Friday 16 March 2012

Truth tellers

May the good Lord forgive us all for our timidity and our sinfulness. God grant us the courage to stand tall for our beliefs and in love, tell the truth as God wills and as we know it to be:
“Churches ‘very rarely talk about sin and refuse ever to say that homosexual behaviour is a sin.’ Only a minority of people in the churches in Britain, ‘speak out the word of God. And they get a lot of aggression for it,’ she said. ‘The church is doing a disservice to homosexuals by denying sinners their liberty in the lord Jesus Christ. They are blind guides leading others into a ditch of destruction.’
“Acceptance of the claims of the homosexualist movement by many of the mainline churches and by the medical profession have been ‘incredibly destructive’ to people, Pilkington said. By aligning themselves with the homosexualist movement and committing themselves to the path of ‘gay affirmation’ they are no longer able or willing to offer homosexual people the spiritual and psychological guidance and support necessary to leave the lifestyle if they wish.
“‘Statistics for self-harm, self-hatred, psychological illness are horrendous and are getting more and more momentum as this acceptance grows,’ she said. Homosexual behaviour is ‘incredibly bad for the individual, it is destructive to the person and to our nation.’
“Referring to the recent push by the government to abolish the definition of marriage in law, she said that the churches have brought much of their troubles on themselves. ‘Ultimately the acceptance and encouragement of homosexuality has led to the destruction of traditional marriage and the traditional family. There is no way being gay-affirmative is helpful to individuals or to our nation,’ she said. She admitted that in the UK, it is becoming ‘very close to illegal to say this.’
“The result of cases like hers, she said, is that ‘gay activists are becoming very emboldened.’ The intimidation has reached the point where even those in the Church who might disagree are keeping silent. Few religious people or church leaders ‘are willing to say, thus far and no further. This is not acceptable behaviour. The established churches don’t accept the way I’ve spoken today, which is a biblical way. The word of God is being marginalised, as is the medical truth of homosexuality’.”

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