Wednesday 13 April 2011

Ideologies have consequences

I appreciate Andrew Bolt's well reasoned article about the scandal at the ADF Academy:

The article informs and exposes without excusing the boorish behaviour of all the participants. It illuminates the fact that there is always much more to any story these days than the main-stream-media usually let on about, because of their collective bias towards left-wing socialism.

I particularly like the mention of the fact that these cadets had only been at the academy for 10 weeks and were in the process of being separated from their 'outer-world conditioning'. It is something that both amuses and infuriates me, that so many pontificating hedonists rabbit on about our freedom to engage in all sorts of immoral behaviour but when the consequences of such immorality hits the fan, these same 'pundits' scream foul play. The stark hypocrisy is staggering!

The conclusion Bolt draws about this whole episode being linked to the acknowledged social engineering being undertaken by this government and how Defense Minister Smith is using the episode to further a more sinister agenda is rather disturbing. I served in a front line Infantry battalion and I most certainly would not have liked to have had a female alongside me, and not because I harbour any misogynistic tendencies, but rather because I acknowledge the truth that women are different to men, that they are (generally) physically weaker, emotionally more sympathetic and that I have been taught to respect those differences.
And before the ideologues attempt to eradicate those differences and the motivations that generations of males have deferred to, let them understand the consequences, and therefore do not complain when desensitized males take their  newly acquired lack of respect into the domestic environment.

But lets face facts, ideologues do not actually care...its all about perception not reality! 

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