Thursday 4 February 2016


In today's world the more you toady to the elitist ideologists the more fame and fortune you garner. Witness our new 'Australian of the year' whose actual record should have relegated him to janitorial status.
"Morrison presided over one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in this country’s military history, in his over-the-top ­response to the Jedi Council scandal. His impassioned 2013 speech excoriating sexist soldiers made him a hero to the feminist establishment.

But the price was that he ruthlessly sacrificed eight officers on the altar of feminism.

And no one was more hard done by than the most senior of the group, Ken, because he hadn’t even opened the offending emails which were the cause of his downfall."
In our Brave New 'Utopia' you can be excoriated just for receiving a 'sexist' email even if you don't read it. Witness just one of those affected by Morrisons' lack of courage in standing up to the Feminazi's:
“I was the most senior officer he accused ... He embarrassed (me) on national TV. I, like many others, didn’t read the emails or deleted them because I didn’t have time to read stuff from a civilian.
“Morrison tried hard to pin the Jedi Council on me but when he couldn’t, he sacked me from Command because ‘I failed to remain aware of issues that ­affect me, my unit and Army’.
“Removing me from command is a death sentence for your career and particularly me because everyone thought I was part of Jedi Council. I was just dead man walking … The ­betrayal has broken me.”
His life was ruined and yet he had no idea what the “Jedi Council” was, had met Fredrickson twice 12 years earlier, and had never read his obscene emails. Not one.
He was too busy as a commanding officer in Townsville, getting hundreds of emails a day to read any email that wasn’t ­directly addressed to him.
“I did not read the emails from Fredrickson. When Morrison finally agreed that I was not part of the Jedi Council he sacked me from Command (anyway). So as far as Morrison’s justice goes I was going to be sacked whether I was guilty or not. The whole thing felt like the Salem witch trials.”
Ken has since been medically discharged from the Army after 24 years of dedicated service. He’d served in East Timor and Afghanistan, He’d studied at Kings College London. He has three masters degrees. He planned to be a general. Now he is unemployed and has spent six months of the last two years in psychiatric wards.
And of course his wife, his “soulmate”, and his two young children suffer as well.
“You can ruin your own reputation and you have to live with that but when your reputation is ruined by someone else that is when it eats at you.”
Feeling safer in the new Australia?

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