Monday 1 January 2018


What is it about these 'academics' whose self-hatred spills over into misanthropy and outright racism? Many media and academic personalities are saying things about the 'white people' that would be horrifying is the word white was replaced by the word black.
Have people become too stupid to see the absurdity of race hatred?
Lilly white academicians who propose the elimination of the 'white race' are like the filthy rich Hollywood tycoons who hate 'capitalism'. I think it's called cognitive dissonance!
Noel Ignatiev, who publishes the deranged journal Race Traitor and whose students learn that “whiteness is a form of racial oppression” and should therefore be “abolished,” and that “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” Ignatiev and his Race Traitor colleagues declare their refusal to “limit themselves to socially acceptable means of protest,” and find it “hard to believe” opposition to their ideas could come from anyone except “committed white supremacists”. After all, who but a “committed white supremacist” could possibly take exception to the cultural and psychological eradication of the “social construct known as the white race”? And who else could possibly be concerned that these enlightened beings “reject in advance no means of attaining their goal”?
I am truly intrigued by the personality types that inhabit the academic realm these days.
Intrigued but also worried because these are the people who are shaping the minds of the young leaders of the future and therefore the world to come; if Francis Schaeffers thesis that philosophy/academics comes first, then the ideologies arising from these 'centres' are filtered into society through the arts and the media, is true.
And I believe it is.

Academia is in a bad way. It has imploded as a result of the Post Modern ideologies of deconstruction and 'socially constructed' philosophies.

Thank goodness my faith is in someone far above politics, academics and the absurdity of social engineering.

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