If only the bullies would listen everything would be copasetic!
Unfortunately the bullies in this case are not who ObaKer believe them to be. America itself is bullying little Israel with punitive sanctions if they (Israel) do not bend over for the lesser bully; Palestine.
Israel is the only truly democratic state within the middle East and has surrendered far too much to appease the bullies, beside which if the American quislings are wrong, then the OOOPS factor is potentially rather more devastating for Israel then America.
In fact one gets the impression that the 'elites' in America would be quite glad to see the end of Israel. Of course that is never going to happen as human history has a habit of repeating itself, and the history of Israel is that it always survives whereas its oppressors do not. What will happen is the Israel is going to see the end of America, that is unless America repents.
This is how Melanie Phillips views the current debacle:
More important, there is also deep shock within Israel at what it sees as bullying by the U.S. When President Obama met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this month, he issued a veiled threat that if Israel did not accept the Kerry framework, the U.S. would no longer defend Israel against its enemies at the U.N. and elsewhere. This followed Mr. Kerry's remark last year that if Israel stymied the peace process, it might soon be facing an international delegitimization campaign "on steroids."
In Israel, there is bewilderment that it alone is being held responsible for the absence of peace. After all, while Mr. Netanyahu has accepted the prospect of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, Mr. Abbas has said repeatedly that the Palestinians will never accept that Israel is a Jewish state.
He also continues to insist on the right of every Palestinian "refugee" to immigrate not just to Palestine but also to Israel, which would destroy it as the Jewish national home.
In addition, despite President Obama's statement this week that Mr. Abbas has "consistently renounced violence," the Palestinian Authority continues to incite hatred against Israel through its educational materials and regime-controlled media, and permits and glorifies acts of terrorism by the al Aqsa brigades and others.
Yet the U.S. and U.K. hold only Israel's feet to the fire. Why? An important part of the answer lies in the inherent nature of the "peace process" itself.
This rests on two premises. The first is the Western fallacy that everyone in the world is governed by reason and material self-interest, whereas in fact some have non-negotiable agendas. The second is the current liberal belief that trans-national instruments such as international law can transcend the grievances of nation states.
War thus becomes a primitive throwback. It must be replaced by conflict resolution, negotiation and the "peace process."
This then becomes a deeply problematic end in itself. Based on an amoral equivalence in such negotiations between aggressor and victim, the peace process has to be kept going at all costs if war is to be avoided.
That means ignoring the fact that the aggressor in the dispute may still be violent or threatening. For if that is acknowledged, the "peace process" becomes something unconscionable: an enforced surrender to violence.
If the victims protest at this free pass to murderous aggression and refuse to submit, it is they who get the blame for derailing the peace process. That process is therefore innately inimical to justice, and biased in favor of the aggressor in a conflict.Historically and in 'real life' if the bully is a 50 pound weakling and the bullied is a Clint Eastwood with a magnum 44, the Clint character can easily and effectively negotiate a compromise, in fact the aggressor even comes off looking quite courageous, thus ensuring that everyone wins.
For many years America has been the Clint Eastwood sheriff of the global village. Unfortunately these days with Obama at the helm of Americas armoury they currently appear more like Woody Allen with a catapult in his back pocket trying to convince the Russian bear that eating him would not taste very nice therefore please leave him alone. WE all know what a hungry bear would do.