Saturday, 29 September 2012

Wong's & Swan's

I am  not defending the banks or the undeniable culture of greed that surrounds many people within segments of that industry. But I am becoming thoroughly disgusted with the howling chorus pointing their rigid digits at the banks for every ripple of financial failure trumpeted by the media.

These moral arbiters occupying a fictional 'high ground' thunder out their denunciations of the bankers malfeasance, yet one does not have to dig very deep to uncover the stench of hypocrisy. Consider the Sports, Hollywood and Music ingrates who rabbit on about wall street corruption and their support of the 99% before jumping into their private jets to swan off to some new, expensive and often immoral indulgence.

In the West the money managers, entrepreneurs and risk takers suffer the slings and arrows of abuse because of a pantheistic worldview which promulgates the fiction that human development is destroying Gaia and that the advancements made with the advent of the industrial age are as a result of 'capitalistic greed'. I have even encountered a few who classify themselves as Christian holding this view. A contrary opinion to God I must point out, because He tasked us to; multiply, develop and build the earth in His first great commission, the Cultural Mandate.

Much of humankind's development of nature has in fact improved the environment, even where society has extracted minerals. Yes we need careful and considered government to make sure that our human tendency to avoid responsibility as well as to abuse one another is counteracted. This is the proper function of good government, to constrain mans inclination to do the wrong thing.

It is not the place of Government to actually operate businesses, this is a Marxist motivation; the control of capital and labour. And any cursory research into the aftermath of Communist ideology is an eye opening exhibit in the area of environmental responsibility. Not that you are apt to hear much about that from the 'useful idiots' in the main-stream-press of course.

There are many in this hubristic age who consider themselves more compassionate, forgiving and kinder than God. Secularists in particular are quick to parrot the more virile sections of the Old Testament (even those who have never read the scriptures in or out of context) as evidence that they are much kinder.

I believe that the moral collapse we are witnessing as our western society's moves away from moral benchmarks such as the ten commandments are the most important markers of behaviour irrespective of what field of endeavour people inhabit. Bankers are no more immune to this collapse in moral fibre than the courts of law (examples abound), neither are the large Supermarket chains and small business people, nor many, if not most who imperiously point their righteous fingers at the hapless banking industry. And one has only to spend a small amount of time in the company of the most vocal of these moral arbiters, journalists, artists and ratbag 'intellectuals', to see how hypocritical they are. The real causes of this post modern collapse in the banking industry, particularly in America is not as our government would have us believe, the fault of the bankers. It is in fact much to do with the federal powers interfering in and with the banking systems, just like the Wong's and Swan's would like to be doing in Australia:
Federal agencies with powers of economic life and death over banks and other lenders forced these lenders to lower their lending standards. The words of the regulators themselves are a matter of public record, and they sound like something out of "Alice in Wonderland." They ought to be quoted, to give the lie to claims that "deregulation" is the reason for the housing boom and bust. (Sowell 21.9.12)
The 'class war' tactics of these ideologues is working. Like tyrants from every epoch and from every nation; if your ideas/rule/government does not work...blame someone else, preferably those who seek to replace you. And in this world of monstrously manipulative systems such as television, communications technology and the woefully biased 'education' system, those who rule these 'organs' rule the country. Hence the long march through the institutions as propagated and accomplished by the neo-Marxists of the 21st century.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Our 'honest Abe' of politics.

What a find we have in Julia Gillard.
Julia Gillard's first foray into politics was in the early 1980s, when, as a university law student, she became active in the now-defunct Australian Union of Students (AUS).
The AUS was then totally dominated by the extreme left. In 1983 — the year she was elected AUS president — an AUS annual council defeated heavily a call to oppose "all acts of terrorism and political violence" (AUS Annual Council 1983: motion N28).
Furthermore, the AUS annual council declined to recognise the rights of religious clubs and societies at universities to "express their views on campus" or to have access to campus facilities (AUS Annual Council 1983: motion N34).
The AUS declared 1983 to be the International Year of the Lesbian.
It also adopted a policy on prostitution which said, in part: "Prostitution takes many forms and is not only the exchange of money for sex. … Prostitution in marriage is the transaction of sex in return for love, security and house-keeping." (Quoted by Helen Trinca, The Australian, April 6, 1984, p.7).
This bizarre statement made headlines across Australia. Anti-AUS student activists produced posters with the slogan: "AUS says your mother is a prostitute!"
By early 1984, not only Liberals, but moderate Labor and Jewish students, were campaigning vigorously to abolish the AUS. While Julia Gillard and her left-wing colleagues were defending the union, campus after campus was seceding from it, depriving it of funds and bringing about its rapid collapse.
Sounds familiar doesn't it?
From 1984 until 1993, Ms Gillard became a prominent figure in the militant left Socialist Forum, which had recently been formed by disaffected members of the Communist Party of Australia and Labor's left-wing. It sought, among other things, to remove Australia from the ANZUS alliance and to twin Melbourne with Leningrad (re-named St Petersburg since the fall of communism).
So reassuring to have as our representative to the world an atheistic, lying, duplicitous, family destroying, fraudulent, stealing and manipulative Prime Minister. Who could want for better for this 'lucky country' almost makes African politics seem normal.

Her historical record of political and moral failures are powerful statements of her current worldview irrespective of what she says...actions speak louder than words...or words to that effect!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

The ravings of a conspiracy theorist

The following facts and figure need to be published more frequently.
There are many fellow travellers who forget about the poison of socialism when confronted by the greed of capitalism. Unfortunately human nature being what it is there are no political systems capable of stemming the tide of greed, hubris, selfishness and plain psychopathic behaviour that is the companion of so much human behaviour. But some systems have been more successful in constraining and directing such behaviours in creative and positive ways and have proved it in the development of civilisations that have grown to provide the greatest periods of peace coupled to the greatest developments of security, comfort and well-being to the greatest number of people.
Why then are we seemingly hell-bent on returning our civilisation to the systems that reward behaviours such as these?:
More to the point, with Lenin, Trotsky was the principal architect of a system, communist repression, which replicated itself all over the globe. As such, he was culpable for untold calamities, including the murder and enslavement of millions. Largely sanitised by the Left, who contrast him with the diabolical Stalin, Trotsky was only the “the good communist” in the way that Albert Speer was “the good Nazi”; indeed the term “good communist” is as oxymoronic as its Nazi counterpart. Consider the appalling scale of Trotsky’s bloody legacy. Thanks to Stephane Courtois’ chapter in The Black Book of Communism, it’s all on the record: 65 million dead in China, 20 million in the Soviet Union, 2 million in Cambodia, 2 million in North Korea, 1.7 million in Africa, 1.5 million in Afghanistan, 1 million in Eastern Europe, 1 million in Vietnam, 150, 000 in Latin America. (John Muscat, Quadrant Online, September 2012)
I have my theories but writing them out makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Having said that; a paranoid who is attacked and killed proves that his 'paranoia' was not actually paranoia at all but an entirely justified fear...but try telling him that.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Step into the light

WoW! In Australia we have a bad to terrible government run by swindlers and sycophants but that has nothing on Pakistan's government. Check this out:
A Pakistani government minister offered a $US100,000 ($95,500) reward for the head of the man behind an anti-Islam film...
Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmed Bilour ...was speaking to reporters in the northwestern city of Peshawar a day after violent nationwide protests against the “Innocence of Muslims” film left 21 people dead and more than 200 injured.
“I announce today that this blasphemer who has abused the holy prophet, if somebody will kill him, I will give that person a prize of $100,000,” Mr Bilour said, urging others to shower the killer with cash and gold.
"I also invite Taliban and al-Qaida brothers to be partners in this noble deed,” he said.
“I also announce that if the government hands this person over to me, my heart says I will finish him with my own hands and then they can hang me.”
Talk about the Pakistanis finally coming out of the 'Qloset'.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


The truth behind; power trumps truth.
Take a look at The Communist Manifesto and you will encounter one of the most influential sequences of aphorisms in history. And most of them are false. Why, then, were they so successful? I think the reason is this. It is in the nature of an aphorism to aim at success -- to present a complex nugget of intellectual flavor that makes the brain water in the way that the mouth waters when touched by monosodium glutamate. And success comes more easily for the one who promises power than for the one who offers only truth. Wilde's aphorism about hunting made its mark because it was a weapon in a battle -- indeed in one of the few "class struggles" that the English have known in recent times. And the same is true of The Communist Manifesto. People have only a circumscribed interest in truth. But their interest in power is insatiable. Falsehoods that give confidence or amplify power will, in the moment of contest, eclipse those paltry truths that warn us to hold on a moment and be careful. The point was made by another great aphorist among 19th-century philosophers, Nietzsche. And Nietzsche's popularity today is owing to the same feature that explains Marx's popularity in the ’60s: the promise of power. (Scruton: American Spectator Jul/Aug 2011)

Monday, 17 September 2012

Through the looking glass

We are most definitely living in Orwell's 1984. Read this article about how a British shadow government minister (and one employed by a 'Green' energy organisation)  tells outright lies about government subsidies.
This is a classic case of politicians misrepresenting facts and manipulating them to mean something representing their complete opposite; a.k.a. Orwell's 'Minstry of Truth'.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Blind on Blind

We are in the thrall of ideologues who see culture as a by-product of economic realities and are thus consciously or unconsciously managing to subvert our way of life through the distribution of income and the imposition of a 'nanny state'. The attack on our civilisations cultural norms has stepped up a few gears. Watch the TV or read the news media and make note of the unabashed attack on the Judeo-Christian foundations of our culture.
IT WAS MARX WHO ARGUED that the foundation of social order and the motor of social change resides in economic structures, and that culture is merely the by-product--the assemblage of institutions and ideologies--that rises from the economic foundations and keeps them in place. Hence it was to Marx that we owed that first and disastrous attempt to organize society on economic principles alone, and to assume that culture will look after itself. In fact it is culture that creates economics, and not the other way round, and if any proof of this is needed we need only look at the result of the Marxist experiment. Better still, we might look at the successful economies in the modern world--the American for instance--and note the extent to which they have depended on a respect for law, on honest accounting, and on individual responsibility, the ethic of family life, and the forms of social interaction. (Scruton, American Spectator Sept 2011)
The great tradgedy about it all is that after the fact and amidst the forthcoming rubble, those few surviving ideologues will stand aghast at the destruction their ideologies have wrought, and just like the current American Secretary of State, will no doubt echo her pathetic words:  "Today, many Americans are asking – indeed, I asked myself – how could this happen? How could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction"?
Oh what blindness, what a pitiful misunderstanding of the forces at work in the word today.
They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. (Ephesians 4:18)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Catherine the not so great

Wow, this Catherine Deveny is one sick 'puppy'...and what is even more hilarious is how seriously she takes herself:
It did shock me how the creepy 'gentlemen with manners' routine managed to distract people from his hateful poisonous rhetoric and speaking in circles, 'We need to have a conversation about that'. This IS the conversation. Is that code for 'I need to make you agree with me'? How people were not aware of the sinister, softly spoken clear messenger of hate, inequality and intolerance.
For what it's worth I have sat next to John Elliot, Corey Bernadi, Peter Dutton, Gerard Henderson, Tony Abbott and of course spent time with Peter Reith, Angry Anderson and Mike Smith and I have never been so physically repelled by anyone as I have by Jensen. He is pure evil.
I think people are unused to seeing someone like me, who does not work for a particular media outlet, political party or religious group and has to couch what they say to push the company line. I speak for no one but myself. And I am not here, there or anywhere to convince people or win arguments.
Can this person really be that deluded to call others 'hateful' and 'intolerant' then say and do what she does. She is like so many other 'feminazi's' who equate good manners with condescension and kindness with weakness. Where does she gain her concept of 'evil' from - philosophically speaking she is a lunatic - saying that she does not believe in a God and then in the next breath affirming that there is a source of good.
Equally unfortunate for her is the truth that not believing in something does not make it untrue no matter how much you want it to be and I fear that Deveny is going to find herself jumping from the frying pan into the literal fire on that distant day.
All of the good in me wants to feel compassionate and a Christian love for her and that causes me to exercise restraint in what I say, but that black dog which lurks in a corner of all our souls wants her to eat her words.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

You vill obey Ja!

Replace America with Australia and you have a word picture of exactly what is happening to this country as well.
America has been overrun by control freaks. Once upon a time the United States was considered to be "the land of the free and the home of the brave", but today there are millions of laws, rules and regulations that tightly regulate our daily lives. Most of these laws, rules and regulations were established by people who believed that they had "good intentions", but at this point the nanny state has become so oppressive that it is strangling the life out of us. If you look back throughout history, the societies that have really thrived have had a very high degree of liberty and freedom. When the bureaucrats get the upper hand, it can suck the life out of any economy. Unfortunately, our political system seems to be a magnet for control freaks. These control freaks truly believe that they know better than the rest of us and they are systematically moving toward taking total control of our lives. Our rights are being stripped away a little bit more with each passing day, and we are being told that we need a "permit" or a "license" for almost everything. Many younger Americans have been living this kind of "straight jacket existence" for so long that they don't even remember what real liberty and freedom are. We are steamrolling down the road toward totalitarianism, and most Americans don't even realize what is happening.
The problem is that many Australians seem oblivious to this advancing oppression as well. It is these unbalanced levels of bureaucratic oversight that affords a minority, power over the majority. Take the Greens and Homosexual activists as an example.
We must work together to abolish overhelming government interference before it is too late...and the 'dark side' of such an eventuality hardly bears thinking about...think 1939.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Honouring the dishonourable

I started my day as usual by reading a chapter of the bible with my youngest son. We read Romans 1 today and the passage ends with this verse:
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
9 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Soon afterwards while my son was engaged in his studies I happened to read an on-line article in the Quadrant magazine about how Australia's highest honour award went to the philosopher and foundational 'Green' party strategist Peter Singer.

How appropriate and so prophetic regarding the scripture we had just read.

It also happens to illustrate that after more than two thousand years of the supposedly ever upward trend of advanced human civilisational development, our human nature has in fact, changed not one whit.
A boost for the veracity of biblical precepts I would say.

This is the article on Peter Singer:

Worth a read if only to convince you of the fact that we are possibly in the very last of the  last days.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Zombie news

Zombie facts:  'Facts' that have been shot down yet still stagger on.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

American nightmare

Read about Obama's dreams from another African American, Thomas Powell:

Human tradgedy

Australia's Human Rights Commission (HRC) has laws protecting everyone except heterosexual, married people:
The HRC even thinks it knows best how Australian sportsmen and women should behave. It has produced a website called Play By The Rules to tell administrators, officials, coaches, players and parents their responsibilities under human rights laws and conventions. It gives gratuitous advice about fair play and fair selection which anyone seriously engaged in sport would know full-well already.
One particular sentence caught my eye: “You have the right to not be unfairly discriminated against by decisions made by your club or association (e.g., decisions about membership, selection, access to facilities and equipment).” This brought to mind the case of the cricketer Denise Annetts, who in 1994 failed to be selected for the Test series against New Zealand. Yet she was in great form and had a batting average second only to Don Bradman of 81.9 runs in Test matches, with a top score of 193 against England, a world record for women’s cricket. What made this an even bigger news story were the reasons Annetts gave for her omission. She said that because she was heterosexual and married, the lesbians who dominated the Australian team did not like her and wanted her out. But when she took her case to the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Commission, its officers said the relevant Act did not apply to her; the Commission could only act on complaints from minority interest groups such as ethnics, Aborigines and gays. No laws prevented homosexuals from discriminating against heterosexuals. Annetts gave up her attempt at selection and retired from the sport. Without her, Australia lost the subsequent Test series against New Zealand, two matches to on

Sunday, 2 September 2012

None so blind...

The blind hypocrisy of our 'egalitarian elite'.

Catherine Deveny complains about trolls:
Enter the troll. Small pathetic little people hell-bent on getting attention by slagging off...
So which troll wrote the following?
Of her former editor, Paul Ramadge:
I wish him arse cancer.
Of Bindi Irwin, then 11:
I do so hope Bindi Irwin gets laid.
Of Tasma Walton, the wife of Rove McManus.
Rove and Tasma look so cute ... hope she doesn’t die, too.
Of Anzac Day soldiers:
Anzac Day. Men only enlisted to fight for the money, for the adventure or because they were racist.
Of Anzac Day:
Anzac Day IS a glorification of war. They didn’t die for us but because they were risktaking testosterone fuelled men with a pack mentality.
Of Opposition frontbencher Peter Dutton, a fellow Q&A panelist:
Had nightmare they sat me next to a chinless, ex QLD cop with a face of a rapist who refused to go to the stolen generation apology #qanda
Of Dutton, inventing what he said:
Peter Dutton in the green room, ”I don’t like those abos. They come to our country, steal our jobs, marry our women.” #qanda
Of blue-collar workers: Australia has no imagination...
Of people in the outer suburbs:
The reality is that it is impossible to watch these brainless retards belt the crap out of each other without enjoying it just a little.
Of people in Northland:
Why am I banging on about bizarre human anomalies? Well, I’ve just arrived home from Northland. Love freaky medical conditions, that’s me. We’re all up with webbed feet, conjoined twins and Tourette syndrome … everything I know about human abnormalities I learnt at Northland.
Of her priests as a girl:
Being Catholic, the ‘70s meant rock masses, liturgical dancing and clapping to Rock My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham until you lost all will to live. When you heard the word ‘priest’  you didn’t immediately think ‘child molester’ - you thought of that guy with sideburns and shocking breath who played the guitar badly and wanted to be ‘down with the youth’. Or alternatively an old Irish bloke with dandruff who wanted to be ‘down at the pub’.
Our family went to church every Sunday unless the car wouldn’t start and in that case we’d watch Mass for You at Home: just as soul-destroying and mind-numbing as the real thing, but it took half the time and you didn’t have to shake hands with that weird guy with the eczema.