Friday 30 October 2015


Reading an article such as this [] because it was part of another story I was interested in and because it was so 'out there' that I felt compelled to read it; left me with a feeling of hopelessness for our current 'civilisation'.

In light of the atrocities being committed by ignorant savages in the middle east, the slave trafficking of more than 27 million young souls, the huge increases in suicide, drug abuses, mental breakdowns, and depression in our societies; the unreflective narcissism and unblemished pig-ignorance of this article was like a blow in the face.

Such folk and their potty-mouthed, militant, shills are being given unprecedented access to the ruling elite (many of whom share their peculiar bondages) which in turn affects government processes and outcomes resulting in unprecedented social engineering on a scale never before imagined outside of Orwell's '1984' and Huxley's 'Brave New World' (now) prophetic utterances.

As our world auto-indoctrinates itself through deconstruction, political correctness, and the various guises of self delusion thrown up by the Post modern psycho-babble establishment, so we move 
purposefully onwards, lemming-like, towards our rose-coloured, socially engineered demise, until as so aptly put by Mike Tyson: "we get punched in the face".

By then it will be too late.............Like Shadrack & Co we are headed for the furnace.

But be of good cheer, there is the 'fourth man'.

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