Del-Cons can safely vote in pursuit of their objective. Doing so does not automatically mean “putting the Liberal last”; that only applies to those with the Mark of Cain upon them, who voted to oust Abbott last September (see ). There were originally 56 Liberal (including Liberal National Party) members in that category, but nine have since left the Parliament; in those latter cases one needs to examine their pre-selected replacements closely. In Mackellar, for example, the new Liberal candidate, Jason Falinski, is even further Left than Turnbull; so put him last.
To recap, then, those “Rules of Engagement”, first for the House: (1) vote National wherever a National Party candidate is standing; (2) if your Liberal Party member was among those betraying their leader last September, put that person last – and last means last; but if not, then vote for him or her as usual. In the Senate, the same principles apply but, because of the different voting system, must be activated somewhat differently: (3) most importantly, vote below the line, filling in 12 squares but excluding anyone in the Coalition lists who betrayed Abbott. To illustrate, in NSW I propose to give my first four votes to the four Nationals listed on the joint ticket; then to three Liberals, but excluding Marise Payne, Arthur Sinodinos and (for other reasons) Hollie Hughes; and then to Family First, Christian Democrats, Australian Liberty Alliance, Liberal Democrats and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party. Easy; just follow the Rules
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Some more considerations to think about when voting:
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Monday, 27 June 2016
I mentioned on Friday that the Brexit vote was going to challenged and challenged and challenged, because the anarchists of the left and their parasitical fellow travellers do not want freedom from the trough that is keeping them in both wealth and power.
One does not have to look far to see how the truth of this observation is playing out.....
One does not have to look far to see how the truth of this observation is playing out.....
Who can turn a phrase as eloquently as Theodore D I ask with tears in my eyes? And in doing so simultaneously capturing and puncturing the pretensions of our new (mostly young) 'elites'.
The food is very good in Sydney in a way in which I am sure it would not have been in, say, 1950. I am also almost certain that when people speak of the glories of multiculturalism they are mostly thinking of a lot of different restaurants, rather than Pali epigraphy or Somali tribal structure. As in all major cities nowadays, waiters prance around in Sydney telling the diners that the kale or quinoa was picked by vestal virgins on the first full moon after the equinox. I like good food as much as the next man, and am all in favour of not taking the pleasures of life for granted; but this new food paganism, the reverence for ingredients and the way in which they are produced (or ‘sourced’… always responsibly of course), irritates me slightly. It seems to imply that one is supposed to do more with the food on one’s plate than merely to eat it. When the explanations are too elaborate, one begins to feel unworthy of what one is about to eat, because one is not absolutely sure that one can tell the difference between sea salt, say, and rock salt.
Friday, 24 June 2016
BREXIT has triumphed and the elites are freaking out!
But 'they' are not going to let the little people overturn their 'kingdom' I promise you, watch this space. Already the pound has slumped, no doubt encouraged by those who want to punish such a brash decision by the ignorant against their political 'betters.'
The left media is not going to take this lying down, Brace yourselves for a flood of negativity and a legal stoush the like of which we have not yet witnessed.
Every legal (and illegal) precedent is going to be thrown at those from the Exit camp in the hope of a change of ruling from the supreme courts which, if successful, will illustrate just how much control has passed to the faceless bureaucracies.
Congratulations to the ordinary folk of Britain.
My prayer now is that the unelected 'masters of the universe' do not unleash economic tyranny on Britain so as to render this a Phyrric victory.
But 'they' are not going to let the little people overturn their 'kingdom' I promise you, watch this space. Already the pound has slumped, no doubt encouraged by those who want to punish such a brash decision by the ignorant against their political 'betters.'
The left media is not going to take this lying down, Brace yourselves for a flood of negativity and a legal stoush the like of which we have not yet witnessed.
Every legal (and illegal) precedent is going to be thrown at those from the Exit camp in the hope of a change of ruling from the supreme courts which, if successful, will illustrate just how much control has passed to the faceless bureaucracies.
Congratulations to the ordinary folk of Britain.
My prayer now is that the unelected 'masters of the universe' do not unleash economic tyranny on Britain so as to render this a Phyrric victory.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Francis Crick the discoverer of DNA was a committed atheist who spent his life denying a God exists...then embraces one without even realising it...or maybe he did?:
"We do not know... uncertain... not too far out... we do not know for certain... we suspect... chances are..." And thus the Nobel prize winner embraces the theory that space aliens sent rocketships to seed the earth. The man of science who confidently dismissed God at Mill Hill School half a century earlier appears not to have noticed that he'd merely substituted for his culturally inherited monotheism a weary variant on Greco-Roman-Norse pantheism – the gods in the skies who fertilize the earth and then retreat to the heavens beyond our reach. To be sure, he leaves them as anonymous aliens showering seed rather than Zeus adopting the form of a swan, but nevertheless Dr Crick's hyper-rationalism took 50 years to lead him round to embracing a belief in a celestial creator of human life, indeed a deus ex machina.
If it were not so scary this would be a joke:
In a petition to the English Department, Yale undergraduates declare that a required two-semester seminar on Major English Poets is a danger to their well-being. Never mind that the offending poets — Shakespeare, Chaucer, Donne, Milton, Wordsworth, et al. — are the foundational writers in the English language. It is as if chemistry students objected to learning the periodic table of elements or math students rose up against the teaching of differential calculus… The petition’s implicit contention is that the major poets are too circumscribed by their race and gender to speak to today’s socially aware students, when, in fact, it is the students who are too blinkered by race and gender to marvel at great works of art. It takes a deeply impoverished imagination to read Shakespeare and regard him simply as an agent of the patriarchy.
Monday, 20 June 2016
I like the way this guy (Mark Imisides) thinks and I believe he has nailed our current culture on the head....'green fog' indeed; a mindless mist of Marxist miasma:
With a Ph.D. in chemistry, and many years experience in both the academic and private sectors, the major thrust of my campaign will be countering the green fog that has descended upon our nation and is stifling the productivity of both our primary producers and the resources sector. My impramatur for doing this is twofold: firstly, I will not stand idly by and watch what ought to be the unadulterated pursuit of objective truth – science – be perverted for political ends. Secondly, as a scientist I am in a position to call to account those for whom the pursuit of science is simply a veneer. In short I have the scientific clout to expose them.
The most well-known example of this, of course is the unproven theory of so-called anthropogenic global warming (AGW) – “climate change” to the punter in the street. Stated plainly there are three things that need to be proven before we should spend a cent upon reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Firstly, it needs to be proven that carbon dioxide has a significant effect upon global warming. Secondly, it needs to be proven that this warming is a bad thing, and thirdly, it must be proven that we can actually do anything about it.
I have studied the heart of the polemic for years, and if given the opportunity, I would argue this case strongly in both Federal Parliament and anywhere else the opportunity arose. Moreover, I would be unconstrained by any requirement to adopt a certain narrative for party political purposes, as might be the case if I were part of a major party. So in this case I’d be in a position to criticize the equally idiotic “direct action” and carbon tax policies (in whatever form the ALP want to give it to us).
But there are many more cases of green tentacles worming their way into our life. Although it is easy to blame the Greens political party. I do not think they have that much power. I see the Greens as more a symptom than the cause of the green mindset that has taken hold. This mindset means that the prefixes eat go and Enviro and green friendly are now everywhere, being used in business names and slogans that have nothing to do with the environment. But simply because they believe that it will generate business. And it has reached ridiculous proportions. There is a workboot recycling business here in Perth that tells us that we are “looking after the planet"by recycling our boots with them.
I think that this mindset is part of a post-modern interpretation of life that ostensibly rejects absolute moral codes, but simply substitutes its own. And what could be more morally pure than saving the planet
Thursday, 16 June 2016
More than 3 thousand people were killed on 9.11 with box cutters and aeroplanes, should we call for a ban on these?
The anti-gun lobby uses a terrorist catastrophe to push their handcart and should be judged for the immorality it engenders.
The anti-gun lobby uses a terrorist catastrophe to push their handcart and should be judged for the immorality it engenders.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
I wholeheartedly concur with Ryan Bomberger:
I don’t fear homosexuality. Biblical Christianity compels me to love, speak truth, and act with an abundance of compassion. For many scientific, moral, legal, statistical and personal reasons I don’t think homosexuality, bisexuality or try-any-sexuality is healthy for individuals or society. I also don’t think people should smoke. It doesn’t translate into oppression—or worse—wanting death for anyone. That’s the pathetic reasoning of liberal elites, academics, actors, pop stars, and even some Bible-evading evangelical and Catholic leaders.
Monday, 6 June 2016
John Hawkins explains the difference between the liberal (leftist) mindset and the conservative one:
Conservatives care about logic. Liberals care about emotion. Conservatives care about whether a program works or not. Liberals care about how supporting a program makes them feel. Conservatives take the positions they do because they believe they’re best for society. Liberals take the positions they do because they make them feel and look compassionate or superior to hold those positions.
Once you understand those basics, it’s very easy to see why both sides hold the positions they do on most issues and to comprehend why there’s so little middle ground. Once you get the mentalities, you can predict where each side will come down on issues.
Friday, 3 June 2016
We are caught between a rock and a hard place.
On the one hand we
have neo-Marxist hippies claiming that the Western world (some merely hate
everybody) is the culture that is destroying ‘mother earth; Gaia’.
Of course this flies in the face of all the facts which
indicate that it is the less developed and the socialist regimes that are the
most destructive, but hey, as Alinsky would say: let’s not let something as distasteful
as actual
facts get in the way of a powerful propaganda tool…besides we all know
that such statistics out of the mouths of those in the pay of big oil (i.e.anyone
who disagrees with the Green worldview) are all twisted and distorted. Most of
them are probably heteronormative, old white males anyway and everyone knows
that they are just not worth listening to.
On the other hand we do have a bunch of narcissistic Gordon
Gekko doppelganger’s rampaging through nature and raping it for what they can
get, stopping only when forced to do so.
Unfortunately each uses the other to justify their extreme
I believe in Stewardship and Colson has nailed it in this
“We need to debunk the idea that
man is invading the pristine beauty and wilderness – that man is the problem, destroying
the beauty of the earth. I like the way the Acton institute puts it: Man is not
despoiling the environment he is cultivating it. He is improving it and replacing
it with a different kind of beauty-a beauty that is productive, which takes
care of human needs. This is the real meaning of ‘take dominion’ in Genesis 11.
This world; according to the Christian worldview, has been
cursed alongside man and the observable
facts bear this out.
When you leave your garden to the elements and take no care
with it what is the result? Beautiful roses springing carelessly forth out of
the earth?
We see endless weeds, thistles and thorns springing up to
destroy what we have so carefully planted. Gardens like relationships need
tender loving care to flourish. The only things that emerge from neglect are chaos
and strife.
That is everybody’s lived
experience and concurs nicely with the scriptural explanations.
True Truth is that set of facts which mirrors what actually
exists, not with what one wants or
imagines to exist….that is called an ideology.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
The hypocrisy, misanthropy and blindness of the Green pygmy's is breathtaking:
If this sounds familiar, think of all of those hating in the name of the religion of 'peace'!
THERE’S many green activists who can see all the way to the African rainforests, but can’t see the bawling baby in front of them.This is considered 'good' parenting...teaching to hate!
It’s what Charles Dickens called “telescopic philanthropy”, and you can see it in the latest green propaganda clip to go viral.
It stars Henry Marr, a six-year-old from Washington, bawling from the fear of the green doom preached by his parents and teachers.
Filmed by his proud mother, Henry is shown strapped in his car seat, tears streaming down his face. When he finally can speak, he explains what has so terrified him.
“The planet is going to be wrecked,” he sobs, before bursting into tears again, joined by wails from a younger child next to him.
“People are just being rude to it. They throw trash on the ground. They cut down trees. They make forests into places, into roads,” Henry cries, sitting in his mum’s car, parked on one of these roads.
“They need to think what they are doing to the planet. What they are doing to animals. They are being so bad ... I hate them, Mum.”
It is troubling that this video evidence of something close to child abuse is a huge hit in green circles.
If this sounds familiar, think of all of those hating in the name of the religion of 'peace'!
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Marvellous; the following extract illustrates perfectly the hollowness at the root the utopian, socialist daydream:
Robert Tracinski on the vanity and incompetence of Mrs Bernie Sanders:
While her husband has been out promising everyone free college, [Mrs Sanders] used to run a $25,000-per-year private college — which just announced it will be closing down due to the crushing weight of debt it incurred under her leadership. The debt was backed by fraudulent claims about millions of dollars in pledged donations. The case of Burlington College is a nice little microcosm of what we can expect from her husband’s economic agenda: grandiose schemes for expansion and improvement and lavish benefits offered to everyone — based on lies and financed by reckless, unsustainable borrowing, resulting in eventual collapse. It’s a microcosm of socialism in one other respect, too, which is that Jane Sanders and her friends and family did pretty well skimming the gravy off the top of the system while she ran it into the ground.
A perspicacious comment by 'Brian' on a blog I read fairly regularly, sums up the problems we the 'ordinary person' have with the neo-marxist blowhards who populate the lame-stream-media:
No wonder average people feel so detached from the media and political classes both here, and abroad; and bewildered by a dissonance when what we’re told consistently fails to match what we see with our own eyes. Ignore the daily atrocities and massacres - Islam is a religion of peace. Ignore one dud climate prediction after another and accept the ‘science’. And, do as we tell you, or we will shame and smear you.
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