shout loudly and proudly about the failures of Marxism 101.

Unfortunately, because Lenin and Trotsky (sounds like a music duo) new-age, post-modern acolytes occupy the high ground of academia, our children are not taught about the effects of communism, neither are they equipped to unearth the details for themselves, rather they are indoctrinated and force fed lies and more lies amidst rewritten history texts which blind their eyes to the truth. This makes it possible for 'trans' students to lobby for socialism without understanding that trans people will not survive a totalitarian regime.

It has become more than acceptable (almost obligatory) to walk around with an image of Che Guevara (a murderous and inept thug) on their t-shirts, or as they are currently doing in England (how that bonnie land has plummeted from its heights) wearing t-shirts that proudly proclaim that they are 'literally Communists':

I have never been so glad to be old.

Friday 14 September 2018


1984 is alive and well in the West.

I have a passion for history, I taught it at tertiary level, I wrote my Masters thesis on the history of a venerable institution in South Africa and I have read prodigiously about history for over half a century.

I currently teach many forms of history @ homeschooling. 
We have covered ancient history from Mesopotamia to the Post Modern era. 
We have studied the history of medicine from Imhotep to Asclepius to Hippocrates to Galen to James Watson and Francis Crick, we have studied the history of Geography/Geology/Earth  from Erasosthenes to Hanno to Marco Polo to Christopher Columbus to Galileo to Newton to Einstein, Werner Von Braun and today. 

In other words I love history; learning about it, teaching it, living it and it pains me to see how prophetic Orwell was in his denunciation of the impulse within the totalitarian worldview to shape history according to their prejudices. 

When I was a school teacher I noticed many inaccuracies in the Australian history text books, particularly regarding Aboriginal and Colonial times and of the influences behind Western civilisation. 
I have witnessed firsthand the teaching of these 'rewrites' and the way it shapes and often polarises ordinary Australians. As  a result of these observations I started my own research program to investigate such propagandist impulses and was on the verge of starting my Phd. in Education on this issue when circumstances intervened. 

In short I have despaired over the damage done to a subject I love and believe to have incredible importance in the shaping of worldviews, perhaps this is why there has been such an assault on the subject of History. 
This extract is but a tiny part of the continuing attack:
U.S. History textbook, The American Pageant, written by Thomas Bailey, David Kennedy, and Lizabeth Cohen, is also riddled with inaccuracies. That's according to Daniel Oliver, chairman of the board of the Education and Research Institute.

“Almost every other page” has liberal bias, Oliver charged during an interview with Townhall on Tuesday. His "favorite" example, he said, is the book's section on Alger Hiss. It's well known that Hiss was a communist who was supplying information to the Soviet Union, Oliver relayed. He was convicted of perjury in 1948. Yet, in The American Pageant, the authors write that Hiss was being chased by Richard Nixon, a “red hunter,” and that he got caught in “embarrassing falsehoods.”

Oliver calls the description "extraordinary" and "ridiculous." [Cortney O'Brien]
Propaganda disguised as history; unfortunately it is but the tip of an iceberg. Many, perhaps most, certainly a majority of those who have churned through the (academically plummeting) educational institutions over the past 3 decades have imbibed a warped view of the histories that have shaped our culture; Climate history, Natural history, Art history,Western history, Medical history be frank, I am not sure there can be any reversal of the trend. 

Perhaps the radicals on their long march have indeed won! 

If so they might not want what they finally get, in fact I daresay they will be horribly surprised at the results of their longings for Utopia, if the study of history has any truth to it.

P.S. For those who believe in an earthly Utopia where all things will be 'just great!'...consider that it was in the Garden of Eden that mankind first staged a revolution. There will be no peace this side of the second coming.

Sunday 9 September 2018


In 2012 Obama stated in a speech that America's entrepreneurs didn't build their businesses, the Government did....the old 'you didn't build that' moment. These days he's saying the same thing about Trump, i.e. that the economic recovery was in fact Obama's achievement. Remembering of course that he first said an economic recovery was impossible...something about a 'magic wand' I think it was.
It turns out that Obama found a 'magic wand' in his own cupboard but the difference is that his wand rewrites history, just like Lenin's, Stalin's, Mao's, Castro's, Chavez''s wand etc etc. 

It seems that such wands are available on the dark web under Amazon@K Marx.communism.www. 

Get one now at bargain basement prices.

Friday 7 September 2018


Obama doubled Americas debt during his term in office taking it from 10 trillion to 20 trillion...why? Because he is a socialist and views government as the solution to everything.
Trump, not-so-much:
"In 2017, things began to change for the better. And that too happened because of deeds, not words. The Trump administration began an aggressive and widespread effort to reduce the regulatory calcification of our economy that had taken place under the previous administration. That caused small business confidence to immediately soar to reach its highest level in three decades." [Rep D Brat]
What Australia needs is a similar stampede AWAY from the picayune meddling of politicians in the minutiae of citizens lives, particularly regarding small, free enterprise business regulations which is the vital economic engine room of Western civilisation. It is no surprise that the tsunami of GREEN TAPE imposed on business in Australia and formerly on America has caused such economic pain.

It has been intentional!

The often stated aims of the globalist elite has been to reduce the Western economic model (a.k.a. capitalism) to ruins.

By-the-way this is not some wacko conspiracy theory, to which you might reply...WHY NOT?

Simply stated; because the Gramsci/Alinsky/World alliance has written quite copiously and very publicly about their intentions, for example read Gramsci's Prison Diaries, Alinsky's Rules for Radical and Agenda 21.

The new breed of millennial-socialists whose older-statesmen mouthpieces in England; Corbyn, America; Sanders, Australia; Shorten have bought into these strategies (along with Labor's Fabians) and advocate the use of regulatory restrictions to limit and control the freedoms of 'normal outsiders'.

Its all part of the great globalist plan towards a neo-feudalist future where a small elite control the vast majority of the population (a.k.a. Agenda 21) by bringing them into submission via regulatory hamstringing whilst at the same time reducing our 'cruel capitalist' economy to tatters, thus paving the way for the rule of an elite, seemingly compassionate, environmentally friendly, paganistic band of neo-feudalist bureaucrats.

Sounds like a conspiracy theorists worst nightmare right?

I used to be extremely sceptical of all conspiracy theory's floating like flotsam on the web, now (excluding the wacko out-there theory's of the 'big' ones like JFK, the moon landing and the flat earth conspiracy) I'm not so sure.

Tuesday 4 September 2018


The so-called 'Resistance' in America; 
  • the vagina-hat wearing numpties, 
  • the Russian-collusion fantasists, 
  • the Campus Trotskyites, 
  • the media hysterics, 
  • talk-show screechers, 
  • Hollywood hypocrites
  • Antifa (one of the most egregiously misnamed org.'s in the world)  
  • and hip-hop BLM hooligans 

are actually the ones who are meddling in democracy in the United States.

They howl at the moon about how much Trump is colluding with Russia to undermine Americas democracy while at the same time doing their level best to tear down everything about Western culture that has any meaning. 

While Russia itself speeds away from the Marxist nightmare, the 'progressives' (such an oxymoron) in America (and Australia) are doing everything in their power to destroy Western culture and to turn instead to the failed policies of Marxism a.k.a. the destructive policies which have destroyed Venezuela, Cambodia, North Korea etc.

What is it about the unreal-world 'intellectuals' that insist on tearing down the good to replace it with the disastrous?
What is behind this ignorance?
2 Corinthians 4:4 seems a good place to start as an explanation because in activating this the powers behind the scene achieve this: John 10a

BTW....the solution is found in 10b.

Friday 31 August 2018


The sounds you can very clearly hear as we swirl in a counter clockwise direction down the gurgler of culture are the screams of 'normal deplorables' clutching their outdated ideas of common sense, logic, manners, and the Judeo-Christian morality which has afforded all of us, including our suicidal 'elites' (a.k.a. lunatics) the luxuries of disagreeing with the status Quo.

Our new 'intellectual betters'(a.k.a. 'delusional') are purposefully pursuing policies designed to bring Western civilisation to its knees in the vain hopes of replacing it with a Utopian, more 'loving culture' such as those we are  able to currently witness in Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, the current flavour of the month for Western Civ haters:
Later Tammam told us at a fancy Korean BBQ restaurant that coal miners get to eat at discounted rates. According to Article 30 of the DPR Korean constitution, “arduous trades” are entitled to shorter working days.
You get the impression that the so-called ‘elite’ in North Korea are different to the elite of capitalist societies, consisting of school teachers, scientists, architects, doctors and engineers, people whose ingenuity plays a role in providing the brain power for the state’s drive towards economic self-sufficiency. Are these people paid more? Yes, but this inequality pales in comparison to the inequality you see in the capitalist world. [Jay Tharappel]
A segue by Tim Blair on this pay differential: "Great way to run an economy. Let’s see Sydney University academics demonstrate solidarity by accepting wages below those of apprentice bricklayers"
Jay is a Phd student at Sydney Uni under the tutelage of that great dissembler of Western Civilisation and friend to Dictators everywhere Tim Anderson.

Aren't we all looking forward to that 'great leap forward' where our current intellectual betters (a.k.a. loons) are safely ensconced in positions of bureaucratic power where they can legally reduce we peons to the 'proper' position of serfs to our new feudal overlords.

What a rosy future we can see in the tea leaves.

Tuesday 21 August 2018


An astute summation of the character of Australia's #1 political incumbent...Chauncey Alinsky:
"Many of us might think that Turnbull stands for nothing but his own self-aggrandisement. That would be a mistake.
He stands, apparently, and very worryingly, alongside a goodly number of his party colleagues, in supporting a belief system that is viscerally loathed by many across the Liberal Party membership and out in voterland. See, Turnbull does not believe in broad churches when it comes to political parties. He does have an agenda. The agenda, in summary, is to retain the things that his Party’s base finds repugnant – like the ABC; debt; multiculturalism; Labor policies on education and social welfare; and the like – and to advance things that the Party’s base decidedly do not want – like the global warming/renewables scam; world government, or at least global oversight of Australia’s political business; more migration from groups that the “deplorables” fear; probably, at least when it is safe, the republic; and so on.
Turnbull’s international friends are those leaders most despised by your average right-of-centre voter – Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, May, John Key, Obama. His chosen Praetorian guard of miserable C-teamers – Bishop, Birmingham, Frydenberg, Pyne, in particular – are not on the Christmas card lists of anyone I know. They are enablers of bumbling, Three Stooges level incompetence and, at the same time, woke, inner-city leftism.
One question about Turnbull is – dangerous or merely hopeless? The same question came up again and again during the Obama presidency. How can one be so inept and, at the same time, so effective in changing our society and our country? The answer is, one can, indeed, be both Chauncey Gardner and Saul Alinsky simultaneously. A bungler with an agenda." [P Collits]
a.k.a. the Malchurian candidate.

Friday 17 August 2018


An article worth reading. It is authored by a well known conservative writer who transitioned from a left-wing radical (like Orwell and many others) into a conservative when he realised that the Utopian ideas of Marxism do in fact become insidious and dangerous to ordinary people as they are put into action:

When I began the project of describing this movement in the 1980s, the emergence of the left as a mainstream force in America’s political life was fairly recent and inadequately understood.” Its triumph in the 21st century was demonstrated perfectly by soon-to-be president Barack Obama in 2008, is a good example.
She labels him psychologically disturbed, but Horowitz knows well enough not to get involved in the hopeless task of proving his innocence, i.e., his sanity. To judge a dissenter mentally unbalanced is an old Communist procedure. In Volume VIII of the series, The Left in the University, Horowitz notes that academics have thoroughly adopted it in their Cold War historiography, the “consensus” version, in the words of an approving professor whom Horowitz quotes, starting with the premise that “an exaggerated, irrational fear of communism…created an atmosphere of persecution and hysteria.”
It is sometimes difficult to realize how drastic is this sweeping thesis of conservative irrationality, perhaps because of its long legacy, running from The Authoritarian Personality (1950), an influential sociological study led by Theodor Adorno that aligned fascist leanings with rightwing beliefs, to President Obama’s infamous remark about working-class whites: “[T]hey get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or antiimmigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Many liberal columnists and hosts now take conservatism-as-pathology as a starting point, and establishment conservatives haven’t responded effectively. This is another instance in which the Right has failed to understand how the Left operates, Horowitz believes. In the letter cited above, we have a leftist friend offering to fathom a renegade’s error by probing his psyche, an act that could be taken as a mode of sympathy, or at least as a wider awareness of him than his politics alone.
But that would only repeat a foolish mistake by the Right, the one, Horowitz writes, whereby “conservatives imprudently accepted the left’s deceptive claims to be ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive,’ ascribing to it idealistic intentions.” To take the psychological query at face value is to miss how it alters the debate, insidiously so, and not in the way conservatives have come to expect.
For a long time, conservatives have charged leftists with politicizing everything and everyone, but the diagnostic move does the opposite. It de-politicizes the conservative. Whatever political opinions he holds dissipate once we view him as a fragile, deluded ego. Conservatism, then, is no longer a political outlook which must be opposed by democratic means. It’s a psychosocial condition, and that’s not something you debate. Instead, you confine the sufferer.
It doesn’t take much arrogance to sustain that diagnostic approach when a settled community of liberals reinforces it, and condescension is their default mode of handling conservatives. Besides, Horowitz notes, a pleasing selfspoke of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” (Volume VII is entitled The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama). President Obama didn’t look and sound like a ’60s radical—no bad behavior, a bourgeois family life—but he readily politicized the IRS and other agencies, inserted gender identity into regulations never intended for it, and was entirely comfortable with rappers in the White House. There you see the liberal accommodation of the Left, the same beliefs and goals but with a lighter touch.

Tuesday 31 July 2018


You have got to give it to Kurt Schlichter, he doesn't hold back at all on how he thinks about issues.
Personally I admire that approach irrespective of the views expressed:
Today's millennial socialist dilettantes might consider consulting with some of us who have personal experience with this ideological cancer, but millennials tend to prefer to rely upon their arbitrary feelz rather than on boring old facts, evidence, and history.
What the boring old facts, evidence, and history demonstrate, beyond any rational dispute, is that socialism is a bloodstained abomination with north of 100 million corpses to its accursed credit. The It Girl of the current commie/Democrat daisy chain, wide-eyed half-wit Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, doesn’t let bourgeois concepts like “knowing things” stop her from sharing her sophomore-grade insights all over the left-wing media, which is to say “the media.” Gulag Barbie is a clown, and even the late nite hack hosts stare back at her adolescent babbling, amazed as she tosses an incoherent word salad about her workers’ paradise.
Why, it will be just like Switzerland. Or Sweden. One of those. Like, are they different?
I would much rather face off against someone who believes entirely differently from my worldview and is not ashamed to tell it like it is according to their perspective. That I can deal with.

The ones who really 'get my goat' are those who claim to be one thing and act like another. Two faced hypocrites who hide their true worldview behind an 'acceptable' facade. My gorgeous daughter is fighting just such a scourge at the university she is attending. She might not have the skills as yet to win the arguments, (but she soon will) but she is providing a model of courage for those in her classes who might believe differently to the lecturer but lack the courage to stand up and who as a result might be in danger of having their faith undermined.

A 'Pagan' College masquerading as Christian.
Perhaps in this topsy turvey and severely compromised world it might in fact be better to attend a non-Christian university where pagan worldviews and lies are to be expected and thus guarded against.

Some of the 'academics' who teach at her College have chosen a particular sin-path (a.k.a. the 'broad road'; Matthew 7:13) and now work at 'normalising' that sin to justify their embrace of it, and they do so by undermining the pillars upon which the Christian faith has been established.

In order to do this effectively these cancerous clowns of academia attempt to relativise the lake of truth with buckets of poison. Unfortunately they are well aware that most of their 'victims' are young and unformed either rationally or scripturally so the task is fairly easy given the levels of 'uneducation' dished out in the school system these days.

What really galls is that they freely throw around the logical fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam (science as authority) like a club to establish their dominance, an approach which has garnered unfortunate credulity in our new educational world order of propaganda and rewriting history or what I earlier referred to as the 'uneducation' of the masses.

I suppose the actual Christian thing to do would be to pray for their souls (which I shall do) however I would also point out to them that James 3 is quite a sobering passage for teachers and one which they should be mindful of, even if they claim that the bible is nothing more than a book of myths, because as C S Lewis reveals; myth is the way ancient cultures embodied truth.

BTW In actuality their 'club' is not science at all because true science is predicated on theoretical substance open to refutation:

No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. [Albert Einstein]

Instead these 'geniuses'  make claims of scientific 'absolutes' which is not science at all but scientism, i.e. an ideology.

Saturday 28 July 2018


Trevor Noah Asks Ocasio-Cortez: 'How Do You Pay for All These Ideas?

She then proceeds to trot out all the tired cliches of Marxist dogma attached to the latest inner-city pagan myth of 'global warming' thrown in for good measure...all ideologies guaranteed to wreck any economy and plunge millions into abject poverty and tragic lives, just as illustrated in so many countries around the world during the last and current, centuries. 

But of course she believes that she could do it better, that "this time it will work!" Just like the madman trying the same thing over and over and hoping each time will be different.

She also believes that if prince Gallant of Kwa-Utopia would just ride in on his white unicorn and sweep her off her feet then she could be the queen of all she surveys.

What is it about so many of the young today that their ideals are so obviously founded on propaganda and wishful thinking?
  • Poor education, 
  • a paucity of logic,
  • a lifestyle of ease and plenty which leads to taking things for granted, 
  • emotionalism wrapped in virtue signalling, 
  • and of course the idealism which is OK in the young provided it doesn't end up influencing the running of a country. 
In my humble opinion citizens shouldn't even be allowed to vote until they have a financial stake in the country and/or children.

Friday 27 July 2018


Post modernism in education has destroyed the logical faculties of millions.
It is currently possible to hold two directly opposing views simultaneously without going mad, such is the 'magic' of PoMo thought...for example; the latest young, Labour 'disciple' of Marxism in Britain, the inestimably stupid (naive?) Ash ("I'm literally a communist") Sarkar who believes in capitalistic communism:
But hey, cheer up. For Ms Sarkar tells The Guardian: “My communism isn’t about authoritarian bureaucracy, suppressing freedom or everyone wearing burlap sacks. It’s about the desire to see the coercive structures of state dismantled, while also having fun.” Wow! You can literally be a communist and destroy your country without expropriating people, starving them to death or having to wear hideous clothes! How does that work, then? Easy. As Ms Sarkar tells her fans: “We’re selling ‘I’m literally a communist’ T-shirts.” All becomes clear. She’s literally a capitalist, you idiot. [Melanie Phillips]
Orwell must be spinning like a turbine in his grave.


Brendan O'Neill illustrates how erudite sarcasm neatly deflates the pretensions of the high and mighty panjamdrums populating that rarefied atmosphere of what might loosely be termed 'academia' these days:
"Some of us were lucky enough never to have heard of Ms Sarkar before this TV ding-dong (and the vast majority of Britons still enjoy this privilege, of course). But five minutes of Googling tells me she is a middle-class academic who appropriates black street slang to appear more authentic than she is? Blacked-up university leftism is where we’re at now, guys. How more Britons do not die from cringing, starting with Ms Sarkar’s own students, I will never figure. She also apparently writes for Novara Media, which is a kind of Vice for bourgeois leftists; socialism for Shoreditch Shitheads. And now, of course, she is the woman who said ‘I’m literally a communist, you idiot’ to Piers Morgan’s wobbling face, which is nice: 15 minutes of fame and all that. The clickbait industry wrote it up, tweeted it, and waited for students and unemployed people to provide them with the clicks that help them keep going. And so is the mad cycle of online noise sustained, sadly."

Monday 23 July 2018


The 'wicked' West needs a few more Trumpian 'terminators' to wipe the globalist grins from Marxist mouths.

Friday 13 July 2018


A mere snippet from one of the many, many important issues excised from 'educational curricula' in schools/colleges/Uni's these days:
My name-changing friend did not know that slavery occurred on every continent except Antarctica. Europeans enslaved other Europeans. Asians enslaved Asians. Africans enslaved other Africans. Arabs enslaved other Arabs. Native Americans even enslaved other Native Americans.
He accused me of "relying on white historians" who, he insisted, had a "vested interest to lie."
What about Thomas Sowell, the brilliant economist/historian/philosopher, who happens to be black? Sowell writes: "Of all the tragic facts about the history of slavery, the most astonishing to an American today is that, although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century.
"People of every race and color were enslaved -- and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed."
Sowell also wrote: "The region of West Africa ... was one of the great slave-trading regions of the continent -- before, during, and after the white man arrived. It was the Africans who enslaved their fellow Africans, selling some of these slaves to Europeans or to Arabs and keeping others for themselves. Even at the peak of the Atlantic slave trade, Africans retained more slaves for themselves than they sent to the Western Hemisphere. ... Arabs were the leading slave raiders in East Africa, ranging over an area larger than all of Europe."
and.............."I asked my friend if his anger over slavery extended to countries like Brazil.
"Brazil?" he said.
Harvard's Department of African and African American Studies professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. -- who also happens to be black -- wrote: "Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America. And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That's right: a tiny percentage. In fact, the overwhelming percentage of the African slaves were shipped directly to the Caribbean and South America; Brazil received 4.86 million Africans alone!"  [Larry Elder]
And to those who constantly carp (incorrectly) that Christianity supports slavery they fail to acknowledge that before Christianity slavery was as much a fact of life as marriage, and that it took a Christian politician; Wilberforce, to campaign against it and with the help of Christianised consciences, he won! Freeing multitudes within the Western nations and around the world.

Although only an idiot believes that it does not still take place.

Wednesday 11 July 2018


The recent win by a left wing activist in a New York Democratic primary merely exemplifies the tragic superficiality of politics in the new age:
But he added that Ocasio-Cortez’s win was less an endorsement of her leftwing ideology than a reflection of Democratic voters’ current preference for fresh faces and female candidates. [Lauren Gambino]
Unfortunately many vote on these unsubstantial issues and in doing so open the door to massive ideological impositions on the entire population, and most (I would daresay) do not like what they think they want when they get it; i.e. the French revolution, the Russian revolution, the Maoist revolution, the Cuban revolution, the Cambodian revolution, the Venezuelan revolution ...etc etc ad nauseum.

Freedom is not something to be taken for granted. We in the West should not believe that our relative freedom to disagree or to do as we want within the law as an automatic 'right' bestowed upon us by some egalitarian overseer such as the United Nations. It has been a hard won right, usually involving the sacrifices of many, but it is very easy to lose. 

The Marxist view and its impact on society has been well documented throughout the twentieth century and though many of the young people who wish to try it on in the West are starry eyed romantics, those who thump the drum behind the scenes are fully cognisant of what the totalitarian imposition of absolute power means: it means power and position to the overseers.  
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.  [Winston Churchill]

Wednesday 4 July 2018


This is a sampling of some of the Sydney University 'intellectuals' who oppose a centre for the study of Western Civilisation @ Sydney doesn't take an Einstein to work out why:
"Nick Riemer, who appears to be a driving force behind the opposition, specialises in semiotic theory... In addition to what is a decidedly postmodern area of study, ­Riemer’s publications also reveal a cultural-left inclination. Titles include The Roots of Islamophobia in France, where he argues hostility towards Islam, instead of being caused by terrorism, “grew out of elites’ need to manage working-class resistance”.

Riemer’s other publications deal with the plight of refugees on Manus Island and “why racist John Howard doesn’t deserve an honorary doctorate”.

Linda Connor, who co-wrote the attack on Howard with Riemer, is also not an academic specialising in Western civilisation. Research interests include a “study of environmental change and energy transitions” and her qualifications include a PhD in anthropology dealing with “fieldwork in Indonesia, on transformations in Balinese religion, and ritual, healing and spirit possession”.

Professor John Frow['s]... research interests include “cultural studies”, “post-structuralist theory” and “the sociology of literature”. Publications include Marxism and Literary History.

Fiona Lee, also within the ­Department of English, expresses an interest in teaching prospective students about “critical theory, particularly in the areas of post­colonial, race/ethnic, gender, and queer studies”.

Not to be considered passe, Olivia Oliver-Hopkins, who also signed the letter opposing Ramsay, lists her research area as ­“examining the significance of the southern imaginary in modern American horror film through the lens of queer theory”.
PS....the irony is that these will be the first 'useful idiots' to be annihilated by the totalitarian regime should Australians be foolish enough to embrace their ideology.

Tuesday 3 July 2018


Thirty percent of all American children grow up with only one parent and yet the leftists are whinging like brain damaged galahs about illegal immigrant children being separated from their parents. 

However a basic research of the data reveals that 90% of these 'children' ARRIVED in America without their parents.....whaaaaaat?

Oh, and the picture doing the twitter sewercircuit of children in wire cages was from the OBAMA era! whaaaaaaat?

It's all just a beat up, fake news, a nothing-burger in the words of a fake news expert.

Trump derangement syndrome on full alert. 
Snowflake blizzard. 

Monday 2 July 2018


Telling the truth about issues just doesn't cut the mustard these days. Politics is better served with lies and power is what's truly important[sarc], just ask Nietzsche:

  • Arthur Phillip did not employ cannons and landing craft to shell and storm the shore (hence there was NO 'invasion').
  • So far, hold onto your britches, catastrophic climate change has greened the planet.
  • Pacific islands are not sinking. The Pacific nation of Tuvalu, for example, “long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels—is actually growing in size” – Nature Communications, February 2018.
  • Each year millions of people flee or try to flee to countries whose culture is — or was — based on Judeo-Christian values; there is no reverse fleeing.
  • Immigrants who have knocked on the door and been let in are nowhere near the same as interlopers who sneakily break in.
  • Unemployed white people living in the opioid-afflicted Rust Belt in the United States are not privileged.
  • Capitalism has brought untold riches and lifted swathes of humanity out of poverty.
  • Trump’s mannerisms when confronted by a report from Serge Kovaleski of the NYT – whose right arm is partially withered – were no different from the same convulsive mannerisms he has used on numbers of occasions to express befuddlement. This has been well documented by those who don’t hate Trump.
I choose not to mention the state of the Great Barrier Reef, except to say that relatively speaking its death throes put the length of Jimmy Cagney’s death scenes in the shade. It has been forever dying to my memory. Think about it. Would the budget have allocated half a billion dollars to protect a healthy, robust and resilient reef? Hardly likely

Saturday 23 June 2018


This excerpt is from an article on the US illegal immigrant applies to Australia as well and not only on immigration, it also applies to almost every aspect of society. The law-breakers get away with almost everything and the ever-suffering 'middle class' suffers:

"Brazen border-crossers “rarely hide from border agents,” for they know the rules of the game are that there aren’t any rules. Not for them, not for the lawless.
The law-abiding pay.
The profits from the immigration industry, material and political, are privatized; the costs are socialized." [Ilana Mercer]
Well...the middle-class (the law-abiding) suffer only until such time as the economic, social and educational propaganda of the 'intellectual socialists' in power at the helm of our new Western world order has effectively eradicated it; just as the champagne socialists have 'accomplished' in Venezuela (being the latest in a long line of examples).

When there is no longer a buffer between the 'ruling class' and everybody else then we are going to see the yogurt hit the fan and most of these foolish young 'socialist' thugs are going to rue the day they wished for the socialism they currently know nothing about.

Thursday 21 June 2018


Reading what is going on in this world makes me realise that the left have indeed won the 'long march' and have infected much of the West with their demonic values. 
When talk show hosts argue that North Korea (and other societies such as Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc) rem merely 'different' to America, in others words morally equal but merely holding 'different' know that our civilisation has hit the bottom of the barrel:

Moral relativism has hollowed out our society.
It is on full display everywhere. 
In the schools, in politics, in Hollywood, in the media, on TV, at the sporting events we love and watch and in our very back yards. 
It is not guns that kill people but people who no longer care about people and see violence as not only a way to excise their anger but as a way to 'serve humanity'...does that sound weird? Yes indeed, but from the mouths of Green fanatics the idea of eradicating many of the worlds people serves humanity!
The mad scientist who is bent on mass destruction for the “greater good” is a sci-fi theme as old as the genre itself. But, alarmingly enough, the idea did not come from comics. Indeed, in the last few decades, two real-life American scientists, Paul and Anne Ehrlich, wrote a best-selling book advocating the same ideas. [Jibran Khan]
 Talk about the abortion debacle and you can see that Molech is alive and very, very fat, almost Buddha-like in his well fed form.

It might be that the Left have got what they wanted, but I am almost certain that when it finally arrives in its fullest form they are not going to want what they get.

Saturday 16 June 2018


In America 'liberals' are what we in Australia call lefties..though in Australia the LINO's are racing to catch up:
💣"The old adage rings true – liberals want to shut conservatives up, conservatives want liberals to keep talking. But they don’t just want to shut conservatives up, they want to destroy everything about them." [Derek Hunter]

Wednesday 16 May 2018


If you have read Orwell's 1984 you will understand how Big Brothers indoctrination of citizens is hard at work today in the West for example; there are many in the Western university system who would say that 2 + 2 = 5, or 6 or any number the 'elites' want them to say without a second thought. 

These are the same people who have been brainwashed into believing that on the one hand they live in the most oppresive culture on earth:
If there are luckier young women in the world than those who attend Cornell and other American universities, it is hard to imagine who they might be. Yet, they have been so effectively indoctrinated by their left-wing instructors in elementary school, high school, and college, they walk around thinking of themselves as victims – of “systemic oppression” in what is probably the freest and most opportunity-giving society in human history. [D Prager]
...and yet on the other hand many claim that today's kids are the most intelligent cohort of human beings to ever walk this earth because so many of them now attend university. The reality is that it is precisely because of the latter that the former is a big joke:
The nation’s public schools are a mess. Only 37 percent of 12th graders tested proficient in reading and only 25 percent in maths. Yet the inability to read or do maths seems to be no barrier to college. Unprepared students are flooding into college in record numbers. The Bureau of Labour Statistics says 70 percent of white high-school graduates and 58 percent of black graduates in 2016 enrolled in college. In his syndicated column, Walter E. Williams asks, “If only 37 percent of white high school graduates test as college-ready, how come colleges are admitting 70 percent of them? And if roughly 17 percent of black high school graduates test as college-ready, how come colleges are admitting 58 percent of them? It’s inconceivable that college administrators are unaware that they are admitting students who are ill-prepared and cannot perform at the college level.”
From the Walter Williams article quoted above:

College professors dumb down their courses so that ill-prepared students can get passing grades. Colleges also set up majors with little analytical demands so as to accommodate students with analytical deficits. Such majors often include the term “studies,” such as ethnic studies, cultural studies, gender studies... The major for the most ill-prepared students, sadly enough, is education. When students’ SAT scores are ranked by intended major, education majors place 26th on a list of 38.

Saturday 12 May 2018


Good on ya Issy.

Israel Folau shows the courage that has made him a legend on the rugby field, it is also a powerful indicator of why Australian rugby has fallen to its knees in recent years. Who would have thought that in Australia you can be persecuted for holding a Christian worldview. We need to fight back now while we still have a voice:
"Not long ago, these ideas would not have been so foreign in a nation with a strong Christian heritage such as ours.

Yet Folau is being relentlessly pursued as a dissident.

First his comments were denounced in the media and criticised by Rugby Australia.

Second, Qantas amped up the pressure by grumbling about their sponsorship of the Wallabies.

Third, he was hauled before Rugby Australia bosses to explain himself under the threat of sanction.

Fourth, the public were told he would be under scrutiny concerning his social media use.

The media storm, criticism from other sportspeople, and murmurings from Rugby Australia continue.

The whole saga bears the same hallmarks as the treatment of Margaret Court during last years’ same-sex marriage debate.

Armchair experts will say that Folau should have used different words. But he shouldn’t have to be an expert wordsmith or political communicator to say what he believes. Like most people, he speaks with the voice of an ordinary Australian. When that voice is shut down in the public square, you can be sure that the more articulate voices will soon face the same fate.

In the last 24 hours, other players have continued to criticise Folau and Rugby Australia boss, Raelene Castle, has been called on to answer for his beliefs again.

Folau tweeted an 11-minute sermon by evangelist David Wilkerson (see inserted video) in which Wilkerson warns of the imminent return of Christ, the reality of judgement and hell, and the need for repentance. He also warns of false teachers and false Christ’s who will deny truths like sin and judgement." [Martyn ILyes]
Personally I will try my hardest NOT to fly Qantas where ever I can, not while it is being run by a little rainbow tyrant who thinks that the national carrier is his(ze's?) own personal fiefdom.

Monday 7 May 2018


In 1794 the French 'revolutionary committee' banned the worship of God and replaced it with the 'cult of reason', and thereafter executed thousands of people it accused of 'heresy'. This man-centered cult of reason, the French revolution laid the groundwork and the intellectual foundation for the birth to two other 'egalitarian' cults; Fascism and Communism...both of which flourish in today's swamp of 'victim-hood'.

If history is any indicator, and I believe it is, then for us to merely stand around and hide our heads in the sand about the cultural war taking place in our midst, then we should not be surprised when the guillotine arrives to lop off said heads. 

Just as in South Africa we had to make a decision whether or not to obey the unjust laws or whether to become in the eyes of human law, outlaws, so in our present condition I believe we must find ways to counter the radical agenda of the left in our midst. 

If that means merely an occasional post on Facebook or to march in street protests or to voice your displeasure at a family gathering I have no idea...each person fights the good fight according to their own level of enlightenment, but fight we must, if only for the sake of our children. We need to pick a side because the division has become a chasm and our civilisation is being white-anted by the fifth columnists in our midst.

Although many of these hapless 'intellectuals', journalists, scientists, and politicians are little more than Lenin's 'useful idiots' they are participating in the destruction of a civilisation that has been a beacon of hope, rationality and peace for the greatest number of citizens for a substantial period of time. Sure, there have been and continue to be problems with the West, no human society is without them. 

The question we should ask is why? 

Not because of the 'rules' accredited to the civilisation itself per se, but because of the curse of mans fallen nature, something the Utopianists deny and are thus feted to repeat the error of the French revolutionaries and every revolutionary in the name of radical egalitarianism thereafter; that is to pursue their philosophy of the perfectibility of human society by the imposition of societal laws and regulations:
Both Communism and Fascism attempted to transform the world to create a perfected society. Both ideologies were deprived of their power with the defeat of Nazi Germany and the discrediting of Stalinism and subsequent fall of the Soviet Union. But the secular belief that man could perfect the world in his own image, and in ways that would brook no dissent, merely mutated in the latter half of the 20th century into what J.E. Talmon termed “cultural totalitarianism”. [M Phillips]

Tuesday 24 April 2018


You can bet your bottom dollar that if this same thing were to happen:
"As previously reported by Campus Reform, the radical group has been an active promoter of anti-capitalist vandalism on campus, and has distributed pamphlets that urged students to destroy the property of right-leaning organizations." [Marissa gentry] this 'organisation' or any other lefty lunatic org. they would be screaming to high heaven about the 'evil patriarchy', 'alt-right white privilege' 'racist overlords' etc.

Following Saul Alinsky's model these spoiled, over-sanitised, protected, ignorant, limp wristed 'revolutionaries' lust to win at any cost reflects nothing more than the 'will to power' made manifest and they have so intimidated (?) the flabby totalitarian administrators of the university system that it has become a "heads I win, tails you lose" proposition in favour of the radicals:
Over the past few decades, then, we have seen a massive normalization of bad ideas that were first promoted by identity programs such as Women’s Studies and Black Studies. This could not have been accomplished without academic institutions willingly, and by now enthusiastically, embracing what Lawrence Summers (and he should know) recently called academe’s “creeping totalitarianism.” Far from embracing free debate of challenging ideas and the free speech necessary to pursue them, university life today is characterized by policies governing every aspect of college life, in the classroom and out, and offices to enforce them.[Daphne Patai]

Wednesday 18 April 2018


Problem is that the ideal of 'equal outcomes', is a fascist one. It can only be achieved by compelling others (by usually coercive means) to do as those in power say:
"Douglas Murray on utopian thinking and ineradicable vices:

To ‘destroy’ misogyny (or, for that matter, its opposite – misandry) you would have to arrive at a time when nobody of either sex… felt any need to seize on a secondary characteristic as a way to push their primary dislike. All divorces would have to go swimmingly. Men would pay alimony only with pleasure and enthusiasm. Conversely, any woman who caught their husband cheating would have to say: “Well that was just my husband: I wouldn’t want to express any conclusions about men in general.” Perhaps this is desirable. But achievable? Hardly. The trouble is some people – including some of the most powerful people on the planet – seem to believe otherwise." [D Thompson]

Monday 26 March 2018


When people refuse to acknowledge truth, when they rail against science as nothing more than a 'social construct' or as something dreamed up by the 'colonialist patriarchy' as another way to exert power over the oppressed:
According to Cheryl E. Matias and Paul T. Le, both of the University of Colorado at Denver, the belief that the apprehension of, and substance of, scientific discoveries is independent of whatever one’s skin colour may happen to be, is a problem. One that results in the spread of “whiteness ideology,” and thereby “white supremacy.”

Nikita Vladimirov pokes through the mental wreckage:

According to Matias and Le, “our science is out of touch with the experiences of our students of Colour and, instead, represents post-colonial discourses of White power and control.” “Whiteness embraces White ideology, and because Whites are at the apex of the racial hierarchy, whiteness becomes normalized and is invisible to those who benefit the most from it,” the scholars observe. “This is particularly troubling because the normality of whiteness means that Whites do not believe that they are actively investing in White supremacy or racism, which keeps oppression intact.” just know that these unfortunates have opened a door into another realm of existence.

Aldous Huxley tried that with mescalin and in fact penned a paper on his experiences called 'The Doors of Perception' from which the 60's band The Doors took their name.

These folk are stepping through that doorway and entering into another realm altogether:
Queer Magic for the Resistance (QM4R) is a collective and political affinity group based in Oakland, California. Since its inception in early 2017, QM4R has trained and mobilized street medics, energy healers, and artists to show up for local demonstrations against fascism and police violence. Among its many goals is the reclaiming of magic and healing (both physical and spiritual) as central tools in the fight against systemic oppression. I spoke with Vanessa, a white genderqueer person and founder of QM4R, and Iman, a Black queer femme who has worked closely with QM4R since its inception, about how they envision the role of magic and healing in militant resistance movements.
The inmates are now officially in charge of the asylum.

Tuesday 20 March 2018


One of Gramsci’s most influential theory’s to have been adapted by the political left is this one; the idea that:
…..revolutionary practice and theoretical correctness are identical attributes, that learning equal’s wisdom and that wisdom equals the right to rule. (Scruton R, Fools Frauds and Firebrands, p. 199)
As a result of Gramsci’s acolytes successful ‘long march through the institutions’ the ‘organs of meaning and influence’ in the West today; politics, education, organised religion, the media, entertainment, the arts etc, have been infiltrated and occupied by left-wing totalitarians who have locked the doors of access behind themselves and bar everyone but fellow believers access to these institutions.

This has given rise to an orthodoxy of opinion that brooks no deviations, and the ruthless ‘culling’ of dissenting views, usually by means of intimidation and mockery rather than through epistemological rigour.

The end result is that we now have in the West, governments staffed by petty bureaucrats who have paid for worthless degrees[1] and are therefore unable/unwilling to find employment within the actual, real-world business environment but who think that because they have a ‘higher education’, and are therefore ‘wise’, they are the logical ‘rulers’ of society and are willing and able to put their theoretical ideologies into practice regardless of which political party is actually ‘elected’. What America is currently discovering and calling the ‘deep state’.

Thus we have a bunch of people completely unqualified to run any real-world organisation running the national economy, and in an increasingly socialistic governmental paradigm these are the people who oversee everything from farming to health to the defence sector and unsurprisingly, they are making an almighty mess of things.

And here is where the real genius of Gramsci clicks into high gear. With the capture of these ‘organs of meaning’ left wing activists have insinuated themselves into positions where they are promoted as the knowledgeable rescuers of the failing society. They are presented as the ones who are the hereditary rulers because they are the ‘experts’. They cause the problems then they step in as the saviours and the situation only gets worse, but the cycle continues because the ‘normals’ are constantly fed the line that it is the right-wing fundamentalists, the greedy capitalists or the Jewish illuminati that are the real villains.

Trump has upended that linear progression that has been on an unbroken trajectory for the past 40 plus years and it infuriates the powerbrokers/The neo-feudalists, and that is why they are so determined to bring him to his knees.


Wednesday 7 March 2018


Biologist Heather Heying on the Mao-ling urge to shut down thought:
When banal observations like “men and women are different heights” prompts the accusation that I’m both brainwashed and a Nazi, it’s clear that this was not good faith protest. It is true that the authoritarian-left is denying biology, but the deeper truth of the situation is perhaps even more concerning. The incoherence of the protesters’ responses and the fact that the walkout was scheduled in advance suggests something darker: the protesters are “read-only,” like a computer file that cannot be altered. They will not engage ideas — they will not even hear ideas — because their minds are already made up. They have been led to believe that exposure to information is in and of itself dangerous.
“James [Damore] argues, accurately, that there are differences between men and women,” evolutionary biologist Heather Heying said during the panel discussion. “This is a strange position to be in, to be arguing for something that is so universally accepted in biology… You can be irritated by a lot of truths, but taking offence,” — here, Heying paused as hecklers shouted and began to walk out — “is a response that is a rejection of reality.” A non-student protester then yanked the cables from the sound system and shoved the equipment to the ground, breaking an antenna. She was promptly detained by police. “[Damore’s] a piece of shit!” she screamed as she was issued a citation for criminal mischief in the second degree. “Even the women in there have been brainwashed!” Another protester stated: “Nazis are not welcome in civil society.”

Kirsten Grind and Douglas MacMillan on “diversity” in practice at Google, and attempts to hide it from public scrutiny:
YouTube last year stopped hiring white and [East] Asian males for technical positions because they didn’t help the world’s largest video site achieve its goals for improving diversity, according to a civil lawsuit filed by a former employee. The lawsuit, filed by Arne Wilberg, a white male who worked at Google for nine years, alleges… YouTube recruiters were instructed to cancel interviews with applicants who weren’t female, black or Hispanic, and to “purge entirely” the applications of people who didn’t fit those categories.
Via Darleen in the comments, a telling illustration of “social justice” psychology:

“This is what it’s like to be a black student at New York University,” Nia [Harris] wrote in her Facebook post. “You go to a dining hall during February and you see ‘Black History Month Meal’ plastered outside the entrance. You walk inside the dining hall only to find ribs, collard greens, and mac and cheese.”
And on a campus where grievance is currency, heads had to roll:
Two Aramark employees have been fired by the food service after preparing a meal at NYU during Black History Month that was deemed racially “insensitive.” Reports suggest that the employees are African-American, though Aramark has not confirmed details about the ethnicity of the fired employees.
It’s hard to miss the class connotations of all this “woke” status-signalling. Someone who can spend around a quarter of a million dollars on attending a fashionable university feigns outrage over a menu option and then campaigns until two working-class employees are humiliated and left jobless for some sub-microscopic sin – i.e., failing to intuit the ever-changing fashions of campus “social justice” - all while the sophomore in question publicly gloats and declares her own victimhood.

Imagine the kind of utter bitch who would delight in doing that.