Wednesday 10 October 2018


It is really hard to understand the leftist worldview.
I try to give most the benefit of the doubt but everyday those with a left tilt to their worldview confuse and confound common sense and reasonable perspectives.

I can only assume these people live in the 'eternal now' without regard or reference to anything in the past, and here I am not talking about history per se, but the very words that they themselves have recently uttered.

Take for example 'Peter the Red', a.k.a. 'Peter the bandanna-man' who begs forgiveness from terrorists for something we may have done to cause them to attack us (shame on you for victim blaming Peter FitzSimons!!!):
We are sorry. We are desperately sorry that the world has now moved to the point where it is on the edge of an abyss from which there can be no return. We accept that such hate as drove the planes into the World Trade Centre towers can only have come from incredible suffering, and we are desperately sorry for that suffering, even if we are yet to come to grips with its specific cause.
And then reflect on his current outburst at those who would dare to advertise on the 'holy' sails of Sydney's Opera house:
The role of those involved will not be forgotten or forgiven. The anger is visceral and widespread.
A tad unbalanced wouldn't you say?

Of course the use of advertising on behalf of stinky 'capitalism' is what offends our 'red brethren', not the use of the OH exterior for display purposes given his approval of a recent event on these same sacred sails:
The sails of the Opera House in Sydney are lit up with a projection titled "Badu Gili", which means 'water light' in the language of the Gadigal aboriginal people.

What about another example of tergiversation from another keening milquetoast; Waleed Aly who whilst probably not of the vermilion variety, leaning possibly towards that of the taqiyya type.

Here he is displaying the exact same victim blaming methodology as Peter the red:
The terrorists are weak, they're just an irritant, it's our fault, it could be white racists....
Terrorists are merely misunderstood victims of Western malevolence, weak people who are little more than a mere irritant, in fact they are probably not Islamic at all but 'white supremacists'.

Talk about Alice Aly in Wonderland!

However, when it comes to the white, capitalist patriarchy using the sacred space of the Sydney Opera house sails for the frippery of horse-racing (a favourite Australian pastime btw), they are:
"tearing apart the fabric of our society". 
There is unfortunately no end to the absurdity from the loons of the left.

One can only hope that the sensible, silent majority are able to differentiate what is intended for the good of society from what is intended for destruction; a distinction well articulated by C S Lewis in his Pilgrims Regress and, as herein illustrated, frequently misunderstood by our left leaning commiteriat.

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