Tuesday 5 June 2012

Celebrity listings

Hehe, an amusing list of those in the 'eco-hypocrites club'...or the "do what I say not what I do" occupiers of the moral high ground:
* John “5 private jets” Travolta: we must all “do our bit for climate change”.
* Harrison “6 private planes and a helicopter” Ford: “We are at a tipping point”.
* Leonardo “Learjet Liberal” DiCaprio: “Our planet’s alarm is going off”.
* Sheryl “three tractor trailers, four buses, and six cars” Crow: “We can make it work with only one square per restroom visit”.
* Madonna “new toilet seat every day” Louise Ciccone: “If you wanna save the planet, jump up and down!”
* Prince Charles “16,400 airmile green crusade” Windsor: “Our planet has reached a point of crisis”.
* James “3 homes in Malibu” Cameron: “We’re going to have to live with less”.
* Barbra “120 bath towels per hotel visit” Streisand: “We are in a global warming emergency state”.
* Paul “Lexus by airmail” McCartney: “Less meat means less heat”.
And many more besides...think Al Gore, Tim Flannery et etc.

My mind boggles, not so much at the hypocrisy of these morons, fools like these have always existed, particularly those who achieve some level of fame in the entertainment field and then begin to believe their publicity handouts, that is that somehow success equals prescience. In reality their unconscious motivations appear to be more like survivors guilt than a true epiphany.

The major problem however, lies with the many 'ordinary' people who subsume their common sense and embrace these crackpot 'end-is-nigh' theories. The same people who would laugh at a religious nut  who makes a similar, but perhaps even more evidentially based claim.
I suppose it is the inevitable result of a civilisation that has had it too good, too easy for too long a time and whose busy worker bees are too distracted to understand that the benefits we currently enjoy did not just 'evolve' out of the mist, but that they are the result of a collective worldview and that ideas have consequences and ludicrous ideas bankrupt civilisations with chaos the resultant outcome.

Some want this of course so that they can clean up and control. For those naive dupes who have never experienced totalitarian rule...I hope and pray that I am wrong!

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