Do you believe that Obama would be embarrassed about his inaccurate prediction re:the price of gas?
We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices,” President Obama told an audience four years ago today at the University of Miami. Like this year, it was an election year and Obama was running for re-election. Later in his speech, he added: “anybody who tells you that we can drill our way out of this problem doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or just isn’t telling you the truth.” He scoffed at the Republicans for believing that drilling would result in $2 gasoline — remember this was when prices at the pump, in many places, spiked to more than $4 a gallon: “You can bet that since it is an election year, they’re already dusting off their three-point plans for $2 gas. I’ll save you the suspense: Step one is drill, step two is drill, step three is drill.”
Well, Mr. President, you owe America, and the Republicans, an apology. Your snarky comments were wrong. The Republican’s supposed three-point plan, which you mocked, was correct.
I don’t expect our presidents to be energy experts, but they should be advised by the brightest minds in the business. Obviously, Obama surrounds himself with ideologues.
Today, on the four-year anniversary of another of Obama’s inaccurate predictions, we have drilled our way to $2 gas — despite the fact that he has supported the anti-fossil-fuel movement’s efforts to impede and block oil production.
No way!
Just as our Australian
nostradamus's are dumb to their errors (and numerous there are) and blithely move on to more and greater predictions, just so Obama and his cronies. Obama didn't try to hide his intentions of changing American society, he was quite candid about it, so failing to stop the production of shale oil gas will not stop him from continuing to try and sabotage as much of America as he can on his way out. Remember this is the president who wrote about his hatred towards America in his own words:
I bought and read Audacity of Hope. It was difficult to read considering his attitude toward us and everything American. Let me add a phrase he use to describe his attitude toward whites. He harbors a "COIL OF RAGE".
Many of our Australian ideologies are also committed to bringing down our way of life, a life they view as 'Imperialistic, wasteful (unsustainable), selfish, racist, etc....whilst there is a modicum of truth in such assessments it is as a result of human nature rather than the culture, if anything; having the freedoms hard won by Western nations gives rise to increasingly anti-social behaviours.
Many of our elite Social Justice Warriors (actual warriors they are generally not!) are little more than what Lenin termed 'useful idiots', in that they fail to extrapolate past their current intellectual orgasms and project the consequences of their ideologies into the future. Part of the problem is that too many from the past two generations have not been well versed in history, so they have no capacity to learn from the past, in fact they abhor anything and everything from the past as they have been taught to do.
Truman (Harry) said it best: "
It is ignorance that causes most mistakes.”