Saturday 25 February 2012

What goes around...

The latest deadly tantrums by Islamic proles in Afghanistan and the abject apology awarded to these malcontents by the space cadet president of the united states illustrates the rapidly escalating deterioration to the backbone of Western civilisation.
What is of significant import to me is that in the many press articles I have read regarding the debacle, Diane West is the first journalist who uncovers that really essential nugget of information that has been hidden from our view and which is the real reason behind the book burnings:
 That's partly because I see no upset in the land over the latest and greatest display of American dhimmitude -- the subservient state of Jews and Christians in thrall to Islamic law -- that we have witnessed in Afghanistan all week. Afghan Muslims have convulsed in rioting and killing (among other fatalities, two U.S. military personnel have been murdered by an Afghan army member) on word that Qurans and other religious materials were disposed of on a U.S. military base after authorities discovered the books were being used at Parwan prison in what the BBC said may have been "a secret Taliban message system."
Now I have to ask the question...why have so many articles, puff pieces, essays and journalistic endeavours  ignored this somewhat salient fact from their reports?
The rampant dishonesty and fraudulent bias that exists in the main-stream-media today beggars belief and is I believe, a major factor behind the accelerating demise of Western civilisation. And what makes it all so incomprehensible is that these communication elites will be the first to suffer annihilation under the rule of the incoming barbarians.

This is a classic case of those who either ignore the lessons of history or just willfully ignore them are in fact doomed to repeat those lessons.

West ends her article with some strong sentiments:
This isn't just political correctness run amok; it's open submission to Islamic law. After all, the Quran is an inanimate object, a thing, cheaply printed and distributed by the gazillion, often by Saudi Arabia. We -- if by "we" I may still refer to the Judeo-Christian-humanist world -- do not rampage and shoot people when an inanimate object, a thing, even a Bible, is torn, written on or thrown away. In fact, we have constitutional rights to do all of those things as a matter of free speech.
Nonetheless, we as a nation -- spilling blood for the "noble people of Afghanistan," as top commander Marine Gen. John R. Allen says in his prostration video (see it here) -- have deemed it vital to accommodate, apologize, slurp and scrape to those who do. Equally as tragic, in the frenzy to apologize, the logic behind throwing the stuff away has been sacrificed. Reason itself has been discarded in a shameful and irrational act of fealty. This isn't just dysfunctional behavior. This is full-blown dhimmitude.
I cannot say I disagree with her.

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