Sunday 22 January 2012

Hollywood mirrors real life.

I recently viewed the movie The Invasion with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, about an alien 'virus' which infects humans like the flu bug and renders them 'peaceful', unlike what we humans normally are, which is violent, rapacious, warlike etc. Interestingly the humans also become robotic in nature somewhat like the Stepford wives and this appears to be what our intellectual elite are trying to do to us even now with their excessive occupational health and welfare laws, politically correct obsessions and the excessive legal and bureaucratic straight-jackets that they continue to impose on the general population.

Good ole Hollywood lefties, evangelizing their twist on James Lovelock's view of the 'human virus' which is hurting the Gaia he so evidently loves. I finished watching the movie and flicked on to ABC TV and whats on; but BIG IDEAS with Tim Flannery spruiking his Anthropogenic Warming theory and how we nasty humans are destroying the planet.

Fiction becomes fact!

The new elite truly hate humanity, but they cloak their misanthropic impulses with We are the World songs, or vacant, tremulous, "I love you all" statements uttered by drug addled rock 'stars', and the endless repetition of words like; healing, nurturing, peace, empathy, sustainability etc...all of which serve as a new atheistic opiate, numbing the reality of this world gone mad and it all kind of makes the underlying hatred worse, because just like the aliens in the movie you don't know who or what to believe anymore.

Sure we are hurting this world, something we have been aware of for decades, back then we called it SIN. But is most definitely not fashionable to use such mythological language in today's highly evolved civilization.

The Post Modernists teach that history has been fabricated by duplicitous schemers and thus dismissible, the Marxists teach that religion is the 'opiate of the masses', i.e. an elaborate panacea, and our current 'intellectual elite', the secularised scientists/philosophers/socialists all believe that we were born 'good' and its our mean (see capitalism) social 'environment' that has corrupted us and therefore if we can merely usher in a more 'friendly' environment, (see wealth distribution) all our problems will be solved...just like the movie!

All of these blathering idiots think that their discovery of human beings hurting the planet is earth shattering (excuse the pun) new information.The true travesty behind all of these  'revelations' is that most of these starry eyed utopianists believe that somehow, we humans can change the weather with a new tax or two and human nature with restrictive new laws!

What unbelievable hubris!

Thousands of years ago a man named Moses brought just ten laws down from a mountain top to show humankind how impossible the task of law keeping was. Law exposes sin it does not nor can it, erase sin.
Our human 'leaders' have spent the last hundred years attempting to eradicate all traces of this ancient law from modern society, and then they complain when man evidences the nature he was born with.

President Harry Truman wisely reflected that those who ignore or who are ignorant of history are bound to repeat it and the history books record the truth of that statement.

What is that gurgling sound I hear?

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