Thursday 24 November 2011

Rebirth of the aristocrat.

The power of words...Alan RM Jones commenting on 'European unity' (Oxymoron), i.e. making EU government bigger, stronger and even more unelected:
...what William Buckley would call, immanentizing the eschaton. That is, the attempt to create heaven on Earth – really just a utopian eurocratic centraliser’s wet dream more likely to provoke what Barroso fears: an undemocratic, dysfunctional, alienating, extremist breeding dystopia where everyone and no-one gets to have a say about everything. Think Occupy with a budget and power.
Ah! the penny drops...Kevin Rudd's words almost exactly; our own little Euro dictator in the making. 'Shrimp mussolini' se vous plait.

And so we advance a few more steps 'back to the future' by articulating the vision that gives Bob Brown and his coterie of would-be ruling 'aristocrats' onanistic spasms.

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