Friday 5 October 2012

Apostacy in the Church

An Anglican 'priest', Dr. George Armstrong, advances the cause of a one-world religion in New Zealand. Bill Muehlenberg has some scathing things to say about 'wolves amongst the flock'. This is a brief excerpt:
His concluding words are as shocking as any he has uttered: “I can expect a teacup storm to greet ideas like those expressed here. But these ideas will be seen by most readers, many Christians among them, who have persisted in reading this far, as simply the common sense of our age. A United Religions is going to have to catch up with and work alongside a United Nations.”
There you go: one-world religion to match a one-world government. Everything the enemies of biblical Christianity have ever wished for. Destroy any differences and enforce a dumbed-down uniformity of beliefs and practices. Forget the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Forget the truth claims of Christianity. Forget the many warnings about concentrated power corrupting absolutely.
This guy is just an utterly deluded secular humanist who still wears a collar. He is a wolf who has denied the very heart of biblical Christianity, and has proven that heretics and apostates are running riot in our churches. Why his church allows him to remain, spewing out this poison, is beyond me.
The full article can be viewed here:

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