Saturday 16 June 2012

The green zealots running this government and those who act as  their mouth-pieces do not care if you and I struggle to meet our bills, pay for food, electricity or anything else. In fact they believe we must increase the pain at least by 5 times more.

Yet this same planet-saving government, having already given us so many green disasters - the free pink batts, the solar hot water rebates, green audits, failed solar projects, limp wind farms, carbon capture - is still pushing ahead with a $10 billion green energy fund that is guaranteed to waste even more.
It’s insane that even after trawling though this latest smoking ruin, author Lenore Taylor and those she interviews don’t conclude that “stopping” global warming is not worth this pain, but that we need to spend yet more. Much, much more:
Dr Peter Cook, former head of the CO2CRC and now professorial fellow at the University of Melbourne, says progress is being made, particularly in understanding how carbon dioxide can be sequestered.

But he agrees with Wells that ‘’a $23 carbon price will not drive this investment - you need $100 a tonne or something of that sort to drive it. Other low-emissions technologies get effective support of that order.’’
And what difference will all that spending actually make to the climate? About zero. Utter madness

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