Monday 31 August 2015


Reading about the recent riots in Melbourne, the corruption at the heart of Labor politics (and in some nooks and crannies of the Liberals as well), Labor's woeful defence of union thievery and thuggery, the mendacious and subversive theories regurgitated on a daily basis by 'their' ABC, and so-called 'academics' chosen for conformity to ideological prejudices and affirmative action quotas who propagate flawed, illogical and dissembling claptrap from their bully pulpits and stifle any/all dissenting voices,............ gives the following excerpt a peculiarly familiar tone:
Among Lenin’s contributions was the theory of the vanguard. Since it was apparent that the proletariat masses were unlikely to rise up, Lenin argued that it was necessary for a relatively small number of vanguard leaders -- professional revolutionaries -- to advance the revolutionary cause by working themselves into positions of influence. By taking over the commanding heights of labor unions, the press, the universities, and professional and religious organizations, a relatively small number of revolutionaries could multiply their influence and exercise political leverage over their unwitting constituents and society at large.
It was Lenin who introduced the concept of the “popular front” and coined the phrase “useful idiots” in describing the masses who could be manipulated into mob action of marches and protests for an ostensibly narrow cause of the popular front, which the communist vanguard was using as a means for a greater revolutionary political end.
The malevolent and corrosive worldview called communism did not die with the collapse of the Berlin wall, it merely metamorphosed into the Alinskyite swill we witness controlling the minds and actions of so many of our political and media elites. 

We need to encourage a revolution of political will on the part of conservatives to make the necessary choices to repair the broken walls of our culture and in doing so to suffer with courage the 'slings and arrows' of the legion of media loudmouths (useful idiots) which are sure to follow. 

Even if it means losing their seats at the next election. 
That takes real guts and implies that the necessary decisions are significant enough to irrevocably change the direction of the country within three short years.

Look at Labor in Victoria, they at least have had the courage to make decisions based on their convictions. Unfortunately these 'convictions' do not serve the majority of ordinary citizens, but the unions and ideological masters controlling Labor. 

Our only hope is a return us to the structures and values that made Western culture the foundation of most that is good in this dangerous world.

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