Wednesday 15 March 2017


Big Brother is alive and thriving in amongst the rat runs of Canberra.

Laws are necessary for protecting the civilised from the uncivilised and from those who would prey on the weak as well as for the efficient administration of a society. But laws can just as easily become a weapon in the hands of an ideological oligarchy or an 'elite' and can be used to manipulate and indoctrinate a population.

I lived with it in South Africa and it is what history shows has happened in various forms all around the globe since time immemorial. The 20th Century gave birth to a particularly pernicious form of such control in the shape of communism/socialism which has been shown to have failed and failed miserably. Of course the ruling elite always manage to come out unscathed or even filthy only has to consider the Peron's, the Chavez family of Venezuela, or the oligarchs of Russia and Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

But the Utopianists of the left continue to pursue Marxism (or Fabianism/Gramscianism) in the vain hope that; "this time it will work". If madness is defined as doing the same thing over and over and each time expecting a different result, then madness is what has a hold on our politicians at the moment.

However, the reason I am revisiting my weekly  rants against the socialist left is because of a new law being enacted through Parliament concerning obesity. Never mind that we are drowning in debt, that our power supply is teetering on disaster, youth crime and crime gangs are creating chaos in our major cities...Oh No! lets get onto the really really important things like sugar, McDonald's (that dirty capitalist system!!!!) transgender bathrooms....these are what our pollies are concerning themselves with, and it is beginning to take on some seriously manipulative overtones, in short we are at risk of criminalising the parents of fat kids:
"A new Education Department order now deems obesity as a “child protection issue”, meaning educators are being urged to contact welfare services about fat kids who may be at “risk of significant harm”.
Staff will also be given compulsory training about treating obesity “as a child protection issue”, the Daily Telegraph reports." [10 News]

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