Tuesday 21 August 2018


An astute summation of the character of Australia's #1 political incumbent...Chauncey Alinsky:
"Many of us might think that Turnbull stands for nothing but his own self-aggrandisement. That would be a mistake.
He stands, apparently, and very worryingly, alongside a goodly number of his party colleagues, in supporting a belief system that is viscerally loathed by many across the Liberal Party membership and out in voterland. See, Turnbull does not believe in broad churches when it comes to political parties. He does have an agenda. The agenda, in summary, is to retain the things that his Party’s base finds repugnant – like the ABC; debt; multiculturalism; Labor policies on education and social welfare; and the like – and to advance things that the Party’s base decidedly do not want – like the global warming/renewables scam; world government, or at least global oversight of Australia’s political business; more migration from groups that the “deplorables” fear; probably, at least when it is safe, the republic; and so on.
Turnbull’s international friends are those leaders most despised by your average right-of-centre voter – Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, May, John Key, Obama. His chosen Praetorian guard of miserable C-teamers – Bishop, Birmingham, Frydenberg, Pyne, in particular – are not on the Christmas card lists of anyone I know. They are enablers of bumbling, Three Stooges level incompetence and, at the same time, woke, inner-city leftism.
One question about Turnbull is – dangerous or merely hopeless? The same question came up again and again during the Obama presidency. How can one be so inept and, at the same time, so effective in changing our society and our country? The answer is, one can, indeed, be both Chauncey Gardner and Saul Alinsky simultaneously. A bungler with an agenda." [P Collits]
a.k.a. the Malchurian candidate.

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