Tuesday 23 February 2016


More evidence of the bias that has taken hold of the chattering classes and which is destroying the country:
THE ABC’s news division needs a brutal overhaul, now it has been caught red-handed broadcasting the monstrous lie that a five-year-old boy was “raped” on Nauru, in an Australian offshore immigration facility.
For an entire week, night and day, on its most prestigious programs, on TV, on radio, online, this falsehood was repeated as if it were fact, apart from the odd “alleged” thrown in, without the most rudimentary fact-checking having been done.
They wanted so much for the story to be true that they didn’t even apply the most basic bullshit detector.
It’s hard to think of more shoddy, irresponsible, or cynical journalism.
The story was never credible, which is why no one got worked up about it.
It was “advocacy disguised as journalism”, as Department of Immigration and Border Protection secretary Michael Pezzullo put it.
There was “no evidence, whatsoever, anywhere” that a five-year-old had been raped on Nauru”, he told a Senate hearing, in a cold fury, on Monday.
“It’s getting to a point where there is advocacy parading as journalism that is actually deleterious to a sensible discussion about these matters.
“We’ve gone beyond journalism when you’ve got certain segments of the media undertaking essentially pamphleteering of almost a political nature and then in that context the facts just get bent.
“The allegation that my department is somehow complicit in a ­regime where children are raped and they are returned to a brutal ­regime of detention, I reject that utterly.”
That is what the ABC’s foul untruth meant, that we all were complicit in a child’s rape, the Prime Minister, the Immigration Minister, the department, the slandered Nauruans, the complacent Australian public, everyone except the moral narcissists of the ABC and the refugee lobby.
It was designed to whip up public opposition to our border protection policies, cruelly raise false hopes among asylum seekers, and try to force the Turnbull government to weaken, just as Kevin Rudd did so disastrously.

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