Friday, 28 February 2025


I was looking for some information on the Encyclopaedia Britannica network and I spotted this section: "Ethics, philosophy. 
  • Also known as: moral philosophy:
  • Written by Peter Singer
  • Fact-checked by Editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025 • Article History"
If you are unfamiliar with who Peter Singer is, I refer you to, in brief: 
"Peter Singer is the atheist utilitarian philosopher who is full on about animal rights,and is a committed vegetarian. He has even written serious articles informing us that there is really nothing wrong with bestiality. For this bioethicist, the golden rule seems to be this: feel free to have sex with animals as long as you don’t eat them afterwards.
And Singer has explicitly stated that the newborn have no inherent right to life, but must earn that right if they pass various tests for personhood which he has laid out. He says it is unreasonable to expect the newborn to be classified as persons, and we should not automatically assume they have some basic right to keep living.
As he notoriously wrote with Helga Kuhse in the 1985 volume, Should the Baby Live?: “We do not think new-born infants have an inherent right to life”. Or as he wrote in a July 1983 edition of Pediatrics: “Species membership in Homo-sapiens is not morally relevant. If we compare a dog or a pig to a severely defective infant, we often find the non-human to have superior capacities.”(B Meuhlenberg)

That this fellow is the Britannica's choice to write on 'Ethics' speaks volumes about how careful we need to be about researching on the internet.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Solidifying the divide!

The divide is becoming very obvious. There is a clear and focussed division between those who want a 'global community' and those who want to maintain a distinctive culture.

Those who wish to globalise are trying every trick in the book to blur the differences between cultures; ergo the subversive 'diversity is our strength' meme. We who believe in a small government apparatus servicing the needs of an electorate pursuing the same or similar ends are becoming more and more alienated from the intellectual mainstream (unfortunately, often because of apathy regarding the 'ordinary' mainstream).

Therefore when we do manage a breakthrough, and gain a 'power base', we need to capitalise on that foundation and push through laws, rules and systems that support the ideals of small government as quickly as possible and ignore the bleating's and shrieking's of the 'other'. This is what is happening in America and Trump is leading the way.

We can only pray that there are those who have the same gumption hiding in the wings of Australian politics.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Gnostic Utopia

I am becoming more and more convinced that the 'spiritual influence' behind so much of post modern culture today is a form of religious Gnosticism. On one hand it explains the origins of the 'Love is Love' ideology as well as the ready acceptance of violence/war on the other. 

An easy introductory text on Gnostic principles is Derek Morphews book 'The Spiritual Spiderweb'. It provides an erudite and comprehensive understanding behind the 'strands' of thought running through so many 'worldviews' today, and even ominously, particular patterns of thought behind some church movements as well.[Romans 12:2]

Friday, 18 October 2024


Too many main-stream commentators rise up with a misplaced anger whenever the true barbarity of Hamas and Hezbollah is exposed. These leftist shills try to excuse the barbarism as 'legitimate payback' for years of oppression, or as tit-for-tat for some imagined persecution by Jewish 'occupiers'. Even a superficial evaluation of these claims reflects the paucity of reliability, not least the claim of a Palestinian 'occupancy' of the land as opposed to the 'recent colonisation' by Israel...who in reality have lived there for millennia with the receipts to prove it. Even the calling of the land 'Palestine' almost 2THOUSAND YEARS AGO was an insult to the then Jewish inhabitants of the land who were forced out by the Roman Emperor Hadrian.

Hamas and Hezbollah are certainly as barbaric as the Nazis ever were, given the video evidence of the attacks. However, the Nazis were ashamed of what they did, they tried to hide their deeds and in the case of Police reserve Battalion 101 they drank themselves into a stupor every night after 'work' because of their guilt. 

The evidence from Gaza shows something quite different. Videos captured from the perpetrators themselves shows young terrorists filming their gruesome handiwork in vivid detail and then phoning home to brag to their parents about how successful they were in killing the Jews and that they would never stop until they had eradicated every Jew from the face of the earth. 

This is a completely demonic display of hatred that can never be satisfied by a 'two state solution'.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

DO WHAT THOU WILT: sin without consequence

A massive shift in the 21st C zeitgeist has been the shift from the material to the immaterial. This is what identifies as 'post/post-modernism'. This is the ideology we are witnessing amongst all sectors of society including the church.

The hyper-spiritual, the introduction of new-age modalities, crystals, chakras, you name all has a name, a name which goes back into the mists of time...Gnosticism. This belief system glommed onto Christianity in the 1st century and was one of the primary heresies defended against by the Apostles and early church fathers. They effectively forced it underground for a long time, and other than a few minor blemishes on the ideological body, it remained largely ineffectual until it broke forth with vigor as an underlying, parasitical influence within freemasonry.
Gnosticism has one other peculiar characteristic. It is an eclectic belief. It combines together a little bit of this and a little bit of that, much like the proverbial kitchen recipe. In this case it mixed together the ritual, drama and mystery of the eastern religions with a fundamental concept found in Greek philosophy, that of dualism. Plato taught a dualism of the ideal and the sensory. He divided the whole of reality into two antithetical spheres, the sphere of matter, or sensory experience (taste, touch and sight) and the sphere of ideas representing an ideal world of thought forms and concepts. He believed the sensory world was inferior to the ideal world, and that the human individual could escape from the world of matter through knowledge. Plotinus, following the religion of Persia, taught a dualism of light and darkness. We have then two basic ideas: the world of mystery (magic formulae, secrets and rituals) and the concept of dualism. Mix these assumptions with Christianity and the stage is set for Gnosticism. It became an observable religious movement in the second century. Scholars debate exactly how developed it was in the apostolic age, but what cannot be doubted is that an incipient kind of Gnosticism, or proto-Gnosticism, was already in the process of development. The movement gradually merged into the Manichean religion of the third century where it peaked and began to wane. Many of its ideas eventually landed up in Free-Masonry. Its ideas have never really died. [Morphew, Derek. The Spiritual Spider Web: A Study in Acient and Contemporary Gnosticism (Kingdom Theology Series) . Derek Morphew Publishing. Kindle Edition.]"

This parasitical germ was transported through the next few hundred years and with the emergence of the erroneously named 'enlightenment'(oxymoron) it finally found purchase through many, though primarily German philosophers and thinkers in its fullest expression during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Of course the discoveries of the Gnostic texts at Nag Hammadi sent it into overdrive and we are living in the results thereof. It is the ideology behind many modern movie 'classics', the abortion industry, the LGB,etc movement, the trans movement, the hyper-spiritual movement in churches, and its impact is increasing exponentially.

Thursday, 6 June 2024


 Anything worth saying will offend someone. 

The truth will set you free and lies will enslave you are the precepts upon which the West was built. 

The current societal world-view has completely flipped the script.