Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Abbott the great

English politician and member of the European Parliament; Daniel Hannan, and his devastating observations about Australia's left-wing luvvies and their perspective on Tony Abbott:
...the three unpardonable heresies of our age: he believes in God, opposes eco-taxes and wants to scrap restrictions on free speech.
Read more @ http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/danielhannan/100139577/my-favourite-politician-in-the-entire-anglosphere/

Monday, 27 February 2012

Believe it or not!

As I grow older and as I am exposed to the attitudes of the general public (including my own extended family, even my two older children), the more I despair for the future of Western civilisation.

However, I sincerely pray that I am completely wrong and without good reason to worry! (And on one level I truly am without fear).

But lately what I observe in the many interviews of (mainly but not exclusively young) people on the streets of Australia and after all that has transpired over the past few years in the political realm, after all that has been revealed about the attitudes, worldviews and behaviours of the Labor ruling class, people on the street still (appear to) vote overwhelmingly for Rudd.

I now understand how monsters like Hitler could rise to power on the popular vote.
Are people bereft of reason? What is it that blinds people to reality?
I honestly cannot understand how thinking people can continue to support such a man in the face of almost a continuous abuse of power and devastating failures of policy.
The shallow, superficial 'popularity' of Jerry Springer-like 'celebrity' appears to be all that is necessary for a post-modern politician to succeed.
Is it any wonder that the enemies (and they are legion) of the West merely have to wait until Western civilisation self destructs. 

Our 'educated' population has been raised on propaganda, our 'elites' are ideologically determined to destroy this culture in order to replace it with a system that has been proved a failure in multiple applications, our youth believe that the 'pleasures' they enjoy are somehow a 'human right’ and that all these things just exist, they are just 'there', almost like money growing on a tree.

Our 'rulers' think they can legislate morality and that they can change the climate by taxing people into submission...this world has literally gone mad and the madness within the Labor party stoush just witnessed is merely an exposed symptom of that madness. And what about the liberal party? Much talk emerging from that quarter seems to reflect a similar madness (think Turnball & cronies). They also appear to want to give money away to PC minority causes, to tax more and create less ‘free’ opportunity (free that is of government interference).

Unfortunately it appears that the governing classes have lost touch with reality and the reasons behind Western prosperity and that is the real problem with government regardless of who gains power.

We have not arrived at the most advanced of civilisations because of some evolutionary quirk, no; we have arrived at this point because our ancestors started with, and built upon a work ethic and knowledge base that is almost exclusively derived from the Judeo-Christian worldview.

If you believe I am in error, as most who are currently framing policy most obviously do, then look forward to the day when I am going to be proved wrong. Although, as a student of history I am comfortably certain that I could safely bet my house on the assumption that if we continue to undermine the basis for our prosperity and stability, then in the not-too-distant future we are going to experience a return to the dark ages, where roving ‘tribes’ of ‘multicultural barbarians’ will be vying through force of arms for superiority in a (far more) broken society, to see who rules the roost, and it will undoubtedly take another Attila to bring cohesion to the chaos.

Goodbye passive, inner-city, latté sipping, vegan pacifists!
And quite frankly...good riddance.
But once again I hope that I am wrong...for my children’s sake!

In Deuteronomy 28 there appears the following promise:
1 If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands that I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.
2 All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God:
And the writer proceeds to articulate many wonderful blessings.
Skip to verse 15 where it is said:
15 However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
 28 The LORD will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind.
29 At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything you do; day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no-one to rescue you.

Forgive me for what might appear to be bible thumping...but I suspect that few can argue with the fact that this does sound suspiciously like what is happening right now, right here.

Thank God for Grace and forgiveness and the new testament solution to the "no-one to rescue you" clause!


Saturday, 25 February 2012

What goes around...

The latest deadly tantrums by Islamic proles in Afghanistan and the abject apology awarded to these malcontents by the space cadet president of the united states illustrates the rapidly escalating deterioration to the backbone of Western civilisation.
What is of significant import to me is that in the many press articles I have read regarding the debacle, Diane West is the first journalist who uncovers that really essential nugget of information that has been hidden from our view and which is the real reason behind the book burnings:
 That's partly because I see no upset in the land over the latest and greatest display of American dhimmitude -- the subservient state of Jews and Christians in thrall to Islamic law -- that we have witnessed in Afghanistan all week. Afghan Muslims have convulsed in rioting and killing (among other fatalities, two U.S. military personnel have been murdered by an Afghan army member) on word that Qurans and other religious materials were disposed of on a U.S. military base after authorities discovered the books were being used at Parwan prison in what the BBC said may have been "a secret Taliban message system."
Now I have to ask the question...why have so many articles, puff pieces, essays and journalistic endeavours  ignored this somewhat salient fact from their reports?
The rampant dishonesty and fraudulent bias that exists in the main-stream-media today beggars belief and is I believe, a major factor behind the accelerating demise of Western civilisation. And what makes it all so incomprehensible is that these communication elites will be the first to suffer annihilation under the rule of the incoming barbarians.

This is a classic case of those who either ignore the lessons of history or just willfully ignore them are in fact doomed to repeat those lessons.

West ends her article with some strong sentiments:
This isn't just political correctness run amok; it's open submission to Islamic law. After all, the Quran is an inanimate object, a thing, cheaply printed and distributed by the gazillion, often by Saudi Arabia. We -- if by "we" I may still refer to the Judeo-Christian-humanist world -- do not rampage and shoot people when an inanimate object, a thing, even a Bible, is torn, written on or thrown away. In fact, we have constitutional rights to do all of those things as a matter of free speech.
Nonetheless, we as a nation -- spilling blood for the "noble people of Afghanistan," as top commander Marine Gen. John R. Allen says in his prostration video (see it here) -- have deemed it vital to accommodate, apologize, slurp and scrape to those who do. Equally as tragic, in the frenzy to apologize, the logic behind throwing the stuff away has been sacrificed. Reason itself has been discarded in a shameful and irrational act of fealty. This isn't just dysfunctional behavior. This is full-blown dhimmitude.
I cannot say I disagree with her.

Friday, 24 February 2012

3 : - )

A marvellous speech on freedom of religious expression and how these freedoms are under attack by Islamism and its 'useful idiot' partners in the west.

A change of heart.

What is it about the public and the MSM in Australia regarding Abbott?
This is a man who was a Rhodes scholar and is a polymath yet the MSM keep referring to him as a fool and an idiot and people believe them.
He is a man who was (still is) a volunteer fire warden, a volunteer lifesaver (long before he rose to prominence in politics) and yet the MSM excoriate him as uncaring, a spoiler and vicious...AND PEOPLE BELIEVE THEM!
It seems that in this country your worldview, your life and your actions mean nothing but what the main-stream-media (who are biased beyond belief) write about means everything...what does that say about the average Australians ability to cogitate? How gullible can the public be?
Have we become so reliant on government largesse that we have lost the willingness to risk offending our benefactor?
Welcome to abject dependency!

Perhaps there is more to it.
Is it primarily that Tony Abbott is also a man of faith?
If you are a Muslim or a Buddist or anyone of a thousand other 'protected faiths' there is no issue, no problem, but woe betide you if you are a Christian (or more recently a Jew).
You can believe in esoteric sytems, you can lie like Gillard (et al), bully like Latham, discombobulate like Swan, ponce like Brown, switch allegiances, cause fatal accidents through incompetance etc...in short you can do anything but believe in a (Christian) higher power!

Look at the way Lindy Chamberlain was treated without any evidence or reason and just because she too was a person of faith (the wrong kind). Unfortunately Australia's record in this regard is less than stellar and speaks volumes about the anti-authourity spirit that resides deep within many Aussies.

The solution is not a change of political parties but a change of heart.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


This observation by Thomas Sowell illustrates the paradoxical dilemma faced by left wing ideology:
The multiculturalist dogma may say that all cultures are equal, or equally deserving of respect, but treating cultures as sacrosanct freezes people into the circumstances into which they happened to be born, much like a caste system.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Few people have managed to articulate the leftwing agenda and its attack on Western culture as succinctly as Star Parker:
The three high profile left wing victories of recent weeks all touch these key areas. End the traditional institution of marriage as a bulwark of our society. Continue to promote sex as recreation and relegate the life this activity creates as a trivial byproduct which we allow to be destroyed with ease, and destroy the sanctity of private property so government can finance irresponsibility with other people’s money.
Amen sister.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Power corrupts

The current imbroglio regarding the forged 'Heartland' documents reflects another low ‘tide’ in the interminable ebb of journalistic integrity. Most post-modern journalists have given up any pretence at objectivity about anything at all, and have subsequently created an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust about every word or statement that emerges from the portals of the press about all of the significant issues which define our troubled epoch.

What we end up with is a mass of subjective opinions, often woefully uninformed and pedantically biased with the inevitable result reflecting an information sphere replete with disinformation and no one believing anything emerging from the opposing ‘camp’ (undoubtedly also influenced by the militant ‘tribalism’ preached from PC leftwing bully pulpits). The resultant confusion, chaos and appeals to consensual conformity are the ruling paradigms of today’s news cycle.

Unfortunately history illustrates that a civilisation which has arrived at such a position usually results in social cohesion being restored principally by means of force. Perhaps this should be the inevitable outcome of our elite’s much heralded evolutionary worldview, in which the strongest wins...or to paraphrase that 20th century prophet; ‘the will to power of the Übermensch’!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Keating Burns!

What a striking resemblance between Mr Burns and Mr Keating...and they even look alike!

Imperative faith

The wisdom of Sayeeda Warsi:
The deep intolerance of militant secularisation
For me, one of the most worrying aspects about this militant secularisation is that at its core and in its instincts it is deeply intolerant. It demonstrates similar traits to totalitarian regimes – denying people the right to a religious identity and failing to understand the relationship between religious loyalty and loyalty to the state.
That’s why in the 20th Century, one of the first acts of totalitarian regimes was the targeting of organised religion. Why? Because, to them, a religious identity struck at the heart of their totalitarian ideology. In a free market of ideas, they knew their ideology was weak. And with the strength of religions, established over many years, followed by many billions, their totalitarian regimes would be jeopardised.
Our response to militant secularisation today has to be simple: holding firm in our faiths; holding back intolerance, reaffirming the religious foundations on which our societies are built. And reasserting the fact that, for centuries, Christianity in Europe has been inspiring, motivating, strengthening and improving our societies. In public life – driving people to do great things, like setting up schools, creating public services, leading the way in charitable acts. In politics – inspiring parties on both the left and the right. In economics – providing many of the foundations for our market economy and capitalism. In culture – influencing our monuments, our music, our paintings, and our engravings.


A woman walked into a bar and asked the barman for a double entendre. So he gave her one.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Monday, 13 February 2012

Watch out!

I believe in the biblical injunction to 'love one another' as articulated throughout the new testament; Gospels, Romans, Ephesians, Galatians etc. While the actual context of these commands is predominantly towards fellow believers, the Christian faith is openly committed to treating all people/outsiders with respect and with 'love' in the agape sense.
Why preface the forthcoming blog with this observance?
Because militant homosexuals tend to classify disagreement with hate and differing opinions with malevolent intentions. I am not a hater nor do I have malevolent intentions but I am worried about the imposition of what I believe to be immoral practices into the legislative arena because to do so is to provide a precedent or as Muehlenburg calls it; "a hammer", to bludgeon believers into acting against their consciences, thus further eroding biblical rigour within an already biblically emaciated community.
Read this for an update of the unintended consequences of anti-biblical legislation:

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Green agenda

Want the green agenda:
No need to even read what people say the Greens says, let them tell it to us in their own words:
I am not going to rest easy until I have articulated in every possible forum the need to bring about major structural changes in economic growth and development. That’s the real issue. Climate change is just a part of it. IPCC Head Pachauri (link, link)
“Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.” Read more
David Suzuki
, Canada’s most prominent environmental activist, has said some interesting stuff. He doesn’t seem to think much of people or our civilization.
Edward Goldsmith, the founder of the magazine that claims to have set the environmental agenda for the past 40 years, declares in its first issue that humans are parasites, an infection, and a disease. We’re waste products that make no ecological sense. (here)
Our would-be German “Masters” demonstrate their thinking on the subject and show the Climate Change really is about power. At JoNova, and here.


Ha Ha:
A pharmacist walked into his shop to find a man leaning against the wall. What's wrong with him he asked the assistant. He came in for cough syrup, but i couldn't find any. So i gave him an entire bottle of laxatives. " You idiot .... You cant treat a cough with laxatives! " said the pharmacist. "" Of course you can!" replied the assistant, look at him, he's too freakin scared to cough now...
This is a funny joke but can, on occasion, be a real problem for many cancer survivors, myself included

Thursday, 9 February 2012


A degeneration of moral and educational standards amongst journalists parades itself in mendacious reportage such as that well illustrated by this excerpt:

James Woodford in The Sydney Morning Herald, January 13, 1996:
A TRAGEDY is beginning to unfold for the creatures of the zoologically rich Macquarie Island, with climate change in the Southern Ocean occurring at the fastest rate on earth. Scientists now fear that a 94 per cent crash in the population of rock hopper penguins on New Zealand’s Campbell Island is about to occur at Macquarie. . The increase in ocean temperatures may have forced the krill into colder waters and, because the birds are so small, they are unable to reach it, said Ms Cindy Hull, a zoologist at the University of Tasmania. She is now concerned that the collapse in rock hopper numbers may be a warning that numbers of the island’s three other penguin species may soon also be affected by climate change.
Tasmania Parks & Wildlife website yesterday:
Macquarie Island is recognised for its rich and diverse animal life. Around 3.5 million seabirds arrive on Macquarie Island each year to breed and moult. Most of these are penguins. No accurate counts of rockhopper penguins are known; estimates range from 10,000 to 500,000 breeding pairs.
It is truly no wonder that the average person, according to recent polling, places journalists below (even) politicians in matters of trust...they inflate, deflate, manipulate, distort and plain lie about all manner of things in order to push their ideological agendas and those of their political bosses/heroes/idols.

Unfortunately the education of journalists under a post-modern, neo Marxist University regime has rendered truth and honesty 'bourgeois' attributes and subsequently resulted in reportage few people believe in any longer. I pity those rare few who still honour the role of objectivity in journalism. 

Orwell showed how control of language translated into control of the population...welcome to our brave new world. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The author of chaos

Politically, the question raised in this excerpt will be familiar to many Australians...think NBN, mining tax, global warming tax, school building program and of course the deadly insulation scheme...to mention a FEW!
‘The question of course is how could such absurd decisions have been made to begin with? Were there no experts involved in the planning of the new power generation infrastructure? The answer obviously is no. Power executives are viewed as evil, dirty and greedy polluters, and thus were never really consulted. They could not be counted on to give the politically correct solutions. Therefore the decision to shut down the German nuclear power plants and to massively support renewables was done unilaterally by the government, without consulting the power executives or even neighboring countries.’
Bureaucrats who really believe that they know more than all 'others', that they alone occupy the 'moral high ground', and that they in their collective 'wisdom' are going to usher in the new Utopian dream of a perfect world.
Such misguided hubris! Such narcissistic blindness! Such petty stupidity!
"I beseech you my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison mixers they are, whether they know it or not.”
(Thus spoke Zarathustra!)

Fanatical 'faith'

Well...reason is beginning to surface in Germany where the deep green religion first took traction (it was the basis of the Nazi 'faith'). This excerpt indicates that the sun is beginning to rise over the darkness:
Germany has now plunged into raucous discord on the heated topic of climate change
What has set it all off? One of the fathers of Germany’s modern green movement, Professor Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, a social democrat and green activist, decided to author a climate science skeptical book together with geologist/paleontologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning. Vahrenholt’s skepticism started when he was asked to review an IPCC report on renewable energy. He found hundreds of errors. When he pointed them out, IPCC officials simply brushed them aside. Stunned, he asked himself, “Is this the way they approached the climate assessment reports?”
Vahrenholt decided to do some digging. His colleague Dr. Lüning also gave him a copy of Andrew Montford’s The Hockey Stick Illusion. He was horrified by the sloppiness and deception he found. Well-connected to Hoffmann & Campe, he and Lüning decided to write the book. Die kalte Sonne cites 800 sources and has over 80 charts and figures. It examines and summarizes the latest science.
Unfortunately in Australia this 'faith' has already cost the taxpayer billions of dollars and unlike what is beginning to happen in Europe, Australian fanatics still hold power and it looks like they are going to continue to inflict expensive damage on the country into the foreseeable future.

In other 'Green' news coming out of Germany:
Weather-dependent supply wreaking havoc on the power grid
The problem is that these energy sources are weather-dependent and thus their sporadic supply is starting to wreak havoc on Germany’s power grid and is even now threatening to destabilize power grids all across Europe. The other problem: the power grid needed to distribute the decentrally produced green power is simply not there yet. They forgot to build it! So far, after tens of billions of euros spent on renewable energy systems and higher prices for consumers, not a single coal or gas-fired power plant has been taken offline. To the contrary, old inefficient plants have been brought back into service in an effort to stabilize the grid.
In a panic reaction, Germany shut down 8 nuclear power plants
To make matters worse, in a fit of panic and hysteria, the German government shut down 8 of its older 18 nuclear reactors in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, thus removing a very cheap and stable supply of power and further pushing the grid to the limits. Before the shutdown of the nuclear reactors, Germany had been a net power exporter; today it is a net power importer and is at times severely straining neighboring power grids

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Poison peddlers

For anyone who still believes in the sad myth of anthropogenic global warming, read this blog to see how those whose livelihoods depend on the maintenance of said myth use lies, conceit and ad hominem attacks to promote their poison...somewhat akin to stand over bandits.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Wake up call

For those who merely shrug their shoulders and parrot 'live and let live' when asked about their stance towards the legalising of homosexual marriage, please read this: http://townhall.com/columnists/robertknight/2012/02/04/counterfeit_marriage_is_antireligion/page/2

Whilst no one promotes a pogrom against people with a different worldview I also think that to ignore the ramifications of a change in legislation is to betray those innocents who might depend on your perspicacity to make informed choices when the time finally comes to eradicate that cancerous tumour growing on the limb of politics in Australia.

Friday, 3 February 2012

A sainted warrior

If you have ever wondered how compassionate, intelligent, moral and enlightened people can believe in cruel, stupid, perverted and self-destructive truths, there is a straightforward progression to the introduction of seditious ideas into the minds of human beings.

An extreme proposition is thrust into the limelight.
Most 'normal' people react with horror to said proposition and a flurry of debate takes place, with the defenders of the outrageous proposition finally offering a watered down version of the idea, which is then accepted with a sigh of relief by the 'normal' brigade.
The unthinkable has become acceptable and in time it becomes the orthodoxy and therefore ripe for another assault.
And so it goes until the original extreme proposition has been reached sometimes even exceeded, and no one can remember when such a position was not acceptable. 

The only way to combat this inevitable progression is to stand back from the issue(s) at stake, view with a humble heart and set aside your ideological goggles (not easy). And what is even more difficult is that if you spot a flaw in your worldview it is extremely difficult to deny years of painstaking study, accumulated recognition and status to buck the collective opinion.

Consider for example those who have been pushing the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth and how difficult it must be to change your position, even in the face of accumulating evidence to the contrary, when your job, career, income and reputation are on the line. It would require the courage of a warrior and the ethics of a saint and how many of those have we encouraged during the last 50 years of politically correct ideological warfare?

a breath of fresh air

Douglas Murray is a young writer who I have recently discovered and who instantly garnered a place on my 'favourite blogs' list. Consider this excerpt:
We have for some time now been in a period in which, as I've often explained, people appear to believe that their "identity" is more important than their ideas.
It is the reason why so many people find it impossible to pose any question from an audience without starting: "As a woman of Indian background", or "As a gay man", and so on. It is very, very tedious. Particularly if you believe people are defined not by their skin colour or sexuality but by the thoughts in their head and the way in which they live their lives.
Amen brother!

the Janus complex

Bolt observes the paradoxical thinking within a left-wing ideologue:
Greens candidate Professor Clive Hamilton complains:
Greens candidate Professor Clive Hamilton preaches:
So I think where we’re going is to begin to see a Gaian earth in its ecological, cybernetic way, infused with some notion of mind or soul or chi, which will transform our attitudes to it away from an instrumentalist one, towards an attitude of greater reverence.
Greens candidate Professor Clive Hamilton complains:
In Australia and the US, climate change is the most important arena for the long-running culture war of the neo-conservatives. In pursuit of their goals they have tapped into primitive fears.
Greens candidate Professor Clive Hamilton preaches:
Question: is Hamilton a fool or a hypocrite?
The truth of the matter is that when you believe that you alone are the bearer of absolute truth, you can never be wrong. That belief enables the holder to bear inconsistency, paradoxical thinking and illogical reasoning with equanimity, i.e. to be two-faced.