Monday, 30 January 2017


The difference between a leftist and a conservative is that the conservatives have to do their homework. Conservatives have to give logical reasons for their decisions unlike the leftist who makes what sounds like educated/moral proclamations but they never get asked the difficult questions.
“Trumps coming for our rights!”
Ok lefty; “which ones?”…..
”Um, you know, um. The ones!”
The left has captured the main stream media so they are seldom challenged on their positions, they live in an echo chamber so they really don’t have to have any knowledge about their various positions and nowadays when they are challenged by truth they experience such discomfort that they meltdown and scatter like cockroaches for their ‘safe places’.

The leftists can ‘throw money’ at every problem and never be asked where the money comes from and while at the same time trashing ‘capitalism’ as immoral. Leftists can attack from the moral high ground without actually occupying or even been anywhere near the actual high ground, in fact many live such immoral lives that it is hard to comprehend the intellectual dissonance. They can rubbish the military and the police while living safely under both’s protection. They inveigle billions of dollars into the hands of their union mates for ‘education’ and what we see is indoctrination, propaganda and ‘re-education’  while at the same time actual education goes down. Their solution…throw more money at the Teachers union.

Leftism conflates book knowledge with actual knowledge, this is why ‘computer models’ rule the world. This is the fatal conceit, this is why the climate change debacle is such a disaster, this is why the pilot hero of the Hudson river air-plane disaster was treated not as the hero he was but as a failure by the bureaucrats because the ‘computer models’ showed that he could have landed at the airport, that is until he introduced some reality into the equation and only then he was recognised for the hero he always was....but in the meantime the bureaucrats almost succeeded in trashing his reputation on the details of a computers output.

Knowledge and knowing are two very different things. Leftists think that they are more educated than most because so many of them live in the ivory towers. When you live in a vacuum of facts and only read or listen to what the main stream media says you are going to believe the fairy tales. Anybody can read in a book how to build a cupboard but it is a very different thing to actually build it.
Leftist thinking is fraudulent, often its little more than magical thinking, the same sort of thinking that small children indulge in before they grow up and take some responsibility, ergo Leftism is infantilising the population.

When the left loses power they have nothing left (‘scuse the pun). These days the extreme left at least do not believe in God, in family, in morality, in military protection, in law and order, in free enterprise or in freedom generally because they do not believe that human beings have the capacity to live free responsibly. Just listen to the left decrying Brexit and the Trump victory, what they hate about it is that 'ordinary people'(the deplorables) made the decisions. 

These are people who truly believe that they should be the rulers, the new aristocracy because they inhabit the aristocratic realm, the university's, they have the 'knowledge'. Many have been seduced by a perverted version of Plato's 'philosopher King' ideology, perverted because Plato theorised that the ideal King would be moved by knowledge rather than power, as opposed to knowledge which results in absolute power:
Plato argues that philosopher kings should be the rulers, as all philosophers aim to discover the ideal polis. The 'kallipolis', or the beautiful city, is a just city where political rule depends on knowledge, which philosopher kings possess, and not power.
Nietzsche was so on the button when he declared that the will to power will replace God in the 20th century and because of that the 20th century would become the bloodiest in human history. When you are in power you do not have to argue or convince people about the worth of your 'beliefs' you just impose your 'edicts' on the people and if they don't fall in line then they are fined, or jailed or persecuted in ways that re-educate them or if you are of the Mugabe strain, just eradicate them.

Friday, 27 January 2017


Hugh Hewitt calls out the leftist bubble..substitute 'Democrat' with 'Labor/Green' in Australia and he's nailed their world-view as well:
"“You’re never going to win an argument you don’t have,” said Hewitt. The problem for Democrats is that they scorn debate. They hate people with other views. And they’re hopelessly infested with the authoritarian ethos of political correctness, safe spaces, and trigger warnings. That’s not the best atmosphere for a healthy debate if merely stating a fact, like men and women are different, sends liberals into their gender-neutral bathroom in tears."

Thursday, 26 January 2017


Most news reports these days appear to be opinions rather than actual journalism.

This is probably the result of Journalistic professors in the university's stating that 'facts' are not facts at all but evidences of textural bias and it is therefore not necessary to strive for 'objectivity' as it is an illusion. 
This is a classic post-modern interpretation of reality and is very dangerous in that it destroys the very idea of truth and Pilates musing on "what is truth"(John 18:38) becomes the mainstream worldview.

An example of the lack of journalistic integrity (an oxymoron these days?) is the reporter who claimed that Trump had removed MLKing's bust from the Oval office, obviously drawing an oblique sneer about the very mild reproof Obama received about removing Churchill's bust at the moment he encamped in the Oval Office:
He also admonished a journalist for erroneously reporting on Friday that Mr. Trump had removed a bust of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office, calling the mistake — which was corrected quickly — “egregious.”
Evidently a 'secret service person' was standing in front of it which obscured his view, an admission that he didn't see and jumped to a juicy conclusion without verifying the facts before going to print, an action perhaps intended to fuel the BLM's already incendiary actions (just an opinion mind you!).

Fake news stories are becoming so frequent that I am surprised anyone believes anything anymore...a classic action on the part of evil and degeneracy.

Saturday, 21 January 2017


I confess that a few reptilian apprehensions have indeed pilfered from my stockpile of amazing grace, to wit; the political intransigence/ignorance of many of Lenin's 'useful idiots'.
I avow to attempt to make this new year one of re-supply, that is to redress those things which I consider most important in life, including in some small measure, Goethe's recommendation:
"Because central to the mission of Newman’s university was the notion, not only of civilised education, but also of civilised leisure.
Our resistance—to the depravity of the present age as much to that of our own base nature—must be our play as well as our work. This has always been the chief function of “high culture”, and the Newmanites follow Goethe’s recommendation:
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul." ([emphasis mine]Michael Warren Davis]

Wednesday, 18 January 2017


This is the agenda clearly articulated by a climate change evangelist (who incidentally was annihilated in court by James Delingpole for producing fake news) that the anti-Western 'elites' (nee: Marxist tyrants) want to impose on all of us in the (still, almost) free Western nations:
Economists [21][22][23][24]have firmly related human development to the so-called equatorial Grand Canyon – the hot belt several thousand kilometres in width encircling the earth at the equator, where more lower-income countries can be found than anywhere else. Keeping in mind the trends shown here, the only solution – which must be undertaken together with technological inventions and ecosystem innovations – for human and environmental survival in a healthy state is that the countries that currently are living in the α area (in the 3rd–4th sector of the graph in figure 1) quickly shift to the 5th stage after the point (b), putting in action a series of mechanisms that move towards an efficient and renewable energy supply, a closed waste cycle, with biodegradable chemicals carbon neutral transport systems, an organic diet [25], a severely reduced level of consumption of natural resources, a series of environmental protection regulations, and the development of wildlife conservation measures. "

Monday, 9 January 2017


Too damn true mate! 
The everyday person whose life is busy, busy, busy and whose recreation is sacrosanct by necessity has no time to check the veracity of main-stream-media proclamations. Which is exactly what the MSM relies on and is how they have been able to get away with propagating outright lies, slurs and propaganda. NO MORE!
Yet that doesn’t matter to the leftist media, who will drive thousands of vulnerable minorities to their deaths if it serves their agenda. I wrote about this phenomenon in these pages back in September, but in the context of the gay marriage plebiscite. I said there would indeed be a spike in LGBT suicides during the campaign, because the media would do everything in its power to convince queer youths that Australia is a country full of hateful bigots who want them dead. Josh Manuatu – as good a chap as they come, and gay to boot – criticised those of us who took that line in an article for Flat White, saying ‘the stereotype that all homosexuals are sad, impulsive and not in control of their emotions to the extent that a TV advertisement may force them to commit suicide is… offensive and deeply demeaning’. Sorry, mate, but you missed the point. It’s not that gays are gullible, hysterical dupes: it’s that most people are gullible, hysterical dupes. Including, at least until recently, yours truly. The media knows that, and they play us like Neronian fiddles. There’s no lie too unfounded, no conspiracy too bat-shit crazy, for them to print – or for us to believe.
Those of us who’ve taken the red pill now have a duty to speak up on behalf of those still laboring under the media’s intricate, self-serving Matrix. We have to expose the mainstream press for what it is: an international conspiracy to spread left-wing propaganda. Because they’re not just a threat to our democracy anymore. They’re also endangering the lives of millions of innocent dimwits. To (mis)quote the late, great, William F. Buckley: ‘Cancel your god-damn subscriptions.’    [Michael Davis]