Friday 25 February 2011

Puke inducing

It makes me prone to vomit the way the main stream media presents such a biased view (in Australia invariably left-wing) on various issues, with the tax payer funded ABC the worst offender. I shouldn't be surprised however when one considers that the new post-modern paradigm teaches that there is no such thing as an objective truth and as a journalist to strive for the non existent makes little sense. Therefore if you are going to reflect a bias you might as well make it one that is consistent with what you believe should be the truth.

Thus we have a whole generation of political (and other) commentators who write about life as they would wish it to be (Utopian) rather than how it actually is. The disconnect between the MSM and ordinary people is huge, and this is reflected in the many polls which indicate that most people view journalists as less trustworthy than 2nd hand car salesmen.

Unfortunately the situation will not change until the educators of journalists begin to teach once more that the goal of good journalism is to reflect the facts rather than the hopes, desires and fantasies of the scribes under their tutelage. As it currently stands and given that Gramsci's disciples rule the educational roost, I hold little hope that such a miracle will occur.

So for the time being we of the broader public need to sharpen what Niel Postman called our 'crap detectors' and begin to reflect very seriously on what they read through the various media forms. In particular we need to become aware of the 'noble cause corruption' that makes little dictators out of very ordinary people whose opinions are often based on what they wish for rather than what they know to be factual.

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