Thursday 6 July 2017


Cue Australia's ABC network:
Part of the problem for the “journalists” in legacy media is Groupthink. You may hear it referred to as a bubble, but it’s more complicated than simply being isolated from others. It’s a concerted and dangerous state where a group of people believe they have sole possession of the truth and work to make sure alternative facts never infect the inner circle of decision-makers, or those they’re trying to influence. [T Bruce]
The Rainbow Gestapo are opening up a new front, could prove to be fatal if history has resonance:

Trump trumps the left:
"Leftists call his wife a “whore”, and run around with signs saying “rape Melania”. They hold up his bloody and severed head as a “joke”, call for his assassination as a “joke”, call his 10-year-old son a rapist and autistic and a homeschool shooter, and they are suddenly claiming the moral high ground?
This is why they hate him so much. Because despite doing everything they can think of, Trump is still standing. Then he punches back. His blows are surgical and hilarious. They take next to no effort, while the Left is literally expending all its energy and having no impact. He’s using the media’s own tools against it. He’s using social media – the Great Equalizer – against them. He’s using Alinsky against them. He’s kicking them when they’re down."

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