Tuesday 4 October 2011

Down the gurgler!

These are the hypocrites who tailor their movies to preach the latest left-wing shibboleths to the 'great unwashed'.
In Hollywood, they deplore censorship. Yet they embrace tyrants such as Hugo Chavez who use their power to censor opposition voices. They sneer at Wall Street even as they fall all over themselves running to see how many millions their movies have grossed. They think Obamacare works nicely for poor people in the “flyover states,” yet they would never accept anything but the top doctors for themselves.
They think socialism is a novelty – a nicety whose time has come. Yet how odd to imagine their lot under a Chavez or a Castro or a Stalin. Just picture the collapse of Hollywood’s playground – the redistribution of their wealth, the despotic squelching of their free speech, the strangling of their rights and riches.
The liberal Hollywood elite, who stand firmly on their right to be heard, their right to express, their right to persuade through art, arrogantly deny that same freedom to anyone who may disagree with them. And like most liberals, they have a blind spot for their own intolerance.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/2011/09/living-amid-hollywood-hypocrisy#ixzz1ZljSaEDi

Unfortunately due to the 5th rate education(indoctrination) now being experienced by the majority of school children in the West, most on the receiving end of this cultural/intellectual garbage believe Hollywood's version of 'real life'.
Onward marches the downward spiral of this civilization...and we do not have to look far afield to discover that the barbarians are not crouching at the door; they are in our midst!

Given that Australia has deteriorated so rapidly in just three years I cannot foresee the spiral taking too long before chaos in extremis breaks forth.

I hope I am wrong.

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