Given all that we know about the unborn human being, it is clear to me that force of will, rather than genuine ignorance, now seems to be the driving force behind abortion. Our society simply wants abortion to stay legal regardless of the facts. It is not that we don't know the truth; rather, that we don't want to be reminded. It's a strange madness, with teams of doctors struggling to keep premature infants alive in hospitals where just a floor away, babies are being killed and discarded.Leviticus 20: 2>5
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Voluntary blindness
Molech's hunger rages against us all:
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
TThe Tyranny of Labor
Gillard should take a leaf out of TJ's book:
"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson
"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Just imagine!
Welcome to a world ruled by bureaucrats, as Australia aspires to be under Bob Julia and Kev.
To the planners, freedom itself is a problem. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, every unregulated activity taunts them. If there is no problem to justify an extension of their activities, a problem must be found. And if no problem can be found, then there must be the threat of a problem – they call it the precautionary principle.
Green subterfuge
If you think the green movement is for harmless, tree-hugging ex-hippies, think again. If you are not afraid to have your eyes opened to the agenda behind green ideology then consider this:
We are already witnessing genuinely well motivated voters choosing the Greens because of reasons completely at odds with what the Greens stand for, not because the voters are stupid, but because the Orwellian doublespeak has superseded logic.
The fact that the overwhelming percentage of national journalists and cultural 'influencers' lean rather dramatically towards the extreme left does not auger well for a balanced perspective either:
Why are the Greens so rabidly keen on more State control? No doubt they would argue that all their green concerns lead naturally to demands for more regulations and public spending and government restrictions.
Or is the other way round? Is there a class of bureaucratically-minded folk who favour more State control, for whom green concerns provide what they regard as a justification? In other words, are the Greens looking after the dolphins, or are the dolphins looking after the Greens?
There is, I believe, a solid, self-interested, class basis for environmentalism. Green is the natural world view of what sociologists call the ‘New Class’Greenies have become experts in verbal deconstruction; that is, they use words such as 'democratic', 'freedom', 'sustainability', 'science', 'culture' etc in ways that completely subvert the words original meaning. What this accomplishes is a 'muddying' of the communication waters. This problem is exacerbated by a grammatically anorexic national English curriculum with the end result being an emerging voter block less able to distinguish political fact from fiction.
We are already witnessing genuinely well motivated voters choosing the Greens because of reasons completely at odds with what the Greens stand for, not because the voters are stupid, but because the Orwellian doublespeak has superseded logic.
The fact that the overwhelming percentage of national journalists and cultural 'influencers' lean rather dramatically towards the extreme left does not auger well for a balanced perspective either:
At the start of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, Stone uses a clip of President Eisenhower’s famous farewell speech, in which Eisenhower warned of the growing power of the ‘Military-Industrial complex’. But if you look closely, you’ll see a glitch in the middle of the clip. It is what’s called in the trade a jump-cut. Oliver (being left wing) decided to edit President Eisenhower’s original sentence, to remove an equally dire warning about the growing influence of the ‘scientific-administrative complex’Read this for a clearer exposition:
Friday, 25 November 2011
Read this and then buy the book if you have any doubts that the media in Australia is severely tilted to the left.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Rebirth of the aristocrat.
The power of words...Alan RM Jones commenting on 'European unity' (Oxymoron), i.e. making EU government bigger, stronger and even more unelected:
And so we advance a few more steps 'back to the future' by articulating the vision that gives Bob Brown and his coterie of would-be ruling 'aristocrats' onanistic spasms.
...what William Buckley would call, immanentizing the eschaton. That is, the attempt to create heaven on Earth – really just a utopian eurocratic centraliser’s wet dream more likely to provoke what Barroso fears: an undemocratic, dysfunctional, alienating, extremist breeding dystopia where everyone and no-one gets to have a say about everything. Think Occupy with a budget and power.Ah! the penny drops...Kevin Rudd's words almost exactly; our own little Euro dictator in the making. 'Shrimp mussolini' se vous plait.
And so we advance a few more steps 'back to the future' by articulating the vision that gives Bob Brown and his coterie of would-be ruling 'aristocrats' onanistic spasms.
Government of clowns.
The carbon tax comedy
Rulings like the one banning companies from advertising that the new carbon tax has increased their cost don’t serve the country. It merely advertises how scared our 'rulers' are about public perceptions and reactions. This government always puts its own interests above those of the people it is supposed to be serving...kind of like our own politburo.Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Living in the Matrix
Kevin Rudd said this:
Des Moore comments:
People like Al Gore, who preaches (at a cost of millions to the listeners) about rising ocean waters due to global warming, then goes and buys a mansion right on the seashore. As did the overpaid/over-hyped Tim Flannery.
People like movie stars who berate ordinary people for living unsustainable lives and then hop on their private jets to holiday lavishly in the Bahamas. The list is too long to enumerate.
People like Kevin Rudd, who states that 'capitalism' is the cause of society's failures and bigger/stronger/more powerful governments are the answer. And yet as the Rudd/Gillard governments have overwhelmingly illustrated; government operated schemes fail miserably almost without exception. And as Rudd himself illustrates in his earlier career as a Queensland government lacky; he failed at everything he was tasked to do. In fact Mark Latham was quite scurrilous about Rudd's lack of ability in his (Latham's) expose on the Labor government (for what thats worth), yet Rudd still manages to be promoted to the top spot. How often have we all seen that happen in bureucratic institutions. Failure is alsmost a right of passage into promotion.
The real problem is how many others like him are running parliment?
How many others like him are in the opposition?
How effective has Gramsci's 'long march' been?
How perspicacious were Francis Schaeffer's predictions in his "How then should we live' series?
"The international challenge for social democrats is to save capitalism from itself.”
Such naive comments reflect a thesis that capitalism and free markets are the problem and that governments are the rescuers. Putting it another way, governments are not to blame but bankers and greedy chief executives have exploited the system for their own benefit. This idea is reflected in the Occupy Wall St group of protesters that has spread to other countries. These 99 percenters want to cut the incomes of the top 1 percent. If we tried that, the 99 per centers would certainly get a small addition to their incomes first up but that would dwindle over time as the top 1 per centers would stop trying to earn above their cut off point.What we are witnessing throughout the western democracies are 'leaders' who have, due to the benefits conferred by a successful and productive philosophy and their unthinking abuse of this worldview; grown soft in mind as well as in body. People who have lived the 'easy life' for so long that they have embraced thinking patterns at odds with their actual existence and who remain blissfully unaware of the disjunction.
People like Al Gore, who preaches (at a cost of millions to the listeners) about rising ocean waters due to global warming, then goes and buys a mansion right on the seashore. As did the overpaid/over-hyped Tim Flannery.
People like movie stars who berate ordinary people for living unsustainable lives and then hop on their private jets to holiday lavishly in the Bahamas. The list is too long to enumerate.
People like Kevin Rudd, who states that 'capitalism' is the cause of society's failures and bigger/stronger/more powerful governments are the answer. And yet as the Rudd/Gillard governments have overwhelmingly illustrated; government operated schemes fail miserably almost without exception. And as Rudd himself illustrates in his earlier career as a Queensland government lacky; he failed at everything he was tasked to do. In fact Mark Latham was quite scurrilous about Rudd's lack of ability in his (Latham's) expose on the Labor government (for what thats worth), yet Rudd still manages to be promoted to the top spot. How often have we all seen that happen in bureucratic institutions. Failure is alsmost a right of passage into promotion.
The real problem is how many others like him are running parliment?
How many others like him are in the opposition?
How effective has Gramsci's 'long march' been?
How perspicacious were Francis Schaeffer's predictions in his "How then should we live' series?
Global destruction
James Delingpole artfully exposes the absurdity of Naomi Klein's rhetoric in this article:
However, the truly sad aspect of this story and others like it, is that there appears to be many disaffected people in the western democracies who actually believe that the ills of our world can be cured by a totalitarian government.
In Australia we bear daily witness to unions who scream at, rant over and abuse greedy 'capitalists' who dare to make a profit in their businesses. The same union bosses who incidentally are rather cavalier with union funds, i.e. they spend it on necessities such as prostitutes, personal shopping trips overseas, and expensive lunches; nevertheless these same profligate union leaders hold the employers to ransom, extorting promises of 'job security', and exorbitant bonuses. How can there be job security when pressures like these are exerted on companies...maintaining jobs at all becomes a struggle in the face of more government taxation, energy taxes, mineral taxes, ever rising wages, global competitors etc.
The radicals in this country will only be satisfied when they have reduced the country to North Korean standards at which time they will turn on the capitalist bosses and blame them for having ruined the country. A win-win situation for radicals of all stripes.
What infuriates me is that there are so many fools of this stripe in Australia, so many who give active support to the oft repeated failures of Marxist/Utopian thinking. People who applaud lunatics like Naomi Klein calling for the jackboot approach. Imagine, more bureaucrats telling us what to do, how to do it and when we are allowed to do anything and then making us pay for the privilege.
Unfortunately the unexamined mind usually requires a cataclysmic event to wake it up to the real world, or as Bruce Cockburn so eloquently observed; "some only see the light through bullet holes".
Just yesterday I and my youngest son had reached Mark 13 in our daily reading and I shuddered at the dark power of this chapter. How soon are we to realising this frightening vision? And for those who laugh at such sandwich-board prophecy consider how easily you may have been convinced by Al Gores ridiculous claims of 'catastrophic global warming', or the Gaia hypothesis, or Rachel Carsons DDT scare, or the Y2 bug, or Paul Erlichs population explosion or any of the many other 'catastrophes'.
The real issue is not so much of which potential catastrophe is about to befall us, but which one do you believe?
However, the truly sad aspect of this story and others like it, is that there appears to be many disaffected people in the western democracies who actually believe that the ills of our world can be cured by a totalitarian government.
In Australia we bear daily witness to unions who scream at, rant over and abuse greedy 'capitalists' who dare to make a profit in their businesses. The same union bosses who incidentally are rather cavalier with union funds, i.e. they spend it on necessities such as prostitutes, personal shopping trips overseas, and expensive lunches; nevertheless these same profligate union leaders hold the employers to ransom, extorting promises of 'job security', and exorbitant bonuses. How can there be job security when pressures like these are exerted on companies...maintaining jobs at all becomes a struggle in the face of more government taxation, energy taxes, mineral taxes, ever rising wages, global competitors etc.
The radicals in this country will only be satisfied when they have reduced the country to North Korean standards at which time they will turn on the capitalist bosses and blame them for having ruined the country. A win-win situation for radicals of all stripes.
What infuriates me is that there are so many fools of this stripe in Australia, so many who give active support to the oft repeated failures of Marxist/Utopian thinking. People who applaud lunatics like Naomi Klein calling for the jackboot approach. Imagine, more bureaucrats telling us what to do, how to do it and when we are allowed to do anything and then making us pay for the privilege.
Unfortunately the unexamined mind usually requires a cataclysmic event to wake it up to the real world, or as Bruce Cockburn so eloquently observed; "some only see the light through bullet holes".
Just yesterday I and my youngest son had reached Mark 13 in our daily reading and I shuddered at the dark power of this chapter. How soon are we to realising this frightening vision? And for those who laugh at such sandwich-board prophecy consider how easily you may have been convinced by Al Gores ridiculous claims of 'catastrophic global warming', or the Gaia hypothesis, or Rachel Carsons DDT scare, or the Y2 bug, or Paul Erlichs population explosion or any of the many other 'catastrophes'.
The real issue is not so much of which potential catastrophe is about to befall us, but which one do you believe?
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Coming to the 'right' conclusion.
Dallas Willard in an introduction to Phillip Johnson's book Wedge of Truth has some challenging things to say about Western thinking during our current Post Modern period:
Reason is the human ability to determine what is real or not real by thinking. Just as, centuries ago, the honest thinker had to be willing to follow the inquiry even if it led to a godless universe, so today the honest thinker has to be willing to follow the inquiry even if it leads to a God-governed universe. This latter possibility today causes those who think they are in charge of what is only reasonable and right to become impatient and imperious. They cannot afford to be wrong about the godlessness of reality, for now our whole system of education is based on that assumption, just as some while ago it was based on the assumption of God.
And so, as Phillip Johnson so beautifully explains and illustrates, reason is replaced by rationalization. Rationalization is the use of reasoning to make sure that one comes out at the right place. Not long ago the dominant ideal within intellectual circles was to judge the conclusion by the method through which it was derived. If the method was good, you were required to accept the conclusion, at least provisionally. Now sadly, the method is judged by whether it brings you out at the 'right' conclusion, as determined by institutional consensus congealed around glittering personalities. If you don't come to the 'right' conclusion, your method is wrong, and you are probably a bad person. Derisive terminology will be used to describe you.
.....The character of rationalization is hidden beneath the cloak of benign authority. In our case today that authority is science. Science we told says this or that. We has better believe it. Unfortunately science say nothing. It is not the kind of thing that can say anything. Only scientists say things, and scientists can be remarkably unscientific and are often remarkably wrong - as subsequent events frequently show. In addition many who would speak for science are not scientists or have no qualifications in the area of their claims.This description of the 'debate' sound oddly familiar in Australia at this point in time doesn't it?
Monday, 21 November 2011
Down the gurgler!
.Read this and you will no longer think our debt is insignificant.
Column written by Barnaby in the Canberra Times last week
Forever in debt and Labor still ignoring cost cuts
The Labor party did something remarkable last week, they actually paid back some money after borrowing $11 billion over the six weeks before. Our gross debt is now at $215 billion. Unfortunately they will probably borrow more again this week.
Recent statements by Penny Wong about cost-cutting and by the Secretary of The Treasury, Dr Martin Parkinson, seem to accord with my fears of two years ago that we were taking on too much debt.
On 21 October 2009, Australia's gross debt accelerated through $100 billion. This was before my unfortunately spectacular and brief tenure as Australia's Shadow Finance Minister. I was deeply concerned about the trajectory of our debt but it was very hard to find somebody else in the government or the fourth estate that held similar concerns.
I remember the date well as I put out a media release at the time which concluded "There are lots of ways you can try to pay debt but closing your eyes tightly and crossing your fingers has proven lately to be completely ineffective."
Leading the caravan of opprobrium against me was Treasury, acting as an arm of government. Repeatedly they said Australia had no problems. They avoided that it was not the size that was the concern, it was the rate of growth, a very small active melanoma. We fell into trap of saying we are in a better position than others because our melanoma is tiny compared to theirs.
In a speech last week Dr Martin Parkinson said "efforts to reduce government net debt should be the immediate focus." Mr Parkinson I'll give you the tip, it would have been easier to control back in 2009. It has taken a couple of years, but now Marty and I appear to be on the same page.
You can see Australia's gross debt grow almost every week, like a chia pet, by visiting the front page of the Australian Office of Financial Management website. I imagine it is there because the people we borrow from want a fully transparent view of exactly how much we have borrowed. If you start hiding it they get very, very suspicious.
Everything is moving into unfortunate focus as we approach at a rapid rate our third debt ceiling under this government's watch, and Europe and America come to the realisation that the problem is debt.
To understand debt ceilings you must understand gross debt. On 10 March 2009 Mr Wayne Maxwell Swan increased our debt limit from $75 billion to a "temporary" level of $200 billion. According to Wayne we needed this increase because China and India were going to "slow markedly" and the mining boom was "unwinding".
The mining boom didn't, but we not only hit our new debt ceiling but it is now at $215 billion, or over $17,000 for every Australian taxpayer. Our next ceiling is at a quarter of a trillion dollars.
This debt does not include state government debt (heading towards $250 billion), the debt of fully owned government entities, such as the NBN, or the debt of local governments.
To make a budget based on blue, sunny days is not only fraught with danger, it is naïve. It is the old adage of keeping money aside for a rainy day.
School halls and ceiling insulation are not the only reasons we now have so much debt, it is generally just poor day-to-day cost management. Labor talk of budget cuts now but why did they ignore people like Gary Banks, Chairman of the Productivity Commission, and Dr Warwick McKibbin, who both said they should have been cutting spending two years ago?
Those with the purse strings either don't have the strength, or don't have the competency, to remain within our means. Labor’s cabinet is lacking the real business experience where what you bill or sell is what you earn and the cheques you write over the long term better be less than that.
What happened to the $11 billion that Labor borrowed in six weeks? Are there new aircraft carriers in Sydney Harbour with the Australian ensign fluttering off the back? Is there a big new freeway somewhere that I am not aware of? Are there big new dams in Northern Australia delivering water to vast new agricultural areas to feed the world?
If you were to go searching for this money, the place I would humbly suggest you start looking is Canberra. Not the people of Gungahlin, but generally to the Ministers who are in charge of departments that are just not controlling costs.
Column written by Barnaby in the Canberra Times last week
Forever in debt and Labor still ignoring cost cuts
The Labor party did something remarkable last week, they actually paid back some money after borrowing $11 billion over the six weeks before. Our gross debt is now at $215 billion. Unfortunately they will probably borrow more again this week.
Recent statements by Penny Wong about cost-cutting and by the Secretary of The Treasury, Dr Martin Parkinson, seem to accord with my fears of two years ago that we were taking on too much debt.
On 21 October 2009, Australia's gross debt accelerated through $100 billion. This was before my unfortunately spectacular and brief tenure as Australia's Shadow Finance Minister. I was deeply concerned about the trajectory of our debt but it was very hard to find somebody else in the government or the fourth estate that held similar concerns.
I remember the date well as I put out a media release at the time which concluded "There are lots of ways you can try to pay debt but closing your eyes tightly and crossing your fingers has proven lately to be completely ineffective."
Leading the caravan of opprobrium against me was Treasury, acting as an arm of government. Repeatedly they said Australia had no problems. They avoided that it was not the size that was the concern, it was the rate of growth, a very small active melanoma. We fell into trap of saying we are in a better position than others because our melanoma is tiny compared to theirs.
In a speech last week Dr Martin Parkinson said "efforts to reduce government net debt should be the immediate focus." Mr Parkinson I'll give you the tip, it would have been easier to control back in 2009. It has taken a couple of years, but now Marty and I appear to be on the same page.
You can see Australia's gross debt grow almost every week, like a chia pet, by visiting the front page of the Australian Office of Financial Management website. I imagine it is there because the people we borrow from want a fully transparent view of exactly how much we have borrowed. If you start hiding it they get very, very suspicious.
Everything is moving into unfortunate focus as we approach at a rapid rate our third debt ceiling under this government's watch, and Europe and America come to the realisation that the problem is debt.
To understand debt ceilings you must understand gross debt. On 10 March 2009 Mr Wayne Maxwell Swan increased our debt limit from $75 billion to a "temporary" level of $200 billion. According to Wayne we needed this increase because China and India were going to "slow markedly" and the mining boom was "unwinding".
The mining boom didn't, but we not only hit our new debt ceiling but it is now at $215 billion, or over $17,000 for every Australian taxpayer. Our next ceiling is at a quarter of a trillion dollars.
This debt does not include state government debt (heading towards $250 billion), the debt of fully owned government entities, such as the NBN, or the debt of local governments.
To make a budget based on blue, sunny days is not only fraught with danger, it is naïve. It is the old adage of keeping money aside for a rainy day.
School halls and ceiling insulation are not the only reasons we now have so much debt, it is generally just poor day-to-day cost management. Labor talk of budget cuts now but why did they ignore people like Gary Banks, Chairman of the Productivity Commission, and Dr Warwick McKibbin, who both said they should have been cutting spending two years ago?
Those with the purse strings either don't have the strength, or don't have the competency, to remain within our means. Labor’s cabinet is lacking the real business experience where what you bill or sell is what you earn and the cheques you write over the long term better be less than that.
What happened to the $11 billion that Labor borrowed in six weeks? Are there new aircraft carriers in Sydney Harbour with the Australian ensign fluttering off the back? Is there a big new freeway somewhere that I am not aware of? Are there big new dams in Northern Australia delivering water to vast new agricultural areas to feed the world?
If you were to go searching for this money, the place I would humbly suggest you start looking is Canberra. Not the people of Gungahlin, but generally to the Ministers who are in charge of departments that are just not controlling costs.
Tales of Twisted morality.
I'm with Matt Hayden on this one:
I know that I could have curled the interviewers toes with some less than laudable exploits during my youth (and not-so-youth!), however I chose to keep my non-salubrious actions to myself, simply because I was not proud of them. Perhaps I am a dinosaur, perhaps we should let it all hang out for every readers voyeuristic delights, perhaps the myth is worth cultivating in order to gain some more sales, goodness knows I could always use that. But I wonder about the wisdom of making a virtue out of human frailty. Amy Winehouse gives pause to the embracing of such indiscretion.
I know fellow artists who choose to live on the edge of society solely because they art in the arts. Inhabit that dimension for an extended period of time and you begin to lose sight of reality, of whats true, noble, worthy, i.e. of the truly creative. Is it any wonder therefore that so much artwork today celebrates ugly, destructive and rotten. Perfectly respectable youngsters would arrive at the university to study art and within months they would be transformed into anti-social misfits whose raison detre appeared to be destruction as opposed to creativity.
Many, too many young lives have been negatively impacted and possibly wasted as a result of this false worldview. Perhaps the era of the anonymous painter/designer/sculptor should be the one thing to be hauled out of the closet again.
UPDATE: 22.11.2011
Even though we live in an image saturated and artistically prolific culture, interest in the 'fine arts' is lukewarm at best, and generally restricted to the few...most of whom don't even have a clue whats going on but enjoy the 'frisson' of being part of the 'elite', thereby reinforcing the Emperors' clothes myth.
The Australian reports on how even Aunty ABC has abandoned the arts:
No doubt the 'arty' elites will scream 'phillistines' at the uncaring mob and in the sheltered niche cafes and green enclaves they will excoriate all whose tastes do not match their own jaded, often twisted perspectives on 'artistic sensibilities'.
And the world will continue to turn.
Frankly, I think this whole tortured artist myth has a lot to answer for. A helluva lot of cultural and artistic taste-makers and trendsetters really seem to get off on it. They'll sing the praises of an artist who is screwed up but mediocre over one who is brilliant but emotionally stable every time. If you're a performer of some kind it's a pretty good career move to have a raging drug habit and a history of failed, dysfunctional relationships. Then all your work will be seen through this "tortured artist" prism. So even if it's just some crap you cranked out in a few weeks to fulfill contractual obligations to your record label it will still be seen as some kind of brave artistic experiment that ultimately failed.In South Africa, at the highest point in an otherwise relatively non-dramatic artistic career I was interviewed by a 'progressive', 'cutting-edge', art/design magazine for a profile. When they discovered that I was quite an ordinary family man with no (or hidden) destructive habits they declared that I was not 'interesting enough' for the magazines readership.
I know that I could have curled the interviewers toes with some less than laudable exploits during my youth (and not-so-youth!), however I chose to keep my non-salubrious actions to myself, simply because I was not proud of them. Perhaps I am a dinosaur, perhaps we should let it all hang out for every readers voyeuristic delights, perhaps the myth is worth cultivating in order to gain some more sales, goodness knows I could always use that. But I wonder about the wisdom of making a virtue out of human frailty. Amy Winehouse gives pause to the embracing of such indiscretion.
I know fellow artists who choose to live on the edge of society solely because they art in the arts. Inhabit that dimension for an extended period of time and you begin to lose sight of reality, of whats true, noble, worthy, i.e. of the truly creative. Is it any wonder therefore that so much artwork today celebrates ugly, destructive and rotten. Perfectly respectable youngsters would arrive at the university to study art and within months they would be transformed into anti-social misfits whose raison detre appeared to be destruction as opposed to creativity.
Many, too many young lives have been negatively impacted and possibly wasted as a result of this false worldview. Perhaps the era of the anonymous painter/designer/sculptor should be the one thing to be hauled out of the closet again.
UPDATE: 22.11.2011
Even though we live in an image saturated and artistically prolific culture, interest in the 'fine arts' is lukewarm at best, and generally restricted to the few...most of whom don't even have a clue whats going on but enjoy the 'frisson' of being part of the 'elite', thereby reinforcing the Emperors' clothes myth.
The Australian reports on how even Aunty ABC has abandoned the arts:
Yet the attitude persists that arts journalism is somehow indulgent, unimportant and dispensable, attracting too few readers or viewers to warrant the media space.
ABC1 is dropping Art Nation, its only general-interest arts magazine, because it costs $2 million a year to produce and attracts only 60,000 viewers.
The broadcaster also has scrapped two of its specialist cultural programs on Radio National, The Book Show and Artworks, and rolled books and arts into a single daily program.Reality has a way of slapping down the Utopianist and all of the the hand-wringing, pathos laden, anti-everything, immoral, insane vibe of post modern art has eventually tired even the most hardened of viewers, leaving only those directly involved in the game...the last, thin foundation. Unfortunately such a scenario falls well within the definition of a cultural collapse which, as history indicates, often signals the end of the beginning of general civilizational implosion.
No doubt the 'arty' elites will scream 'phillistines' at the uncaring mob and in the sheltered niche cafes and green enclaves they will excoriate all whose tastes do not match their own jaded, often twisted perspectives on 'artistic sensibilities'.
And the world will continue to turn.
The sound of bells?
Donne wrote: "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
Independant schools beware, Gillard claims Joan Kirner as a powerful influence on her (Gillards) philosophy and this is what her guru has to say about schooling:
Independant schools beware, Gillard claims Joan Kirner as a powerful influence on her (Gillards) philosophy and this is what her guru has to say about schooling:
Kirner once declared that education had to be re-shaped to be “part of the socialist struggle for equality, participation and social change, rather than an instrument of the capitalist system”.Talk about channelling Gramsci.
A further illustration that the Gonski funding review represents a danger to non-government schools and that the ALP federal government harbours a dislike for such schools is the failure of the last three education ministers to guarantee that non-government schools will not suffer financially as a result of the review.
Julia Gillard, Simon Crean and now Peter Garrett, while stating that no school will lose funding, have all refused to promise that any new model will index funding on an annual basis. When he was interviewed soon after the launch of the four research papers in late August, Garrett, on being asked three times, refused to clarify the matter.
That non-government schools are in danger of losing funding in real terms and having their autonomy compromised is made more likely given that the Greens are able to exert so much pressure. Julia Gillard depends on the Greens for her government’s political survival and the extreme-Left party is no friend of Catholic and independent schools.
Not only does the Greens’ education policy call for funding to non-government schools to be frozen at 2003-04 levels, that funding to wealthy schools be withdrawn and that funding be reduced to take account of money raised by schools and their communities, the Greens also seek to force their radical social agenda on schools. If the Greens have their way, the right of faith-based schools to employ and enrol those sympathetic and supportive of such schools’ religious beliefs will no longer be permitted.
Dr Kevin Donnelly is Director of the Melbourne-based Education Standards Institute and the author of Australia’s Education Revolution (Connor Court).
Sunday, 20 November 2011
The here-to-fore aggressively bombastic promulgators of panic are beginning to build their escape pods and are plotting to avoid punishment of any sort, not least in terms of their income streams which are not being stopped just renamed:
Perhaps the peculiar and impotent toadies of the 'occupy' rabble should abandon their narcissistic whining and focus on the truly meaningful by condemning the money wasting, sanctimonious misfits who steal the taxpayers money to spend on Utopian fairy tales and Quixotic odysseys and in the process turn us all into beggars.
Oh sorry, the toadies and the misfits are one and the same!
You switched off your brain, stopped investigating, and turned yourself willingly into a mouthpiece for government funded scientists against the unfunded independent scientists who turned out to have been right all along. The shape-shifting here is entirely predictable. It means the machine adapts to reality, but hardly anyone one gets punished. A bit like the bailouts and fraud on Wall St — no one went to jail. (Occupy Climate anyone?) They just change the letterheads on the parasitic agencies that pretend to help the poor and care about lemurs, and all of them get away with the sloppy reasoning, wasteful practices, bullying, deceit, and corruption.Isn't it nice that all of these paragons of virtue standing on the summit of mount virtue and pontificating loudly to the masses of our 'sinfulness' are all chest deep in the public trough?
Perhaps the peculiar and impotent toadies of the 'occupy' rabble should abandon their narcissistic whining and focus on the truly meaningful by condemning the money wasting, sanctimonious misfits who steal the taxpayers money to spend on Utopian fairy tales and Quixotic odysseys and in the process turn us all into beggars.
Oh sorry, the toadies and the misfits are one and the same!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Wecome to the panic zone!
Read this article to understand why it is just not wise to panic over every 'new' scare.
Scumming the waters.
These new developments in Italy are reflective of a change in the worldview of the West generally:
Firstly it is an indication of how useless politicians really are...Monti looked for suitable people but couldn't find any! Think Australian Labor Party and realise that not one, not one member of Parliament has worked in the private sector or been a 'producer' of wealth. They are all ex Union, professional bureaucrats or professional politicians.
But the second issue is by far the most ominous, i.e. the democratic concept of elected officials being held to account by the electorate dissolves, thus signalling the beginning of the end for democracy.
In this small beginning we witness the seeds sown for a one world government appointed by an elite; i.e. the 'experts'.
And given the mess the world is in most people will welcome these expert problem solvers with open arms because these are the ones who will return personal peace and prosperity to the masses and aren't those the most important issues in life?
Problem is the cure is worse than the illness...something like getting yourself into a financial mess and then going to a loan shark to bail you out.
Despite reports that Mr Monti had sought to include politicians in his cabinet, there are none.
"The absence of political personalities in the government will help rather than hinder a solid base of support for the government in parliament and in the political parties because it will remove one ground for disagreement," he said.What is being communicated speaks volumes about developments in the world of politics.
Firstly it is an indication of how useless politicians really are...Monti looked for suitable people but couldn't find any! Think Australian Labor Party and realise that not one, not one member of Parliament has worked in the private sector or been a 'producer' of wealth. They are all ex Union, professional bureaucrats or professional politicians.
But the second issue is by far the most ominous, i.e. the democratic concept of elected officials being held to account by the electorate dissolves, thus signalling the beginning of the end for democracy.
In this small beginning we witness the seeds sown for a one world government appointed by an elite; i.e. the 'experts'.
And given the mess the world is in most people will welcome these expert problem solvers with open arms because these are the ones who will return personal peace and prosperity to the masses and aren't those the most important issues in life?
Problem is the cure is worse than the illness...something like getting yourself into a financial mess and then going to a loan shark to bail you out.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Taxing problem.
Milton warned that "the attempt to keep out evil doctrine by licensing is like the exploit of that gallant man who thought to keep out the crows by shutting his park gate".Somewhat like the bureaucratic bunglers who think that you can change a persons behaviour by taxing the objects used in said behaviour, i.e. cigarettes, petrol, electricity etc.
A little like taxing sin.
The unintended consequences of misdirected punishment encourages people to; a) adopt more critical attitudes towards the greedy tax authorities (revenue raising!), and b) make people more adept at tax avoidance.
To punish for a behaviour might work to a degree and for a limited time but it also builds resentment. Convince people they are wrong and they will adjust their own behaviour.Thank goodness for grace.
Maggie Thatcher reborn!
Reasons why so many 'conservatives' appear to have gone over to the dark side:
Faced with the apparently overwhelming power of the left-wing media and intelligentsia, weaponised through their Orwellian hijacking of the language of the centre ground and their career-ending bullying and intimidation of all who dare to disagree, many conservatives have succumbed to the cultural mind-bending without even realising they have been in effect captured by the enemy.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Time machine blues
I am beginning to feel like the paranoid taxi driver character Mel Gibson played where he believed that conspiracies lurked around every corner, the only problem was that his fears proved to be correct.
The more I research the more I see evidences of a worldwide ‘trend’ surfacing like the flared head of a cobra responding to its masters 'voice'
"the progressives hijacked an entire spectrum of important social causes, from feminism and race relations through environmental and antiwar activism, each of which ... became subordinated to an agenda having very little to do with the actual cause at hand and everything to do with the underlying agenda of the radical reconstruction of our society."
For example; Gillard is on record articulating an agenda which aims to change the fundamental way of life in Australia and it appears to be the one promise she intends to keep. Change is happening faster than anyone could have imagined. What baffles me however is that the polls indicate the recapturing of a measure of popularity.
What is wrong with the Australian electorate? It beggars belief that the people of this country can actually even consider voting for such a ubiquitous liar, never mind one with such an obviously cancerous worldview. Are they so shallow as to be blinded by a sychophantic press into believing that the ruinous policies of the Gillard interregnum are not going to damage their quality of life, because even those who feed out of the public trough are going to feel the pinch economically in the years to come. Look and learn at how disastrous ideologically driven causes have been for the bankrupted nations of Europe. Greece is only the latest, consider Ireland, Greenland, Spain, Portugal and Italy as well. Capitalism may not be perfect but it has proved the lesser of many evils when it comes to economic policies.
Perhaps this lack of philosophical perspicacity shouldn’t be a huge surprise given the rate of decay in the once dominant worldview of Australia, i.e. the Judeo-Christian value system. I enjoy the dubious honour of being able to observe the development of teenage culture and its affect on its participants as a teacher, a parent and as an amateur observer of philosophical under-currents.
These recent generations have (by and large) lived free of political chaos and destructive ideologies and therefore have little understanding of the fragility of thought foundations. These are kids who have been afforded the time and financial stability necessary to indulge in an orgy of toxic popular culture. They have been ‘educated’ by a system whose architects are steeped in the currently favoured neo-Marxist, post-modern ideologies, and have been encouraged to view learning as fun or entertainment rather than hard work, a perspective which has radically undermined the fundamentals of a successful life, that is, a productive work ethic.
An enlightening exercise is to mention the word ‘capitalist’ to a teenager and gauge their reaction. Their lips curl, smoke emerges from their ears and their voices tremble as they heap abuse on the very notion of anybody making a substantial profit. You only have to follow the current 'Occupy anything' crowd to gauge the emerging youth culture of today. a culture of redistribution and entitlement that has little or nothing to do with having earned the money to buy the sireee, they believe it somehow has become a 'human right' to free this and free that.
Their heads have been filled with useless (and frequently erroneous...even science is manipulated to serve political and personal ‘gods’) information and ever expanding trivia. We are living with what many progressives claim are the most ‘educated’ generation of all time, yet most do not know how to reason effectively and too few think very deeply about anything.
Much of the information they imbibe has its source in PoMo re-writes of history straight out of Orwellian fiction. Plus on the news cycle scene journalists are taught that it is now more honest to reflect ones bias openly rather than trying to attain the unattainable, i.e. objectivity, thus the 'news' becomes little more than entertaining trivia or opinion.
Students are fed fantasies about their allegedly ‘racist’ forefathers (triggering false guilt), apocalyptic fear mongering couched in pantheistic religious jargon, i.e. the despoiling of ‘Mother Gaia’ and is disseminated through mendacious 'documentaries'(????) such as those churned out by Al Gore and Michael Moore, both of whom have become filthy capitalists as a result of their egregious manipulations.
On every front; culture, education, political there is a white-anting of the Judeo-Christian value base and the replacement of that worldview with either the insipid Lennon/Ono brand of ‘Imagine’ commutarianism or the very toxic neo-Marxist ideologies being employed by the likes of Hugo Chavez and cronies:
As we have since seen, the Labor government has used the pretext of efficiency set out by the Howard government to draft its own national curriculum of a highly ideological nature. The ALP’s proposed national curriculum is egregiously biased with an over-emphasis on Asian and Aboriginal histories at the expense of teaching children about the history of Western civilisation. It implies that human rights come from modern NGOs such as the United Nations, rather than from the development of Christian philosophy during the Enlightenment. Indeed, one of the key drafters of the curriculum admits that its only mentions of Christianity are unfavourable. The concept of “sustainability” is embedded throughout the document, as are highly contestable ideas such as the problem posed by the “energy crisis” and dwindling natural resources. The document even admits that it sets out to “shape” the next generation of leaders, rather than just teach them.
These are the children who populate the current crop of inner city, latte sipping, socially indoctrinated ‘green’ acolytes who vote for ‘progressives’ because they have been sold a superficial touchy-feel-good message. These are what hardcore revolutionaries refer to as the ‘useful idiots’. The indoctrinated, corrupted, lazy, idealistic, ambitious and soft; the 'Kruddites' of the world and other similar ‘South Park’ denizens who are subtly manipulated into manoeuvring the ruthless and hidden oligarchs (the Morlocks) into positions of power and influence. These are the ‘elites’ who dream their Eloian dreams of living in a future Utopia, but like their cinematic doppelgangers, once they have served their purpose they will be gobbled up and consumed by the Morlocks.
And every un-Christian sentiment in my sinful heart (the titanium section) says; ‘serves em right’, but I wrestle my better side to the fore and pray that I will stand up to be counted as one who reaches out to all with the grace, love and compassion available through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Monday, 14 November 2011
A Global warning!
If you really believe that the Global Warming conspiracy is some harmless and well meaning attempt by the loony left to upgrade their tree-hugger status, think again:
Consider the major attack being mounted against freedom of speech in Australia. Oh! is intended to appear innocuous and quite reasonable on a superficial level because the news cycle is aimed at the quick turnaround. Therefore nothing is truly examined and these radical social legislative changes are coming in under the radar and setting up a political house of cards.
Be aware of the signs of the times.
Among those who endorse the goals, within governments and outside, there are frequent ominous references to the need and scope for individuals, institutions and societies to change their behaviour radically. Two representative instances are:
- from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: “countries need to act in a concerted fashion to reshape human activities on an unprecedented scale”;
- from Germany’s Scientific Advisory Council on Global Environmental Change: “Our call is for fundamental transformation and innovation in all spheres and at all scales”.
Consider the major attack being mounted against freedom of speech in Australia. Oh! is intended to appear innocuous and quite reasonable on a superficial level because the news cycle is aimed at the quick turnaround. Therefore nothing is truly examined and these radical social legislative changes are coming in under the radar and setting up a political house of cards.
Be aware of the signs of the times.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Gone batty!
Welcome to Australia, home of the can-do Aussie pragmatist...I don't think.
An example instead of how PC and OH&S rules the belfry:
An example instead of how PC and OH&S rules the belfry:
Back to the bats. It seems that protected species legislation and muddle-headed bureaucracy have combined to stymie rational attempts to control the exploding bat populations.
This is a serious report of measures taken, but still I laughed out loud reading it.
The Botanic Gardens Trust brought in a team of experts who’d helped shift a bat colony from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne in 2003. They lodged an 84-page application with the NSW Government and a 94-page application with the Federal Government. They secured agreement with local councils for the relocation of the bats to distant parklands. They consulted the indigenous community. They prepared a 496-page Public Environment Report. They formed a Steering Committee and devised a Wildlife Research Protocol, an Environmental Noise Management Plan and a Site Suitability Assessment. They appointed a Flying Fox Project Officer, along with a Monitoring Team and an Observer Group. An Independent Expert Report was commissioned, and an Expert Committee superseded the Steering Committee.
Fair dinkum, Australia is run by idiots.What can any rational person say about such a country?
Educational wisdom! this story of educational brilliance gives me goose bumps. Would that this headmistress were in charge of education Nation wide.
CLASSIC!According to a news report, a certain private school in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs was recently faced with an unusual problem. A number of the girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints.Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day the girls would put them back. Finally the Headmistress decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night (you can just imagine the yawns from the little princesses).To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet bowl, and cleaned the mirror with it.The silence was broken by a large number of gasps, a few girls vomited and apparently someone fainted. Since then there have been no lip prints on the mirror.There are teachers . . . and then there are educators.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Freedom is what I say it is!
Isn't it rather peculiar how similar the responses by the 'intellectual class' are, irrespective of which university they live under in. Consider this ineffectual man's diatribe against the journalistic kudos of Mark Steyn here: and Mark Steyn's brilliant (if lengthy) response here:
I am so tired of hearing the same old blowhards telling the same willing sycophants how distressing the truth is to hear. What is really being communicated by said blowhards is; that they want to hear only what they want to hear and anyone disagreeing with them is immoral/a liar/unprofessional/dangerous etc, etc.
Unfortunately having lived for many years within a totalitarian system I have witnessed firsthand the initial stages of total control. The official strangling of democratic debate begins with an 'academic' appraisal of the differences between freedom and irresponsibility, and leads inevitably to a clamping down by the 'authorities' on any 'unapproved' speech...unapproved that is by other than the official elite.
Anybody who has lived under such a regime can tell you that is no freedom at all.
I would implore all Australians to learn to live with uncomfortable opinions from those with whom you might deservedly disagree, rather than to choose the unpalatable 'peace' that comes from handing censorship of opinion into the hands of politicians or 'intellectuals' who think they know better than you.
That is the beginning of a slippery slope into a hell of your own making.
I am so tired of hearing the same old blowhards telling the same willing sycophants how distressing the truth is to hear. What is really being communicated by said blowhards is; that they want to hear only what they want to hear and anyone disagreeing with them is immoral/a liar/unprofessional/dangerous etc, etc.
Unfortunately having lived for many years within a totalitarian system I have witnessed firsthand the initial stages of total control. The official strangling of democratic debate begins with an 'academic' appraisal of the differences between freedom and irresponsibility, and leads inevitably to a clamping down by the 'authorities' on any 'unapproved' speech...unapproved that is by other than the official elite.
Anybody who has lived under such a regime can tell you that is no freedom at all.
I would implore all Australians to learn to live with uncomfortable opinions from those with whom you might deservedly disagree, rather than to choose the unpalatable 'peace' that comes from handing censorship of opinion into the hands of politicians or 'intellectuals' who think they know better than you.
That is the beginning of a slippery slope into a hell of your own making.
Sickly green.
The spirit that causes young Australians to be numbered amongst the highest suicide rates in the world, is the same spirit behind the Greens push to have 100% renewable energy within 10 years.
These mendacious and spiteful tyrants care nothing for the ordinary Australian, in fact they are on record as perceiving all human beings as a virus on the earth. They have one goal...and that is to 'cull' the human population so as to return the world to a humanistic 'Edenic' state for them and theirs to enjoy. Good luck dreamers, just wait until the human nature that you believe doesn't exist kicks in. And to prove that what I am saying is true you don't have to look further than the (pre PoMo) history books.
These mendacious and spiteful tyrants care nothing for the ordinary Australian, in fact they are on record as perceiving all human beings as a virus on the earth. They have one goal...and that is to 'cull' the human population so as to return the world to a humanistic 'Edenic' state for them and theirs to enjoy. Good luck dreamers, just wait until the human nature that you believe doesn't exist kicks in. And to prove that what I am saying is true you don't have to look further than the (pre PoMo) history books.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Welcome to the future!
Education in Australia goes from bad to worse:
As we have since seen, the Labor government has used the pretext of efficiency set out by the Howard government to draft its own national curriculum of a highly ideological nature. The ALP’s proposed national curriculum is egregiously biased with an over-emphasis on Asian and Aboriginal histories at the expense of teaching children about the history of Western civilisation. It implies that human rights come from modern NGOs such as the United Nations, rather than from the development of Christian philosophy during the Enlightenment. Indeed, one of the key drafters of the curriculum admits that its only mentions of Christianity are unfavourable. The concept of “sustainability” is embedded throughout the document, as are highly contestable ideas such as the problem posed by the “energy crisis” and dwindling natural resources. The document even admits that it sets out to “shape” the next generation of leaders, rather than just teach them.
This curriculum, which amounts to a campaign document of the Left in the cultural wars, will be the basis on which every child in Australia will be taught in the future.Homeschool your children on the Trivium method from a young age. I have seen and experienced the tragedy of the current schooling on teenagers.
Herr Bob!
This according to Bob Brown and cronies on the 'media enquiry' is acceptable speech:
Jawhol Herr Bob......................... .........
Margi said…But any criticism of him or his cronies is 'hate speech'.
I agree with Lawrie. You should have “glassed the c...” Nelson. You should have taken a piece of glass and torn his face to shreds, only leaving trails of bloody skin dripping from his ugly face and then you should have glassed his ass and b..s so much, you castrate him so he could never procreate with his wife. Furthermore, glass the c… wife and their children, while you’re at it, because they don’t deserve to procreate and have any children themselves, those blood-sucking Liberal c...!
A major meltdown by Greens leader Bob Brown at his press conference this morning. His obsession and anger with “the Murdoch press” is unnerving. But he also lashed out at - or treated with disdain - Fairfax radio reporter Michael Pachi, Andrew Tillett of the West Australian and Hugh Riminton of Channel 10.
Brown accused the Murdoch media of dragging down the debate and forgetting its true role of “moving Australia” forward, which he interpreted as backing a carbon dioxide tax.What is truly amazing to me is how many 'intelligent' people accept this hypocritical stance because they believe their being within the 'elite' nothing bad will happen to them. Similarly non-prescient 'intellectuals' brought Hitler to power and those who did not bow to him were rewarded with the same fate as all who displeased the little corporal, just as those who displease the 'little brown watermelon' will suffer his displeasure.
Jawhol Herr Bob......................... .........
Control freaks.
The leering, backslapping, jocular and self-congratulatory exultation of the Watermelon's in Parliament on Tuesday brought hot gorge surging to the back of my throat.
This tax they have gleefully extorted from the Australian people has nothing to do with a fictitious 'global warming'.
It does however have everything to do with wealth distribution.
24.7 Billion dollars from the top 500 we actually believe that these companies are going to be able to sustain such a revenue grab?
Gangsters around the world are cracking bottles of expensive champagne and rubbing their hands together in anticipation of rich pickings to come with the 'offshore carbon credits schemes'.
What utter madness in the name of an already illustrated failure of social engineering, i.e. the socialist/communist Utopian fantasy.
When push comes to shove this whole deal is about shown by the ridiculous 'media enquiry' currently underway.
Stifle opposition, reduce capitalism, control the proletariat, ...classic!
Well said Jo Nova:
This tax they have gleefully extorted from the Australian people has nothing to do with a fictitious 'global warming'.
It does however have everything to do with wealth distribution.
24.7 Billion dollars from the top 500 we actually believe that these companies are going to be able to sustain such a revenue grab?
Gangsters around the world are cracking bottles of expensive champagne and rubbing their hands together in anticipation of rich pickings to come with the 'offshore carbon credits schemes'.
What utter madness in the name of an already illustrated failure of social engineering, i.e. the socialist/communist Utopian fantasy.
When push comes to shove this whole deal is about shown by the ridiculous 'media enquiry' currently underway.
Stifle opposition, reduce capitalism, control the proletariat, ...classic!
Well said Jo Nova:
And so it came to pass that a small band of the selfish or deluded came to steal the blood, sweat and toil of the many.
They lied, broke solemn promises, failed to provide evidence, and displayed a singular lack of good-manners. They viciously insulted anyone who disagreed, they hid the models the public were forced to pay for, they gave patrons highly paid jobs to advertize their scheme.
They speak arrant nonsense as if it is the bleeding obvious: telling us that we will grow rich if we use energy that costs more; that coal miners are to blame for heavy rain; that more taxes will bring investors; that we’ll lose jobs if we don’t pay more than we need to for energy; or that 6.98 billion people will follow the 0.02 billion who lead us on the path to the Land of Stupid. They made prophesies that failed time after time, yet speak on, as if only they have the vision to guide us.
The polls show the public would not have elected people who wanted to bring in a Carbon Tax. Yet it is law.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Tilting @
The mad-green infatuation with wind-driven energy and the deliberate obfuscation of its myriad problems gives new meaning to the concept of a ' Quixotic complex'.
Oink, oink!
I read how Gillard's polling shows a significant boost, up two points, as a result of her 'hanging tough' on her policies and I despair,(well that's not strictly true because my faith is in an unchanging person) but I cannot imagine why any in the electorate would even begin to vote for such a demonstrably incompetent leader.
The facts are; that this current government has in a minuscule period of time (politically speaking) transformed Australia from a land of financial credit and enormous potential into a country with an ever escalating debt burden, a laughing stock of failed fiscal and political stunts, a honey pot for thieves, con men and illegal queue jumpers, and the world's flagship of the mad-green-cult of 'watermelon environmentalists'.
I would state with little expectation of rebuttal, that all of the nutters who would vote for this government are being fed from the public trough or are ideologically driven by the suicidal socialistic mantras of the hard-core unionists!
The facts are; that this current government has in a minuscule period of time (politically speaking) transformed Australia from a land of financial credit and enormous potential into a country with an ever escalating debt burden, a laughing stock of failed fiscal and political stunts, a honey pot for thieves, con men and illegal queue jumpers, and the world's flagship of the mad-green-cult of 'watermelon environmentalists'.
I would state with little expectation of rebuttal, that all of the nutters who would vote for this government are being fed from the public trough or are ideologically driven by the suicidal socialistic mantras of the hard-core unionists!
Friday, 4 November 2011
The sentiments expressed by Elaina Plott in this article: are regretably accurate.
Though cloaked by a sharp cry of hatred for money, the Occupy Wall Street protestors represent, in actuality, the infatuation. Their very rhetoric should logically persuade them against protesting at all; if they indeed hate money, why bother asking for more? Why condemn those who have it? If money were so detestable, a protest centered on it would only further spread the disease.
Thus the entire movement becomes a fraud. Its smallest attempt at a thesis is rendered illogical; the protest conceals a gross infatuation with money and its supposed contribution to corruption. To the protestors, the ideal of making money is meaningless, as are the ethics that lead to it.
Instead, they consider governmental handouts meaningful and worthwhile. But taking governmental handouts — distribution of unearned money — is in fact stealing. It is an evil caused not by money but rather by selfishness. I would wager that, when presented with a dime, an Occupy Wall Street protester would be quickest to run with it.
Money’s use for corruption stems from the human condition rather than the nature of money. Only when we recognize this can we revitalize the love of the work ethic that drives money’s very existence. Until then, we must acknowledge that whoever describes money as the root of all evil has instead described himself....but equally regrettable is the surety that truth such as this falls on ears deafened by the cacophony created by freeloaders feeding at the public trough. Greece is living proof that economic reality is not enough to prevent the grossly indulgent from committing national suicide.
COMMENTARY Gateway Pundit reveals a fact that some people will find astonishing: The American Nazi Party and the American Communist Party have endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement, albeit for different reasons.
The Nazis equate capitalism, which the demonstrators are opposed to, to their hallucinations of a Jewish conspiracy. This may be reflected in some of the anti-Semitic rhetoric coming out of the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations.
The communists see the current demonstrations as a beginning of an American Bolshevik Revolution and the establishment of a Soviet-style government in the United States. Occupy Wall Street also appeals to their sense of class warfare.
Woe is us!
Melanie Phillips:
Everywhere, a sense of apocalypse is in the air. The Arab world is in revolutionary ferment and bad men there are likely to be succeeded by even worse. Iran is poised to unleash nuclear Armageddon. Israel, under repeated rocket attack from Gaza, is menaced by genocidal enemy armies on all sides except for the Mediterranean Sea. America, for so long the bulwark of western defences, is currently out of that game thanks to the Manchurian narcissist in the White House (look at this open distancing from the US by the west’s erstwhile ally, the King of Jordan, to grasp just what damage Obama has done to the free world).
The west is teetering on the edge of financial catastrophe; the EU is staggering about like a punch-drunk boxer on the brink of collapsing with a brain haemorrhage; and Britain’s Prime Minister, panicking under the pressure of events that cannot be scripted by his pollsters, is desperately tossing out banal policy soundbites of cosmic irrelevance to these global challenges like the brief sparks from a dud catherine wheel stuttering in the face of a tornado.
If ever there was a time for the religious guardians of western civilisation to stand as its rock-solid defenders through their conspicuous moral clarity, this is surely it. But unlike the churches in the US which are have served as the bulwark of western civilisation in the culture wars that have been playing out there for decades, the Church of England has long been on its knees appeasing the enemies of civilisation -- secularism, leftism and now also Islamism.The real church needs to rise up and be counted!
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Looney Cool!
How to avert disaster? It will not be easy, if for no other reason than that in America (and all through the West) the PC brigade continues to restrict genuine dissent, its fancy talk of “diversity” little short of Orwellian. The anti-establishmentarianism of the 1960s has metastasised into a form of soft totalitarianism. The supposed commitment by progressives to “rights” increasingly concerns itself with the rights of groups rather than the rights of individuals. Our ancient liberties, argues Steyn, are under threat from a left-of-centre political class who see their role as the authoritative arbiter between “tribes” rather than as the democratic sentinel of free individuals. This, sadly, represents only one aspect of the problem. It is Steyn’s contention that a “lefter-of-centre judiciary, a leftist-of-centre bureaucracy, all of whom have been educated by a lefterooniest-of-all academy”, hinders Americans from confronting Stealth Jihadism. The allegation of “Islamophobia” has become the weapon of choice for our PC hought police.
...In times past the concept of “cool” was adopted by many an underclass, from slaves to political dissenters, as a form of insolence in the guise of ironic disengagement. In the 1960s the psychedelic generation adopted it as a guiding moral imperative as they began discarding, thanks to the complicity or dimwittedness of their elders, the cultural traditions of our antecedents. Many of these self-styled rebels, along with their younger mimics, now hold positions of power and influence, and yet for the politically correct generations “cool” remains fundamental to their sense of self. All the allure and glamour of being cool, however, comes at the price of inertia and paralysis. Barack Obama, the coolest-ever President of the United States, far cooler than saxophone-playing Bill Clinton, is “less the leader of the Free World” than “the Bystander-in-Chief”.
Our children need to read After America and begin to understand its lessons. In the shorter term, the book’s primary value is that come November 2012 even more Americans might vote for a candidate blessed not with self-conscious aplomb (“street cred”) but with maturity, humility and common sense. The electoral demise of The One will not in itself save America, although it would be a good start.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Imagine...A new age!
This is a picture of a large 4 segment painting I exhibited in 1988 (it currently resides in California) called SIGN OF THE TIMES and it is one of a series of works that grew out of observations made whilst walking Durban's docklands looking for subject matter. What I saw were indicators of a potential mass exodus by a significant section of the South African middle class (perhaps for valid, perhaps racist reasons, I choose not to argue the rights and wrongs of motivation, merely to observe the phenomena).
The period was just post-PW Botha's 'Rubicon' speech and during the peak of the 'state of emergency'.
As it turned out the signs proved prophetic, and large portions of the South African middle-class (white, brown & mixed) are now a new diaspora.
There appears to be another set of 'signs' converging, a 'perfect storm' perhaps and to mention just a small cross section of issues, they include:
Just think John Lennon's 'Imagine'.
The period was just post-PW Botha's 'Rubicon' speech and during the peak of the 'state of emergency'.
As it turned out the signs proved prophetic, and large portions of the South African middle-class (white, brown & mixed) are now a new diaspora.
There appears to be another set of 'signs' converging, a 'perfect storm' perhaps and to mention just a small cross section of issues, they include:
- The fundamentalist environmentalists and their desire to 'save' the planet by manipulating the population and embracing an essentially misanthropic agenda. Top of their hate list appears to be the Judeo-Christian worldview.
- The fanatical Islamist tide which has metamorphosed from a mere 'stateless terror threat' into the 'Arab Spring'; that is a capturing of Nationhood entities, including the many national armoury's (some 50,000 missing ground to air missiles from Libya alone). The fact that the world is awash with unaccounted for weapons of mass destruction is a troubling development that potentially sets the stage for significant escalations in 'terrorist' atrocities.
- A concerted left-wing attack on freedom of speech, particularly on that which challenges or contradicts 'political correctness'. The desire to 'suspend the democratic process' in order to push through unpopular legislation and the merciless ridiculing and litigating of opponents makes speaking out a dangerous and expensive decision.
- In Australia the current government is undermining the economy for reasons as yet unclear but control via dependence on government largess is steadily increasing.
- There is a systematic and concerted attack on what constitutes a family and the very concept of the family unit.
- There is a push by elites for a one world government and financial system even as the Western society's are under attack from within their own borders to recognise 'tribal' rather than national agendas.
- There is a sustained and radical attack on authority in any traditional Judeo-Christian form.
- In Australia the latest attack is coming via a move on 'Cults', and in place of 'cults' read organised religion in any form coming down the road.
- Professional fear-mongers are making billions of dollars and spreading psychoses by sprouting misleading information about over-population, food and essential resources shortages etc, etc.
- A common denominator appears to be the embracing of a Utopian worldview, i.e. that man alone (as the measure of all things) is capable, skilled and clever enough to usher in world harmony if only the right conditions can be arrived at. Even the Islamic idea of a world-wide caliphate speaks of mens manipulating the conditions to suit Allah.
- There appears to be a singular agreement on a rejection of the Judeo-Christian worldview and all that it stands for, even (and including) science; because without a rational Being creating the world how could there be rational laws to discover? Rationality does not 'evolve' by chance, the proposition is self-defeating.
- Given that our educational, political, journalistic and social castes have essentially undermined the worldview that speaks of life and judgement after death, and that the Nietzschean impulse to eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow-we-die fatalism has grabbed the popular imagination, fear of what happens here on earth has become a principle motivating factor for political manipulators, 'snake-oil salesmen' and mass soothsayers.
Just think John Lennon's 'Imagine'.
Beware what you hope for!
This small excerpt from an article discussing Andrew Bolts trial and its implications for freedom of speech speaks volumes about the quality of people involved in making the rules under which we currently live and it is only going to get worse. As a student of history I watch newsreels recording the rise of Nazism in Germany and shudder when I consider the extremism already happening in Australia at the moment...and it is not the right 'wingnuts' I am talking about.
I was there at the beginning, and I was there at the end. I was in the courtroom when wit and humour became a race crime. I saw the torture they inflicted on Andrew Bolt for his wrong ideas and the pleasure they got from hurting him. I heard meanness and I saw hatred on people’s faces—but they weren’t the ones on trial. During the lunch break on the first day a woman said loudly, “I’m interested in anything against Bolt. This time he has bitten off more than he can chew.” Back in the courtroom Eatock’s solicitor, Joel Zyngier, greeted her with a kiss.
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