Tuesday 6 March 2012

Rise up Aussies!

Our national identity is under threat, as are our personal freedoms. Democracy itself is threatened  re; 'the media enquiry' and like-minded totalitarian impulses. Our children sit under propaganda lies rather than being taught factual information, ideologies abound in the arts, the media and in education:
The global citizen is often ashamed to be Australian. Many of those who prefer to be a global citizen rather than an Australian citizen come from the same inner-city cultural elites that house the core of left-wing progressive politics. First-generation Australians such as those employed at SBS, public intellectuals such as Robert Manne and Raimond Gaita, academics of almost any discipline, teachers, actors, movie-makers, the arts industry, novelists, poets, playwrights, many journalists—all seem to be much more concerned with their responsibilities as global citizens than as Australians. Our arts, plays, poems, novels echo the demands of global fashion rather than any concern with the Satya (search for truth) of which Gandhi spoke.
So we find out about who we are by viewing ourselves through the eyes of the world. Yet the world has already been misinformed. Kangaroos are not a threatened species and at times they need to be culled. The original inhabitants are not just noble savages. The three children depicted in the film Rabbit Proof Fence were not “stolen”. The entire “stolen generations” thesis is demonstrably incorrect. Australia has never been guilty of genocide or attempted genocide or any of the other tawdry fly-catching UN definitions.
Increasingly democracies are threatened with international laws and ideological imperatives that have been written by unelected global citizens employed as bureaucrats. The United Nations is another country seeking to colonise the world. If it is misinformed, it could be seen as an invader.
Australia is under threat...this government has managed to push through ideologically driven laws, and potentially life changing legislation even in the midst of its perceived 'bungling'. Australians can no longer remain impassive in the face of massive worldview shifts.

Ordinary, everyday Australians have to get off their comfortable couches to engage in the debates that are shaping our country for generations to come. We must resist these attempts to return the economy of the 'lucky country' back to pre-industrial times where a select few 'aristocrats' hold all the power and the rest are reduced to serfdom. The Greens and their ilk would like to return us to their concept of a 'golden era' where they wield the power and we serve then in the role they like to see themselves in.

Unfortunately life doesn't work that way...the brutal and ambitious 'Atilla's' lurking in the shadows (and they are there) will step up and annihilate the powder-puff 'elites' to create a Wellsian future of Eloi and Morlocks and everyone will live to regret their impassivity.

Such is the fate of those who will not learn from history.

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