Tuesday 27 July 2021


I have altered my worldview slightly in that I no longer believe that the dominant threat of the moment is full blown Marxism/Communism. I have not deviated from my revulsion of it as a political system and of the chaos it has wrought over the past century, and I also think that it (communism) might eventually win over the West, not because it is better, but because the Western 'education system' has successfully propagandized the wider public into; on one hand being unaware of the atrocities committed by the communist tyrannies, much like they have successfully convinced people that the devil doesn't exist, and on the other they have created in the greater populace, through government handouts and profligate social programming, a infantile reliance on big government. The latter has been Brobdingnagiously expanded with the Corona virus 'pandemic'. If indeed they win I have no idea what form the new communism will eventually morph into though I would guess more along the lines of a Gramscian system than a Leninist one. 

Ergo, there has been a concerted and rather surreptitious 'socialist creep' taking place throughout the West, filtering through the cultural 'organs of meaning' in the Western societies just as Gramsci, Marcuse, Dutschke, Alinski and England's Fabian society have promoted throughout the decades since the second world war.


The Fabian Society's logo: A wolf in sheep's clothing(very recently abandoned in favour of the tortoise) symbolising their aim of 'permeating' socialism throughout society gradually but surely.

Whilst the looming threat of communism is a real possibility, the actual threat of the moment is the way big tech, America's 1% and the global elite are engaging in a clandestine MERGER with the CCP's system of authoritarian, crony capitalism. One percenter Billionaire Charles Munger admitted as much in a television interview: 

In an interview with CNBC, Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, praised the Communist Chinese Government for how it dealt with Alibaba founder and China’s richest man, Jack Ma. In October 2020, Ma gave a speech in Shanghai where he very bluntly criticized the Chinese financial industry. Days later, the Chinese killed his Ant IPO and summoned Ma to Beijing for “regulatory interviews.”

Then Ma effectively fell off the radar. Some suspected Chinese Government had him imprisoned. Others wondered if perhaps Ma had simply been killed.

.....To Munger’s way of thinking, Jack Ma apparently got what he deserved because “he’s one of the swingers.” As Jesse Kelly often says, Communists are the same everywhere. They all want control whether through regulation or the barrel of a gun. And even breathlessly wealthy Americans like Charlie Munger can become enamored by that kind of power and control. China doesn’t need to invade America to conquer it. Not when the powerful and wealthy are so willing to simply adopt the Chinese model here in the US.

Of course if and when such a 'merger' occurred, it would not be very far into the future thereafter that true communism would emerge into power once more. The inevitability of tyrannical systems following on the heels of a  pampered elite is a philosophical inevitability because the lust for power always trumps economical considerations and if history is any guide to the future, the big surprise for these 'elites' is going to be the way in which they will be mercilessly culled.

The American elite have gained control of the deep state, education, industry, the media and even the military's top echelon and unless this cancer is completely excised from America's cultural and political landscapes during the next Trump era, we are going to enter into a true 'dark age'. 

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