Friday, 30 March 2012

Objects of wrath

Have we become so politically correct that we view God's hatred of sin as the sign of a hateful God?
"The truth is, we can never fully appreciate the love of God until we understand the wrath of God. And we can never fully understand the wrath of God until we understand the enormity of our sin. “God hates sin. Sin is abhorrent to God. There should be no difficulty about the term ‘hate’. If you recognize love in God you must recognize hate also. All that is opposed to God is hateful to God.”
 “it is clear that the very character and being of God as holy, makes this doctrine quite inevitable. You cannot mix light and darkness. You cannot conceive of sin as existing in the presence of God. God’s holiness insists upon this doctrine of the wrath of God. God must deal with sin. God must show his hatred of it. It is part of His own holiness and His greatness and glory that He should do so…. [Martin Lloyd-Jones]
We (the Church) have become so morally confused that we are often less use to our fellow travellers than the ancient inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were to theirs.

Monday, 26 March 2012


Martin Durkin does it again. One of the more courageous film/documentary makers around today, he has hit the nail on the head with his take on the 'new class struggle' going on today:
In the old days the socialists told us that the workers were being fleeced by 'the bosses'. But when workers today look in their wage packets and they see almost half of their money gone (more than half if you count VAT) they know it isn't the bosses who have taken it. It's the State. The real class struggle is between almost everyone in the private sector ('bosses and workers' alike) and the legions of tax-consuming parasites in the public sector. To be blunt, 'Green' is the world-view of the well-to-do, largely public-sector funded, intelligentsia.
Lets all 'Occupy' the public sector and disband it!


Read this and weep for the demise of Western civilisation:
Professor Guy Millière of the University of Paris:
Many of the elites seem to think of themselves as The Bequeathers of Absolute Truth — proud, self-righteous, totalitarian antagonists to any contrarian thought or speech — and they have seized power in universities, in the media and in nearly all political parties.
In Europe, defending free market ideas and Judeo-Christian values has become almost impossible… Silvio Berlusconi, a few weeks after the September 11 attacks on the US, said, “We must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights.” Faced with the unanimous indignation of his peers, he had to declare a few days later that he was withdrawing his remarks.
When the French Interior Minister Claude Gueant recently declared that “not all cultures are of equal value,” a socialist deputy publicly expressed outrage, and added that sentences of this kind had “paved the way for the Third Reich;” the French National Assembly has envisioned legal action against him.
Criticizing Islam is even more dangerous.... The prominent Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who expressed the opinion that Islam was “fascism,” was prosecuted in the Netherlands in January 2009 for “inciting hatred against Muslims.” Although he was acquitted in June 2011 by a Dutch court, those who sued him brought the case before the European Court of Human Rights. Final judgment has not yet been reached. The plaintiffs said they felt “humiliated and threatened” by Wilders who, unlike them, must live in safe houses, under police protection…
An Austrian woman, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, gave a private lecture in Vienna in November 2009, during which she remarked that the prophet Mohammed, who married one of his wives, Aisha, when she was nine, “liked young girls,” and one month later found herself charged with “denigrating the teachings of a recognized religion.” In February 2011, she was sentenced to a heavy fine, which she paid; she nevertheless lives under constant threat.
Lars Hedegaard, President of the Danish Free Press Society and the International Free Press Society, affirmed in a December 2009 interview, that Islam treated women in a “degrading manner.” He was immediately convicted of “inciting hatred” and of “racism.” In May 2011, he too was sentenced to a heavy fine. When two Frenchmen, Pierre Cassen and Pascal Hillout, created a secularist movement, Riposte Laïque, [Secular Reply] in 2007, and published several articles against the Islamization of France and Europe, they were charged with “inciting racial hatred” against Muslims. It should be noted that Cassen is a trade-unionist and belongs to the left, and that Hillout was born a Muslim.... On February 3, 2012, the prosecutor requested a jail sentence of two months for Hillout, a jail sentence of three months for Cassen, and a crippling fine of 150,000 euros ($200,000) for Riposte Laïque. The verdict is to be delivered in a few weeks.
For a book about Islam in 2004 (Who’s Afraid of Islam?), that criticizes Islam and defends Israel, I ... still receive frequent explicit death threats — anonymous letters and e-mails, and pictures of slit throats — and copies of The Invention of the Palestinian People, my latest book, have been destroyed by organized gangs raiding bookshops.
The list of examples could be long; all who dare to criticize Islam, defend Israel, or even speak of “Western civilization” in Europe live in a situation of provisional freedom, and face increasing risks… Newspapers and magazines no longer feel free to publish their writings; large publishing companies refuse their books…
The loss of freedom can occur gradually. It can also be brutal. A ban takes hold, then another, and another and another. And nobody pays attention until its too late.

The blind leading the blind

Substitute the word Art for Science and you get a snapshot of the 'high-art' establishment:
But science is incredibly political.  Whole careers are built on, and the funding of entire institutions depend on certain ‘scientific truths’, or as they should be called, ‘funding excuses’.  The global warmers embrace freedom of speech and critical views like turkeys welcome Christmas. What’s more, the political views of scientists are inevitably, profoundly coloured by their almost complete reliance on big state funding.  Predictably, most of them have the trite anti-capitalist worldview that almost always go with it.
And both rely on warped imaginations.

Friday, 23 March 2012

President poseur

Mark Steyn skewers the community organiser president poseur:
So let's see. The president sneers at the ignorance of 15th century Spaniards when, in fact, he is the one entirely ignorant of them. A man who has enjoyed a million dollars of elite education yet has never created a dime of wealth in his life sneers at a crippled farm boy with an eighth-grade schooling who establishes a successful business and introduces electrical distribution across Michigan all the way up to Sault Ste Marie. A man sneers at one of the pioneering women in broadcasting, a lady who brought the voices of T.S. Eliot, G.K. Chesterton and others into the farthest-flung classrooms and would surely have rejected Obama's own dismal speech as being too obviously reliant on "Half-A-Dozen Surefire Cheap Cracks For Lazy Public Speakers." A man whose own budget officials predict the collapse of the entire U.S. economy by 2027 sneers at a solvent predecessor for being insufficiently "forward-looking."
A great nation needs successful self-made businessmen like George Peck, and purveyors of scholarly excellence like Mary Somerville. It's not clear why it needs a smug over-credentialed President Solyndra to recycle "Crowd-Pleasing For Dummies" as a keynote address.
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus, they all laughed at Edison... How does that song continue? "They laughed at me..."
At Prince George's Community College they didn't. But history will, and they will laugh at us for ever taking him seriously.
Read about it here:

Thursday, 22 March 2012

neo class consciousness

 Oh, how this music differed from the Soviet “entertainment”, which inevitably demanded sacrifices, exhorting listeners to burn with enthusiasm for unpaid work, to struggle, to fight, to be angry and full of hate towards “class enemies."
Aside from the music reference doesn't this sound like the standard left-wing exhortation about the need to tighten our belts in favour of sacrificing for Gaia and towards a duty to despise those who question the 'wisdom' of global warming?
The new breed of judging according to class consciousness and jealousy, the dubious and dangerous twin foundations behind the French revolution and all its bloody chaos.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

To be or not to be, that is truly the question.

If no new depravities on the path of human 'evolution' shocks you then it might be interesting to read what the future holds in terms of medical ethics...good luck!

Monday, 19 March 2012

The myth of infallibity

During the historical period known as Modernism, science achieved an unprecedented intellectual apotheosis, plus, as a direct result of the supposed 'factual' basis of science it also succesfully superseded 'religious faith'  in its evolutionary quest to conquer both the intellectual and moral high ground.

Unfortunately (for science) many of its 'high priests' (in their white coats) have recently been unmasked and exposed as little more than charlatans and voodoo practitioners thus undermining the here-to-fore unquestioning faith of the unsceptical mob. However, this breakdown in moral superiority has not led to a return to the reasonable and objective responses one might have hoped for, on the contrary, the unsceptical mob now appear to believe in any and all wild imaginings that the Internet might care to regurgitate and the 'scientists' who held the previously unassailable authority have resorted to strong arm tactics to maintain their power bases:
Another warmist backs a one-world government, Andrew Bolt –, Monday, March, 19, 2012, (11:28am)
Gary Stix, an editor at Scientific American, recommends a strong world government that can crush local democracy and whip up a permanent fear campaign:

To be effective, a new set of institutions would have to be imbued with heavy-handed, transnational enforcement powers.

That 20th century prophet Nietzsche called it; 'the will to power'. 

Round and round

Frolicking around the golden calf we dance our way towards an ECONOMIC & SOCIAL Apocalypse that is much more certain than the constantly hyped 'warming' apocolypse:
The man who did as much as anyone to exaggerate the threat of global warming, Michael Mann, has published a new book, on cue, The Hockey Stick And The Climate Wars. As director of the Earth System Science Centre at Pennsylvania State University, Mann is famous for the now discredited “hockey stick” graph which inspired Al Gore’s influential movie An Inconvenient Truth.
On ABC’s Lateline last week, he portrayed himself and fellow alarmists as martyrs besieged by agents of the fossil fuel industries. His book entreats other scientists to join him “the front lines of the climate wars”. “Scientific truth alone is not enough to carry the day in the court of public opinion.”
Disturbing as that statement is, it can be understood as a product of religious fervour. Historian Geoffrey Blainey, speaking at a Sydney Institute dinner last week, suggested science had become an “alternative religion”.
Research into his new book, A Short History of Christianity, leads him to think our attitude towards science in an era of technological advances is akin to religious faith, with gods to worship, vehemence of belief, good and evil, heretics and saints. He says alternative religions have taken the place of Christianity, including communism, and nature worship.
Welcome to the sceptical era where we scoff at notions of religious faith only to believe in fairytales!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Truth tellers

May the good Lord forgive us all for our timidity and our sinfulness. God grant us the courage to stand tall for our beliefs and in love, tell the truth as God wills and as we know it to be:
“Churches ‘very rarely talk about sin and refuse ever to say that homosexual behaviour is a sin.’ Only a minority of people in the churches in Britain, ‘speak out the word of God. And they get a lot of aggression for it,’ she said. ‘The church is doing a disservice to homosexuals by denying sinners their liberty in the lord Jesus Christ. They are blind guides leading others into a ditch of destruction.’
“Acceptance of the claims of the homosexualist movement by many of the mainline churches and by the medical profession have been ‘incredibly destructive’ to people, Pilkington said. By aligning themselves with the homosexualist movement and committing themselves to the path of ‘gay affirmation’ they are no longer able or willing to offer homosexual people the spiritual and psychological guidance and support necessary to leave the lifestyle if they wish.
“‘Statistics for self-harm, self-hatred, psychological illness are horrendous and are getting more and more momentum as this acceptance grows,’ she said. Homosexual behaviour is ‘incredibly bad for the individual, it is destructive to the person and to our nation.’
“Referring to the recent push by the government to abolish the definition of marriage in law, she said that the churches have brought much of their troubles on themselves. ‘Ultimately the acceptance and encouragement of homosexuality has led to the destruction of traditional marriage and the traditional family. There is no way being gay-affirmative is helpful to individuals or to our nation,’ she said. She admitted that in the UK, it is becoming ‘very close to illegal to say this.’
“The result of cases like hers, she said, is that ‘gay activists are becoming very emboldened.’ The intimidation has reached the point where even those in the Church who might disagree are keeping silent. Few religious people or church leaders ‘are willing to say, thus far and no further. This is not acceptable behaviour. The established churches don’t accept the way I’ve spoken today, which is a biblical way. The word of God is being marginalised, as is the medical truth of homosexuality’.”

ABC to the chop

The ABC's Media Watch produces just 15 minutes of television time a week...9.75 hours a year.
We are all aware of the ratio of 'behind time' that is; hours worked behind the time spent on the box...for example researchers, fact checkers, producers, grips, camera people etc...but does it take 11 full time employees to create 9.75 hours of TV time a year?

This is taxpayer dollars at work here, can you imagine the amount of money (ABC employees are paid way above the national average) that is being spent and how much is it per minute or indeed per second?

This whole system is out of whack. We need to find ways of turning the ABC into a commercial enterprise instead of continuing its role as the propaganda arm of the left wing, anti-human, evironazis.

Figure of fun

The multi-(face)ted bob Brown and his many manifestations

The anti-Semite

the Party animal

 The grand manipulator 

The puppet master
The envirostalinist

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Lets twist again

The law twisted to achieve an ideological advantage:
Regrettably, all campus opposition to pro-gay speech is assumed to be “homophobic.” Additionally, “homophobic” speech has been classified as hate speech. And hate speech has been banned from campus. Consequently, only one side of an important religious issue is advanced with university resources. [Mike Adams]

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Through a glass darkly

For those who place inordinate faith in technology and medical 'advances' consider this:
The art of neuro-imaging has been in full swing for not much more than a decade. In a study of its reliability, two psychologists at the University of California at Santa Barbara concluded in 2010 that the discipline had emerged from infancy, but was still rather a mixed-up adolescent.
That may be an understatement as far as experiments on thinking, emotion and personality are concerned. A team of psychologists at MIT and the University of California at San Diego, who were puzzled by the suspiciously definitive results of many brain-scan studies on these topics, asked the authors of 55 such papers how they had analysed their data. The team reported in 2009 that over half the studies used faulty methods that were guaranteed to shift the results in favour of the correlations they had been looking for between mental activity and blips in parts of the brain. It’s worth bearing this in mind the next time you read about a brain-scan study which purportedly reveals how and why we do what we do.
Ditto global warming and other 'technologically assisted' scams.
The point being made is that all 'scientific results' have one major flaw in common...the scientists themselves.
We all view the world through our particular lens, and scientific analysis no matter how 'objective' it might claim to be still begins with certain assumptions...and those assumptions are very often moulded by our worldview thus influencing the resultant 'findings' as per the example above.

I spy...

Full marks to the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali who speaks out against the distortions in the main-stream-media reportage about the 'Islamaphobia' allegedly being perpetrated in Western countries yet remains suspiciously quiet about the far more lethal Christophobia being waged by Islamic societies on Christians.

Christians worldwide need to support their brothers and sisters in these countries by any means possible.

U vill obey! Ja!

It's interesting to note how so many of the current crop of de-humanising suggestions are being made within  'ethics' magazines. We have almost completed that Orwellian transmogrification where the ministry of peace is about war, the ministry of love about torture and hate, and the current definition of ethics is exactly what  used to be termed immoral or un-ethical behaviour.

Unfortunately the 'proles' of the press (main-stream-media) bellow in 'newspeak', which so muddies the communications water that no-one knows what is true or what is false and the 'playing field' has not only ceased to be level, it has turned itself on its head.
What is good has become 'bad' and what is bad has become 'good'.

We have recently witnessed 'philosopher/scientists' arguing for the murder of perfectly formed and functioning babies on the basis of financial affordability and/or the selectively selfish whims of the 'mother'. This one is the latest in a long string of further abominations:
The threat of global climate change has prompted us to redesign many of our technologies to be more energy-efficient. From lightweight hybrid cars to long-lasting LED's, engineers have made well-known products smaller and less wasteful. But tinkering with our tools will only get us so far, because however smart our technologies become, the human body has its own ecological footprint, and there are more of them than ever before. So, some scholars are asking, what if we could engineer human beings to be more energy efficient? A new paper to be published in Ethics, Policy & Environment proposes a series of biomedical modifications that could help humans, themselves, consume less.
...beware fatties and people of a 'larger' disposition:
Your paper also discusses the use of human engineering to make humans smaller. Why would this be a powerful technique in the fight against climate change?
Liao:  Well one of the things that we noticed is that human ecological footprints are partly correlated with size. Each kilogram of body mass requires a certain amount of food and nutrients and so, other things being equal, the larger person is the more food and energy they are going to soak up over the course of a lifetime. There are also other, less obvious ways in which larger people consume more energy than smaller people---for example a car uses more fuel per mile to carry a heavier person, more fabric is needed to clothe larger people, and heavier people wear out shoes, carpets and furniture at a quicker rate than lighter people, and so on. 
And so size reduction could be one way to reduce a person's ecological footprint. For instance if you reduce the average U.S. height by just 15cm, you could reduce body mass by 21% for men and 25% for women, with a corresponding reduction in metabolic rates by some 15% to 18%, because less tissue means lower energy and nutrient needs.
...and now to introduce the Huxlian; Brave New World component of 'Soma':
In the paper you also discuss the pharmacological enhancement of empathy and altruism, because empathy and altruism tend to be highly correlated with positive attitudes toward the environment. To me this one seems like it might be the most troubling. Isn't it more problematic to do biological tinkering to produce a belief, rather than simply engineering humans so that they are better equipped to implement their beliefs? 
Liao: Yes. It's certainly ethically problematic to insert beliefs into people, and so we want to be clear that's not something we're proposing. What we have in mind has more to do with weakness of will. For example, I might know that I ought to send a check to Oxfam, but because of a weakness of will I might never write that check. But if we increase my empathetic capacities with drugs, then maybe I might overcome my weakness of will and write that check. 
Make no error, the global warming scam has never been about environmentalism but always about totalitarian power and who wields it. The above is a rebirth of the Nazi eugenics program...controlling spirits never die they just switch hosts.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The regulating class

Jo Nova identifies the prevailing political virus of our time. Spot if you can identify someone in your circle who conforms to the following description:
The regulating class does not try to hide its belief that it is cleverer, and morally superior too. Annoy a member of this class sufficiently to strip away their veneer of politeness, and soon you will be called an “idiot” and eventually a “racist”. Who has not at times felt the siren call and ego boost of feeling superior to one’s fellow man? Viewers can get a very real sense of superiority by watching the mainstream media, especially the government-owned channels, and adopting the trendy beliefs being pushed there. “Oh, I feel so superior to all those idiots and racists out there because I have these shiny new beliefs as validated by the superior regulating class with whom I now identify myself.” Share their beliefs, show them off to your friends, and you too can feel superior and of high status—even though your situation or remuneration may be modest. It is a cheap grab for status that costs almost no effort to earn.
Read this article to either get all hot & bothered or douse yourself with the chilling truth, depending on your current disposition:

On a stick

Unfortunately true and well skewered by Matt Hayden:
Q and A on the ABC is worth watching, because the lefties and luvvies on the panel never disappoint. They routinely come out with such po-faced and ridiculous comments that they pretty much make satire redundant.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Waynes World

If you have ever wondered why Australia is now the most expensive place to live in the entire world and how we have managed to take the abundance of the 'lucky country' and turn it into a negative (and all within three years) then you only have to read this article about Wayne Swan and his worldview to gain some understanding of the Marxist inspired plundering that has been underway amongst the 'intellectual aristocracy' of our current 'rulers'.
These bozos are committed to returning our society back to the feudal times where master and servant each knew their proper position in society.

Guess who they think the masters should be?

Atheistic religiosity

Sadly a true if somewhat disappointing fact:
“Contemporary art has become a kind of alternative religion for atheists,” writes Sarah Thornton in Seven Days in the Art World. There certainly is a lot of zealotry. And a lot of blind faith, too. Despite art’s reputation for distinctiveness and originality, its value is established not by the narcissism of small differences but by the megalomania of sameness.
These are amongst the reasons I have grown disillusioned with art making and exhibiting.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Note Bene!

Note well the following quote:  "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." –George Orwell

Friday, 9 March 2012

A gilded cage.

Read this article on how the labor government has declared war on small business and you will observe a sinister ideology at work.

This rabble are trying to kill free enterprise so that government controls all employment, just like Mugabe did in Zimbabwe, who when asked why he had knowingly bankrupted the country, replied: "when you control peoples hunger for basics such as bread, you have achieved total control" (or words to that effect).

In other words what both he and this corrupt rabble are doing is classic Marxist strategy...control the means of production, employment and finance and you have a captive people.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Cheer up, the Government cares!

Say what you like about Mark Steyn, he has a way with words.
According to that spurious bon mot of Chesterton's, when men cease to believe in God, they do not believe in nothing; they believe in anything. But, in practice, the anything most of the West now believes in is government. As Tocqueville saw it, what prevents the "state popular" from declining into a "state despotic" is the strength of the intermediary institutions between the sovereign and the individual. But in the course of the 20th century, the intermediary institutions, the independent pillars of a free society, were gradually chopped away — from church to civic associations to family. Very little now stands between the individual and the sovereign, which is why the latter assumes the right to insert himself into every aspect of daily life, including the provisions a Catholic college president makes for his secretary's
(Read the full text, it is very enlightening:

In Australia that 'sovereign' now seeks to 'insert itself' into free speech, free enterprise, freedom of association and just about any other freedoms we can think of.

Welcome to our Orwellian/Wellsian future where Big Brother watches over the Eloi and Morlochs.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wake up, be vigilant.

And we all thought that the propaganda to legalise homosexual 'marriage' was all about tolerance:
In 2002, the Swedish constitution was amended to criminalize criticism of homosexuality. "Disrespect" of the differently orientated became punishable by up to two years in jail, and "especially offensive" disrespect by up to four years. Shortly thereafter, Pastor Ake Green preached a sermon referencing the more robust verses of scripture, and was convicted of "hate crimes" for doing so.
Conversely, the 1937 Irish Constitution recognized "the special position of the Holy Catholic Apostolic and Roman Church as the guardian of the Faith." But times change. In 2003, the Vatican issued a ruminative document on homosexual unions. The Irish Council for Civil Liberties warned Catholic bishops that merely distributing the statement could lead to prosecution under the 1989 Incitement to Hatred Act, and six months in the slammer.
In Canada, Hugh Owens took out an advertisement in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, and he and the paper wound up getting fined $9,000 for "exposing homosexuals to hatred or ridicule." Here is the entire text of the offending advertisement:
Romans 1:26
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
I Corinthians 6:9
That's it. Mr. Owens cited chapter and verse — and nothing but. Yet it was enough for the Saskatchewan "Human Rights" Tribunal. [Mark Steyn: ]
Be aware brothers and sisters; our fight is not against 'flesh and blood' granted, but do not believe that complacency in the political arena does not translate into less freedom to pursue biblical truths, a.k.a. persecution.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


If you value free speech and want to live in a Democracy then sign this petition:

Rise up Aussies!

Our national identity is under threat, as are our personal freedoms. Democracy itself is threatened  re; 'the media enquiry' and like-minded totalitarian impulses. Our children sit under propaganda lies rather than being taught factual information, ideologies abound in the arts, the media and in education:
The global citizen is often ashamed to be Australian. Many of those who prefer to be a global citizen rather than an Australian citizen come from the same inner-city cultural elites that house the core of left-wing progressive politics. First-generation Australians such as those employed at SBS, public intellectuals such as Robert Manne and Raimond Gaita, academics of almost any discipline, teachers, actors, movie-makers, the arts industry, novelists, poets, playwrights, many journalists—all seem to be much more concerned with their responsibilities as global citizens than as Australians. Our arts, plays, poems, novels echo the demands of global fashion rather than any concern with the Satya (search for truth) of which Gandhi spoke.
So we find out about who we are by viewing ourselves through the eyes of the world. Yet the world has already been misinformed. Kangaroos are not a threatened species and at times they need to be culled. The original inhabitants are not just noble savages. The three children depicted in the film Rabbit Proof Fence were not “stolen”. The entire “stolen generations” thesis is demonstrably incorrect. Australia has never been guilty of genocide or attempted genocide or any of the other tawdry fly-catching UN definitions.
Increasingly democracies are threatened with international laws and ideological imperatives that have been written by unelected global citizens employed as bureaucrats. The United Nations is another country seeking to colonise the world. If it is misinformed, it could be seen as an invader.
Australia is under threat...this government has managed to push through ideologically driven laws, and potentially life changing legislation even in the midst of its perceived 'bungling'. Australians can no longer remain impassive in the face of massive worldview shifts.

Ordinary, everyday Australians have to get off their comfortable couches to engage in the debates that are shaping our country for generations to come. We must resist these attempts to return the economy of the 'lucky country' back to pre-industrial times where a select few 'aristocrats' hold all the power and the rest are reduced to serfdom. The Greens and their ilk would like to return us to their concept of a 'golden era' where they wield the power and we serve then in the role they like to see themselves in.

Unfortunately life doesn't work that way...the brutal and ambitious 'Atilla's' lurking in the shadows (and they are there) will step up and annihilate the powder-puff 'elites' to create a Wellsian future of Eloi and Morlocks and everyone will live to regret their impassivity.

Such is the fate of those who will not learn from history.

Thursday, 1 March 2012


So you thought that our evolutionary society was progressing in a morally ascendant arc?
Wrong! Surprise!Surprise!
Check out this article on the (repugnant) defense of baby slaughter: