Friday 30 September 2016


The attached essay details how various government 'bodies' have raped (in the generic sense) and pillaged ordinary, productive Australian citizens...all in the filthy name of 'sustainability'. A buzz word that has led to high crimes against humanity, which is of course exactly what its devotees, misanthropists all, have always intended:
David Attenborough”famous for hosting BBC’s The Living Planet and other nature documentaries”has recently drawn headlines for lambasting humans as a “plague on the Earth.”
David Suzuki told students: “One of the things I’ve gotten off on lately is that basically . . . we’re all fruit flies.” He likened us to “maggots” who are “born as an egg” and “eventually hatch out and start crawling around” eating and “defecating all over the environment.”
[A] deep misanthropy has found its way into curricula. A few years ago, for example, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation website carried a children’s feature called Planet Slayer , featuring “Dr. Schpinkee’s Greenhouse Calculator,” with which kids added up their carbon score. The game ended with a “carbon hog” bloodily exploding. Data then told children how much longer they could live until they used up their respective “share of the planet””strongly implying a duty to die thereafter in order not to be a plague on the earth.
But before I become sidetracked by the greater, worldwide march of dystopian visionary's waging war against humanity, let me attach the link to the above mentioned Australian war against ordinary citizens being fought by governments voted into power by us:


Wednesday 28 September 2016


Make no mistake, the new political ideologies are manifesting many of the same symptoms as those 'old time religions', or as Merv Bendle so eloquently puts it:
At the most profound level the answer lies in the realm of metapolitics, and in the nature of political religions, such as older versions like fascism and contemporary versions like progressivism. Metapolitics concerns itself with the underlying themes and assumptions about the nature of humanity and the world that drives political movements. In this case, the core tendency is a fierce desire to destroy religion and all notions of spirituality and the transcendent and, as Ernst Nolte pointed out fifty years ago in The Three Faces of Fascism, this desire lies at the core of all forms of fascism – of both the right (e.g., Nazism) and the left (e.g., communism). These are political religions, i.e., powerful ideologies whose cultural and political traction is so great that they impact societies like historical mass religious movements (e.g., post-Constantinian Christianity, early Islam, the Protestant Reformation, the French Revolution, the Taiping Rebellion, Communism, Nazism, and Islamism).

Tuesday 27 September 2016


Here is a comment from a blog about Daniel Andrews the premier of Victoria, an unapologetic Marxist in full 'reign' and Victoria has become an illustration of what the left wants to happen in the rest of Australia:
"He sacked the members running the Water Authority.
He sacked the board of the Ambulance Service.
He sacked the CFA board.
And handed them all over to the unions as a big thank you for services rendered.
We will be held to ransom by our seriously unionised services for wage rises we can't afford.
He's got to go, the sooner the better."
Funny how these fella's are not shy to sack everybody they disagree with when they get into office.
If the same policies were enacted by a Conservative premier...can you imaging the bovine faeces that would hit the media waves!!!! 
All hell would break loose....hell being the operative word for the left-wing nightmare that is taking root in Australia swiftly and seemingly unopposed.

Thursday 22 September 2016


There are some blogs I enjoy accessing because of their up-to-date news gathering, others for their worldviews and yet others because of a particularly amusing comments section.
This excerpt is from one of the latter, and I find the final sentence hilariously tragic:
"You're missing the point. It DOESN'T MATTER if their facts are laughably wrong. It DOESN'T MATTER if their logic is loopier than Daffy Duck. Truth and coherence aren't important. The only thing that matters is POWER. Liberals (America's Left-wingers) have spent the past thirty years lying and conniving to gain power in academia, and preserving that power is the only thing that matters to them. They will tell any lie, use any vile insult or underhanded method to keep it.
Pointing out their mistakes is like criticizing the paint job on the Panzers when the Wehrmacht has occupied your country. It doesn't matter."

Wednesday 21 September 2016


Venezuela is degenerating before our very eyes, and why?
Because of the socialist policies forced into place by Hugo Chavez...the dictator Kevin Rudds son-in-law wanted to bring to Australia to teach us how to live 'morally'.

Socialism is a degenerative economic/social cancer that has devastated every country it has been introduced to; but do the ideologues of the West want to hear the truth....move along, nothing to see here!
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no stupid monkeys the Left and its minions press on with their evil schemes until it is too late:
"A new study finds Venezuela on the brink of famine, with an alarming fifteen percent of citizens saying they can only feed themselves with “food waste discarded by commercial establishments,” while nearly half say they have had to take time off work to search for food.
The study — conducted by More Consulting and published in the Spanish-language Diario de las Américas — reflects a reality that has become the signature of President Nicolás Maduro’s tenure: a food and medicine shortage that forces most in the nation to wait in supermarket lines that can last up to eight hours. On many occasions, after the wait, they find that there is nothing left to buy."
Incidentally, who is the richest family in Venezuela? The Chavez family.....another interesting and familiar by-product of socialist regimes.


"We keep punishing success through taxes and rewarding failure through welfare, and then we wonder why we are getting nothing but failure." [A. Laffer]


Spoken by a less devious creature the following statement would seem naive or mere wishful thinking. Spoken as it is however by one of this centuries most deceitful politicians, word such as 'must be suppressed' have an ominous ring to them:
"A quarter century after the end of Cold War, he said, the world is less violent and more prosperous, yet societies continue to be filled with uncertainties and unease, he noted.

“At this moment we face a choice: we can choose to press forward with cooperation or we can retreat into a world sharply divided.”

The integration of a global economy has made life better for billions of people, he continued, noting that the level of poverty worldwide has been drastically cut.

Globalization needs a “course correction,” he said. The kind of aggressive nationalism and crude populism often voice by the “far right” must be suppressed."
It has not been 'globalism' that has raised billions of people out of poverty but capitalism, cheap energy and less government red tape, everything that Obummer hates and works diligently (between golfing junkets) against.

Beside which, his claim that America is more prosperous is a blatant lie according to his own government's census figures:
"Other decade-long trends brought to light by the Census report were equally gloomy. We still have more than 43 million Americans in poverty today. About 1 in 7 of our citizens is poor. The absolute number of poor people is so large it is now the equivalent of every resident of California being in poverty. Obama's record on fighting poverty has been a complete failure. The number of families that are poor grew by 3.2 million since the self-proclaimed savior entered office. Thank you, Obama.

Tuesday 20 September 2016


Ah! Expressed as few other commentators alive today could do it, with erudition and wit.
I present Theodore Dalrymple on the aggrievement industry.......:
The willingness to take loud and public offence manifests that peculiar modern imperative to be aggrieved and disport oneself in the mantle of no-risk victimhood. More than that, it affirms that one cares deeply about something in the absence of any other transcendent purpose in life.
And on the modern (ghetto) mutation of the word 'respect':
Alas, the word respect has come increasingly to take on the meaning that it has in the American ghetto's, namely a demand that you kowtow to me either physically or morally, in the latter case by saying nothing derogatory about me, or by flattering me and accepting my point of view entirely as “valid”. Validity has changed meaning or connotation also: it is no longer the logically correct drawing of conclusions from premises, but a demanded affirmation of an interlocutor’s ego by non-contradiction of what he says. The corollary of this is the supposed right not to be offended.
The supposed right of people to have their attitudes, beliefs, opinions “respected”, that is to say not questioned, reprehended, derided or mocked, merely because of their strength of conviction, will no doubt put most people in mind of Muslims who claim it and want to impose it on the whole world. In the wake of the Salman Rushdie affair, which in my view was a turning point in world history, a book was published in England with the title Be Careful with Muhammad! It implied that those who were disrespectful towards the Prophet had only themselves to blame if their disrespect was met with violence. This, of course, is the logic of the protection racket and the gangster: we will leave you in (relative) peace, but on our conditions.
However, such a manner of thinking and behaving is becoming more widespread: the real Islamification of our society. There are numbers of subjects on which many of us are reluctant to express our thoughts because of the reaction they are likely to evoke, even to the point of violence. Good-humoured disagreement, at least on these subjects (which, of course, change with fashion), becomes impossible. An asymmetric war is waged between monomaniac enragés on the one hand, and people for whom the subject in question is only one among many on the other. The latter are not prepared to make much personal sacrifice to establish what they see as the truth on the subject, and so the monomaniacs, who are usually a small minority of the population, win by default.

Friday 16 September 2016


A poor poppet from the left stood up and left in the middle of a speech by an obviously conservative writer of fiction who dared to slaughter the sacred cows of ‘appropriation’ and ‘political correctness’.

Said poppet betrays her motivation with this unconscious manifesto of her (and all others of her ilk) desire for the world we live in:

As the chuckles of the audience swelled around me, reinforcing and legitimising the words coming from behind the lectern, I breathed in deeply, trying to make sense of what I was hearing. The stench of privilege hung heavy in the air, and I was reminded of my “place” in the world.
See, here is the thing: if the world were equal, this discussion would be different. But alas, that utopia is far from realised.

Talk about believing in the Easter bunny and Christmas elves, this ‘utopia’ of equality’ that the leftists yearn for flies in the face of every crime statistic since time began and completely ignores history.

Unfortunately facts do not appear to dissuade the ideologically driven and when these ‘poppets’ attain power by any means, they are most likely to ensure their vision is realised whether others want it or not just as they have done in places like Russia, China, Cambodia, Guatemala, Venezuela etc, etc.

The political correctness that the author mocked and that so distressed this fragile poppet, should in fact be more correctly referred to by its proper designation: cultural Marxism:

Thursday 15 September 2016


How much longer must we put up with such hypocrisy?
Why oh why do (presumably) intelligent people continue to vote for such lunacy?

In the Orwellian tradition of 'some being more equal than others', Greens senator Shane Rattenbury (eponymous anyone?) manages to both rage against negative gearing as immoral whilst indulging in negative gearing himself:
"Quizzed on Canberra’s 2CC about his apparent lack of consistency with regard to negative gearing, Ratters justified his behaviour by explaining in so many words that while he is outraged by all these racist, sexist, homophobic deplorables who voted for Tony Abbott securing a future for their children by negatively gearing investment properties, it’s fine for him to do so, and it is perhaps even his duty because it is legal.
It’s an interesting leap of logic and moral justification. If Ratters were a plantation owner in the Confederacy, he’d no doubt be passionately campaigning against slavery while simultaneously taking full advantage of slave labor on his cotton farm and training Mandingo fighters. Because, you know…all this stuff is legal. He wouldn’t be doing anything wrong.
This kind of rampant hypocrisy isn’t that unusual for the Greens. In fact, it’s straight from the socialist playbook. It’s communism 101. Everyone has to take up their tools, work hard, and make sacrifices for the good of the party and the state. That’s just the way it is. But not us in the inner party. No, we have a more important role. Unlike all you proles (or perhaps deplorables), we are paid to think and therefore we require special concessions from socialist doctrine."[XYZ 15.9.16]


The biggest problem with Australia's Federalist system is perhaps one of its strengths. I refer to the way that the Federal government looks after all of it redistributes funds from the strongest to the weakest states...admirable and effective in providing continuity across the length and breadth of the country but it also hides the penalties which would automatically occur from bad governance.

Take the obvious basket case of Tasmania and the way that this state has long been the recipient of largess from the federal government to stay afloat. The problem stems from the lunatics that have long found a home in the state and have for many years made the 'economic' decisions that have bankrupted the State.

Hence the fore-mentioned 'weakness' of the Federalist system; which is that it PROTECTS the incompetents from discovery because the other, more competent taxpayers of Australia pick up the tab:
Tasmania is not self-sufficient economically. It relies on taxpayer funds which far exceed its contribution to Australia’s GDP ($48K per capita against the national average of $66K). The latestnational GST distribution drives this point home:
South Australia is another case in point. Its increasingly socialistic economic decisions are creating an exodus of employment opportunities because successful employers are exiting in droves due to bureaucratic red tape and  soaring electricity and energy costs. Why are these energy costs so exorbitant you might ask? Because the incompetents in government have been hoodwinked by carpetbagging warmists; Flannery's 'hot rocks' debacle, the desalination plant which has never worked and probably never will, costing the taxpayers billions of dollars are just two of the politically correct bunkum's that have devastated the economy. Again. like Tasmania the South Australian government is bailed out by the Federal government to the tune of the second highest handout from GST revenues.

Like an imprudent bureaucracy within which incompetent workers are promoted to get them out of the managers hair and the best performers; those who make the managers look good, are kept in place thereby reversing the 'logical' trend of competence rising to the top; the populations of these mendicant states are kept from experiencing the error of their ways.

As a citizen of one of these economically anorexic states I vote that we allow the states to experience the errors of their policies by distributing an equal share of the GST  to all states based only on numbers rather than need. Allow some pain to awaken voters to the consequences of their choices and perhaps, just perhaps we might rescue Australia from its plunge into the inevitable dsytopian nightmare that is socialism.


Well said Mr Roberts:
"Humans care; our future civilisation depends on protecting the environment and the future of our environment depends on protecting civilisation."
Now THAT is environmentalism 101.

Tuesday 13 September 2016


This is how Labor politicians define 'equality':
The Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 seeks to restrict the ability of religious schools and organisations to employ staff according to their faith and ethos.
Religious schools and churches are currently allowed to require that staff contribute to and demonstrate their religious values and ethos. It's called freedom of association and freedom of religion. The Government's proposed 'inherent requirements' test in this Bill would take away the freedom of Christian schools to hire all staff on the basis that they are genuine adherents, in belief and practice, to the Christian basis of the school.
These proposed changes would have the effect that Christian schools and churches could be forced to hire people who are fundamentally opposed to what the school or church stands for.
Christian schools should be free to associate on the basis that they integrate a worldview based on religious beliefs and values into all aspects of school life.
Churches appointing non-clergy staff may have to justify to a Government tribunal why they chose to employ a practising Christian over a non-Christian.
The Bill does not similarly restrict political parties or other clubs. An ALP Minister can rightfully refuse to hire a person that does not agree with ALP policy. So this Bill is a focused attack on freedom of religion.

Monday 12 September 2016


Some decades ago I decided to forego attendance at 'leadership' conferences in order to preserve my sanity and perhaps my sovereignty. Personal history has proved me prescient.

Fairly recently I have encoded such passive resistance by appropriating a literary reference via a subversion of some ancient wisdom handed down from father to son; i.e. Polonius to Laertes re: money: that is to be neither a lender nor a borrower.
Dalrymple interprets it as:
Neither a leader nor a follower be…
And I like it!

I include some leadership/management 'speak' to illustrate the booming but shallow pool of 'wisdom' present at too many of such conferences:
If someone tells you that “lean management is this” and not something else, if someone puts it in a box and ties a bow around it and presents it in a neat package with four walls around it, then that someone knows not of what they speak. Why? Because it is in motion and not a framed picture hanging on the wall. It is a melody, a rhythm, and not a single note.
This is the mysticism of apparatchiks, the romanticism of bureaucrats, the poetry of clerks and the church, like the world, has been seduced by such balderdash (to put it politely). 

Thankfully there are still a few Jackie Pullinger's and Franklin Graham's to show how true leadership 'happens'.


A must read article


Friday 9 September 2016


Leave it to a brilliant atheist to describe with panache, the two-faced nature of a Labor politician.
Just as we were going to press, the communist-China-enthusiast, atheist-yet-Muslim, ‘faceless’-yet-spotlight-seeking-obsessed, backstabbing-yet-ever-so-loyal-to-whoever-the-latest-leader-may-be, morally-posturing-about-multinationals-and-banks-yet-surprisingly-unprincipled-when-it-came-to-his-own-expenses, deeply-committed-to-understanding-the-role-of-our-allies-in-responding-to-tensions-with-China-and-enthusiast-for-letting-the-Chinese-do-whatever-they-want-on-the-high-seas, Senator Sam Dastyari
Whilst chuckling at the accuracy of the description I must say that it also fits brilliantly with the underlying intentions of Labor's political elites who have been dictated to for decades by the philosophy of Fabianism; that elitist left-wing/anarchist organisation whose logo trademark sums up their Machiavellian agenda:

Thursday 8 September 2016


This presents in brief, the fundamental dilemma facing a conservative minded individual occupying space in the political swamp of today:

But we need recognize this cancer is not necessarily isolated within a given political party. It is opportunistic: in the ’60s, it infiltrated the “bourgeois” Democratic Party the cultural Marxists despised to become the New Left that today controls many of our institutions. As it did so, this long march created a counter-trend we now see bubbling up through cracks in our national foundation.
This counter-trend, make no mistake, is every bit as identitarian as anything Edward Said ever wrote, and just as toxic. Said enormously influenced Western academics. His Orientalism laid out the case for identity politics, declaring who controls particular group narratives and how, and who and what comes to count as “authentic” and thus permitted to represent a given identity group and its (collectivist) narrative. Identity politics necessarily brackets and minimizes individualism. As with much the Left does, it remains policed by a kind of mob shaming and an enforced intellectual correctness that is linguistically incoherent.
Unfortunately, this same set of core beliefs is now ascendant on a vocal part of the self-described “Right………..
…….Simply adopting the label as it suits you doesn’t make you something you aren’t, much like calling your hamburger a carrot doesn’t make you a vegetarian. It is about a set of principles that, once they’ve become too commingled with self-serving pragmatism or “realism,” devolve into a mash of weak progressivism. This is why for years I’ve fought against RINO squishes and moderates who coopt the label “conservative” during election season, always presenting themselves as something the entirety of their records rejects.
Alt-righters — like the RINOs who leech off the conservative label — want to redefine conservatism to suit their own political purposes. What they are actually promoting is white “nationalism.” 

Friday 2 September 2016


W H Auden articulates the eternal struggle between the desire for expression and the desire for control?

Let Ares doze, that other war
Is instantly declared once more
’Twixt those who follow 
Precocious Hermes all the way 
And those who without qualms obey 
Pompous Apollo. . . . 

The sons of Hermes love to play 
And only do their best when they 
Are told they oughtn’t; 
Apollo’s children never shrink 
From boring jobs but have to think 
Their work important. 

The followers of Hermes pursue art and culture for their own sakes, or for pleasure; the followers of Apollo wish to rationalise culture, to systematise it and render it productive and efficient.

Auden and his fellow Hermetics do not wish to rule—“The earth would soon, did Hermes run it, / Be like the Balkans”—but rather to be left alone. However, the deep Apollonian suspicion of unconstrained and unjustified activities may not allow that to happen.

The really difficult way is of course to combine the two in balance or rather in harmony. Like it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1; "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:there is a time for everything under the sun."

Thursday 1 September 2016


This is just another ploy by the 'elites' (and I use that term facetiously) to impoverish the everyday working people of Australia so that they can be the aristocracy in a new feudal empire:
AUSTRALIA has developed a death wish. Why this green mania to make us poor?
On Wednesday, Victorian Premier Daniel ­Andrews announced he would permanently ban fracking for coal-seam gas.
Even conventional gas drilling — done safely here for half a century — would be banned to at least 2020.
Andrews could point to not a scrap of credible science to back these bans.
He cited only the fear spread by green alarmists: “This is the first ban of its kind anywhere in our nation and it just speaks volumes to the dangers, the uncertainty and the anxiety within the Victorian community about fracking.”
This is not the first time a state has banned a safe technology at a big cost to jobs and wealth.
Unfortunately for them it is impossible for civilisational aspirations to go backwards; which means that the inevitable result of such a Utopian vision will be resistance ending in chaos which is precisely what the manipulators of Marxist theory have intended.

The logical and historical end to chaos has always been dictatorship.