Philosopher Roger Scruton despairs:
FOR WHAT IS BEING brought home to us, through painful experiences that we might have avoided had it been permitted before now to say the truth, is that we, like everyone else, depend upon a shared culture for our security, our prosperity and our freedom to be. We don’t require everyone to have the same faith, to lead the same kind of family life, or to participate in the same festivals. But we have a shared moral and legal inheritance, a shared language, and a shared public sphere. Our societies are built upon the Judeo-Christian ideal of neighbor-love, according to which strangers and intimates deserve equal concern. They require each of us to respect the freedom and sovereignty of every other, and to acknowledge the threshold of privacy beyond which it is a trespass to go unless invited. Our societies depend upon a culture of law-abidingness and open contracts, and they reinforce these things through the educational traditions that have shaped our common curriculum. It is not an arbitrary cultural imperialism that leads us to value Greek philosophy and literature, the Hebrew Bible, Roman law, and the medieval epics and romances, and to teach these things in our schools. They are ours, in just the way that the legal order and the political institutions are ours: they form part of what made us, and convey the message that it is right to be what we are…I pray that Australia wakes up to the reality that while we are a welcoming society, we open our arms to those who really want to come and are prepared to fit into the 'Australian way' rather than expect us to change into theirs.
So what happens when people whose identity is fixed by creed or kinship immigrate into places settled by Western culture? The multiculturalists say that we must make room for them, and that we do this by relinquishing the space in which their culture can flourish. Our political class has at last recognized that this is a recipe for disaster, and that we can welcome immigrants only if we welcome them into our culture, and not beside and against it. But that means telling them to accept rules, customs, and procedures that may be alien to their old way of life. Is this an injustice? Surely not. If immigrants come it is because they gain by doing so. It is therefore reasonable to remind them that there is also a cost. Only now, however, is our political class prepared to say so, and to insist that the cost be paid. And it may be that this change of heart comes too late.
It is kind of like inviting a visitor to your home and having them demand that you do things their way or leave your house...kind of weird I think.
Surely the reason they come in the first place is because our way is better/freer/more comfortable/ than theirs was!!! Otherwise why leave?
We have the power to vote out the idealogues who hate western culture and all that it stands for and who would wreck our way of life to fulfil some utopian dream. A dream that ultimately destroys the very people who lust after it and who will, in the process, do anything; manipulate, lie, cheat, steal and abuse, to achieve thier aims.
Use it!!!!!Kick out the Aussie destroyers.