Sunday 7 August 2011

Reject fakery

My wife and I love wildlife, we spent much of our free time when living in South Africa visiting various game reserves where we would sit for hours watching animals interact with each other (sometimes eating one another) and acting instinctively, and amusingly as animals do. We have therefore enjoyed wildlife programming on TV particularly the well made ones...which makes the new crop so irritating.
I think it probably started with Attenborough but the anthropomorphising of wildlife has reached ridiculous proportions.
Tonight I started watching the 'Migrations' program with Alex Baldwin narrating. It soon reached such absurd levels of emotional manipulation that I had to switch it off even though the photography was fantastic.
The green religion and its superficial emotionalism has influenced everyone and everything to such a degree that  they are ruining even the natural world, the very thing that they say they are trying to'save'. But this is exactly what the law of unintended consequences illustrates. I have spoken of it in earlier blogs so will not repeat myself save to say that until we reject these imposters and their fake belief system we and the world we inhabit will suffer the consequences.

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