Monday, 27 March 2017


Theodore Dalrymple muses on the word 'progress', as do I from time to time, and comes to a similar conclusion:
"If jesting Pilate had asked what progress was rather than truth, his failure to stay for an answer might have been more excusable. Indeed, whenever I hear the word progress nowadays, I reach for my … no, no, I won’t go quite as far as that, but I do ask myself the question, “Progress towards what, exactly?”  The only answer I can give is, “Towards an existence without boundaries”—at least boundaries that have not been decreed by progressives. In other words, progress is movement towards rule by progressives; all else is reaction."
In his ruminations he considers the idea of 'the progressive' in the area of the arts and it is here that I find myself in particular agreement with his appraisal:
How was what Wyndham Lewis called “the demon of progress in the arts” unleashed? Howsoever it was unleashed, it has certainly been nourished by a certain vulgate of art history ever since, combined with a good dose of faulty logic. The vulgate is as follows:
  • “Official” art in the nineteenth century was terrible.
  • A group of courageous revolutionary artists grew up in opposition to it.
  • Their work shocked the public.
  • Though they were mocked, derided, reviled and persecuted at first, they produced great art and finally won through.
  • A number of false deductions from this vulgate are accepted consciously or unconsciously by artists, art critics and the supposedly sophisticated element of the public, among them:
  • Throughout history, all great art and great artists were not accepted as such in their own time.
  • All great art is oppositional, revolutionary and an advance on what went before.
  • The function of art and artists is to shock, and what does not shock is not art.
Of course it is true than art may shock, that a few great artists have gone unrecognised in their lifetime, that some have been revolutionary, that academicism may exhaust itself and become mere kitsch; but these are small aspects of art history, not the whole of it, nor are they historiographical principles that any aspiring artist ought to keep in mind, or that should guide the judgement of the critic or the public. The only proper judgement is sub specie aeternitatis (under the form of eternity)."

Saturday, 25 March 2017


There is a proposition that I hold closely to in my worldview and one that I take every opportunity to teach about to Conor. I believe its biblical equivalent might be found in 1 Peter 3:15.

The proposition is this: ideas have consequences.

Simple but profound and I am reminded of it not on a daily basis but almost on an hourly basis. In conversations like the one I had at the beach today to the short video I watched on YouTube about the state of 'intellectual' being at Yale university:

........worth a watch if only for an insight into the coming apocalypse of which Trump, even if successful in 'draining the swamp' (which is doubtful given the open warfare ranged against him) represents merely a short hiatus rather than a solution.

Back to the idea of ideas having consequences...
I was talking to Conor today about some of the consequences of collectivism, that insidious ideology that has gained traction within our society and is most vividly displayed politically in Australasia in Victoria under the Andrews oligarchy and in South Australasia under the Weatherill oligarchy.

However this idea has gathered force all around the Western world due to faulty history teaching or a complete lack thereof, the collapse of higher education as evidenced in the video above, to constant indoctrination throughout TV and many Hollywood movies as well as the now unmasked main-stream-press which acts as a 5th column undermining everything vaguely of Judeo-Christian/Western value within our society.

Collectivism takes many forms within our society, masquerading as something benign and 'huggable', perfect for the emotionally superficial, metro-'fluid'-sexual culture of our contemporary society. Unfortunately it is also rather prevalent within Christian circles also masquerading under different guises, such as; seeker sensitive, holisticism, etc etc. In fact on the 'other side' of that idea lies that one contained in numerous articles and books warning against the 'fundamentalists' of Christianity, how the History of Christianity is as bad if not worse than Islam and that the 'new fundamentalists' of Christianity are the same as the Taliban. And by fundamentalists they mean those who believe in the bible as it is written and that it is the inspired and true word of God.

But back to the idea I spoke to Conor today about the dangers of collectivism and its consequences.

The Russian revolution is when the Marxists seized power in a bloody coup and quickly 'cleansed' the country of possible opposition. By 1929 the Bolshevik party had cemented their power and viewed any 'success' as contrary to the collectivist ideology:
Collectivization was a policy of forced consolidation of individual peasant households into collective farms called “kolkhozes” as carried out by the Soviet government in the late 1920's - early 1930's.
The Kulaks were a hardworking group of farmers who had been around since the time of the Czar, they shared their knowledge and techniques with each other and as a consequence became rather successful.

Success of course angered the Russian oligarchy as it does all collectivists, and Stalin decreed that the Kulaks were to be exterminated, which Stalin did, killing around 3 million of them actually:
On 27 December 1929 Stalin officially announced the forthcoming 'liquidation of the Kulaks as a Class'. Dekulakization consisted of the expropriation of the richer peasants' households that were officially labeled 'kulak' and the expulsion of their members from the village.
Now to arrive at the point of my lesson for Conor about ideas having consequences....:
Obviously the ideas harboured by the Marxist collectivists had serious consequences for the Kulaks as a group of people, but the death of these farmers and the division of their lands as per the collectivist 'vision' for farming (see also Zimbabwe, Venezuela and currently what is happening in South Africa) also had consequences for the ordinary peasants (everyday people like you and me) of Russia.

Official figures are hard to come by obviously as the Russian government of the day like many failed states in the world today, they prefer to keep statistics a state secret, but the estimates are that multiple millions of ordinary Russians died in the famines (1930 and 1932-3) that followed as a result of the slaughter of the Kulak farmers.

Ideas most definitely have consequences as does the idea of 'no idea' paraphrase Burke; "all that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing."

Wednesday, 22 March 2017


Although the blatant ignorance exhibited by many on the 'left' of politics is frustrating and often mind-boggingly perverse, I do think the chickens are about to come home to roost for the apparatchiks of this intellectually mendicant ideology.

As Christopher Lasch has noted in the following quote, the easy way for people to avoid argument is to adopt the politically expedient stance of dismissing the debate on specious personal grounds.
As noted by the American academic Christopher Lasch, universities are no longer committed to independent critical inquiry “as it is no longer necessary to argue with opponents on intellectual grounds or to enter into their point of view. It is enough to dismiss them as Eurocentric, racist, sexist, homophobic – in other words as politically suspect”.
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint) the problems associated with this approach are evidenced in the type of  'debater' that such a pathway develops; specifically the 90lb weakling of the social stereotypical variety.

Just as our present cultures predisposition towards the heightened new metro-sexuality of 'gender fluidity' and other such nonsensical constructs, guarantees that watching warrior oriented cultures are rubbing their hands together with engorged avarice at the contemplation of future booty and plunder to come (unless we wake up in the West) too do those debaters who employ logic, facts and studiousness (maligned concepts amongst PoMo 'intellectuals) look forward to future conquests of flower-petal intellectuals scampering for their safe spaces at the de-legitimisation of their 'false god' called 18c.

Saturday, 18 March 2017


The true face of 'progressives' has been well hidden by factual omissions perpetrated by main-stream-media subversives.

One might almost say that the leftists have hidden their darkness under a philosophical 'burka' for far too long.

This report on the eco-activists exposes the truth:
"There reached a point when the Dakota Access protest became less about debating the merits of pipeline routes and more about mixing it up with cops.
That was when the danger spiked for officers and their families. While protesters were fueling worldwide outrage and fundraising over allegations of police brutality, an aggressive cohort of agitators was terrorizing the families of law enforcement officers with threats of death, rape and arson.
“There were threats made to us, mostly that they were going to come burn down our houses or rape us while our husbands were gone,” said Allison Engelstad, who is married to Jon Engelstad, a sheriff’s deputy in Morton County, North Dakota.
The Dakota Access protest came with sobering evidence of an increasingly violent activism culture that has raised the stakes in recent years from peaceful activism to vandalism to aggression against police. Other evidence are assaults on officers at events such as Black Lives Matter and Resist Trump.
David Horowitz, a conservative author and researcher on left-wing movements, said political history shows that the rash of leftist violence is more par for the course than out of character.
“There were really two movements in the ‘60s. One was the hippie movement, which was benign. That was the summer of love,” he said. “And then there were the leftists, who were violent. They were revolutionaries.
Ms. Engelstad, the sheriff’s deputy’s wife, had good reason to fear that protesters knew where they lived. The North Dakota State and Local Intelligence Center compiled a 41-page document of social media posts with threats along with photos, names, addresses and contact information for officers involved with the protest.
“Every one of these cops has familys Make there family pay,” read one Facebook post.
A live video feed taken from a January protest on the Backwater Bridge includes the voice of an activist shouting, “We’re going to gang-rape,” “Watch your family” and “We’re going to kill your daughters, your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents, even you!”
For Ms. Engelstad, the threats hit home the night before Thanksgiving, when her husband called and urged her to leave, saying protesters had threatened to set fire to the houses of law enforcement locked in a late-night standoff at the bridge near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.” [Valerie Richardson]
Its really shocking, these 'activists' are no better than the terrorists threatening our way of life and should be treated as such. 

Friday, 17 March 2017

SOMETHING SMELLY IN THE STATE OF ............(fill in the blank with your Western state)

I wrote recently about the 'big brother' impulse (aka neo-Marxist social engineering) to report parents of fat kids as needing government intervention in the form of 'child protection' orders:;postID=4299618891417843379;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=postname

Having just returned from a grocery shopping trip I feel it necessary to reflect on government policies such as; subsidies, tariffs, minority social projects, ideologically driven energy experiments, excessive taxes etc, and how these often ideologically driven supernumerary taxes are driving the costs of everything through the roof, and in this most recent case, fresh and healthy foods.

For the first time in human history poverty in the West now takes the form of obesity as opposed to extreme gauntness and it is big-government ideology's which are the primary factors behind the problem.

Which brings me to the issue raised in my aforementioned article and raises the question; is it right that the same government who plays such a significant role in causing these fat kids (fast foods are easily available and so much cheaper than healthy foods) be allowed to blame the parents of these kids and threaten them with legal penalties?

These 'laws' and interference's plus the myriad of others like them are an illustration of how the ideological policies of the Labor/Green alliance (and unfortunately I now include the 'labor-lite' Liberal/Nat alliance) are undermining our society.

Where are we headed? Are we heading down the same road as Zimbabwe, a socialist 'paradise' wherein Mugabe has 'nationalised the farmlands out of existence, and has in the words of this Zimbabwean journalist, 'engineered' the famine?:
A flicker of Esinathi Dube's deep-set eyes is the only significant sign of life in a room where starvation has brought a pervasive fear of death. Her eldest daughter, Agnes, succumbed in February; Esinathi predicts that she will soon follow. Another daughter, Sipho, lies at her side weeping away the pain of hunger.

"Agnes was a strong girl but she died because she did not eat," says Esinathi. "We could not afford to buy food and the hospitals turned us away when we looked for help."

The two sisters, aged 32 and 34, should have been the first generation of black Zimbabweans to benefit from Robert Mugabe's rule as the first democratically elected leader of the nation. When the liberation hero turned dictator and engineered a famine, however, Agnes and thousands of others joined a long list of the regime's victims. Sipho is one of thousands more who hover on the brink.

Food shortages have pushed Zimbabwean prices to unaffordable levels. A loaf of bread in Bulawayo costs 2,500 Zimbabwe dollars, the equivalent of 30p, but also the same as the average monthly pension. As a result, an estimated 5.5 million Zimbabweans depend on food aid.
Before you scoff and laugh at the suggestion that we could end up like Zimbabwe, consider the equally tragic example of Venezuela where people are eating from garbage skips, another 'socialist paradise' reaching its inevitable conclusion:
Remember the rolling blackouts, the shortages of common supplies, like toilet paper, the eating of zoo animals (and domestic animals) because people were starving, the looting, and the spikes in crime? Yeah, that’s all coming from the socialist utopia of Venezuela. The medical system has also totally collapsed, with hospitals not having basic items like gloves or soap. One doctor described the situation as “something out of the 19th century.” Then, there’s the footage of Venezuelans eating out of garbage cans because of the food shortage. On average, people have lost 19 pounds due to food shortages. It’s a total disaster. Now, the military has been caught eating from the garbage. [M Vespa, TownHall]
The freedoms we currently enjoy did not merely materialise out of some evolutionary haze or because of some inevitability gene, any cursory study of history will show how many have struggled for, and hard won the benefits we now take for granted. And do you really believe that these privileges are going to stick around just because we live in the 'West'.

No! There are forces at work every day trying to bring down these privilege we take for granted.

Lenin's 'useful idiots' abound in Australia and around the West, usually taking the form of the politically correct, the bored housewives of privilege, the indoctrinated university students, the drop-outs of Nimbim, the rusted-on unthinking voters of the union movement and the assorted loons of the various eco-movements.

We are indoctrinated every day by an almost unending stream of curses on the roots of our culture. The West is constantly denigrated as 'racist' imperialist, capitalistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, every phobia and or negative adjective that the 'progressive' oligarchy can conjure up is being thrown at our heads on an almost hourly basis. We are living in an era of mass indoctrination never before experienced in the history of mankind, it is unrelenting and obsessive and its aim is to destroy our freedoms and ultimately to enslave us.

To paraphrase what was said (allegedly) by Edmond Burke about providing evil the oxygen to survive: "...all it takes is for good men(and women) to do nothing"!


Thursday, 16 March 2017


Some enticing aspects awaiting we normal's in South Australia as our intrepid leader leads us further down the rabbit-hole of Socialist utopianism:
Remember the rolling blackouts, the shortages of common supplies, like toilet paper, the eating of zoo animals (and domestic animals) because people were starving, the looting, and the spikes in crime? Yeah, that’s all coming from the socialist utopia of Venezuela. The medical system has also totally collapsed, with hospitals not having basic items like gloves or soap. One doctor described the situation as “something out of the 19th century.” Then, there’s the footage of Venezuelans eating out of garbage cans because of the food shortage. On average, people have lost 19 pounds due to food shortages. It’s a total disaster. Now, the military has been caught eating from the garbage. [M Vespa, TownHall]

Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Big Brother is alive and thriving in amongst the rat runs of Canberra.

Laws are necessary for protecting the civilised from the uncivilised and from those who would prey on the weak as well as for the efficient administration of a society. But laws can just as easily become a weapon in the hands of an ideological oligarchy or an 'elite' and can be used to manipulate and indoctrinate a population.

I lived with it in South Africa and it is what history shows has happened in various forms all around the globe since time immemorial. The 20th Century gave birth to a particularly pernicious form of such control in the shape of communism/socialism which has been shown to have failed and failed miserably. Of course the ruling elite always manage to come out unscathed or even filthy only has to consider the Peron's, the Chavez family of Venezuela, or the oligarchs of Russia and Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

But the Utopianists of the left continue to pursue Marxism (or Fabianism/Gramscianism) in the vain hope that; "this time it will work". If madness is defined as doing the same thing over and over and each time expecting a different result, then madness is what has a hold on our politicians at the moment.

However, the reason I am revisiting my weekly  rants against the socialist left is because of a new law being enacted through Parliament concerning obesity. Never mind that we are drowning in debt, that our power supply is teetering on disaster, youth crime and crime gangs are creating chaos in our major cities...Oh No! lets get onto the really really important things like sugar, McDonald's (that dirty capitalist system!!!!) transgender bathrooms....these are what our pollies are concerning themselves with, and it is beginning to take on some seriously manipulative overtones, in short we are at risk of criminalising the parents of fat kids:
"A new Education Department order now deems obesity as a “child protection issue”, meaning educators are being urged to contact welfare services about fat kids who may be at “risk of significant harm”.
Staff will also be given compulsory training about treating obesity “as a child protection issue”, the Daily Telegraph reports." [10 News]

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Peter Smith is both appalled and amazed by the actions of the 'new left' in today's Australian politics
The left is no longer the left unless names mean nothing. The traditional left would not have happily seen miners thrown out of work and power stations and heavy industries closed down in pursuit of a climate chimera. They would not have been happy with strange men visiting their daughters’ bathrooms. They would not have been happy to have gender-fluidity studies shoved down their children’s throats. They would not have been happy to have free speech closed down to appease an alien and oppressive medieval religious culture.
It is beyond me that so many otherwise sensible people, drawn to the left out of compassion, remain tribally locked into a creepy, anti-worker, anti-Western, movement. What’s going on? I simply don’t know. I only know that it is going on and it is bringing us down.

Saturday, 11 March 2017


There was a time not so long ago that I thought Julie Bishop would make a good Prime Minister.

Not any more.

It was bad enough when she proved to be disloyal and conniving regarding the Tony Abbott saga, and an eyelash fluttering, simpering moron with Turnbull, but lately she has been brown nosing celebrities and sycophants in Hollywood whilst at the same time (perhaps as a result of the 'celebrity mania') she has snubbed our biggest military and trading partner; President Trump.

These are not the actions of a responsible Foreign minister.

Just today I read some further evidence that this same politician, a public servant, supposedly answerable to the Australian public and living large off the public purse, is accelerating Oz down the Green brick road towards progressive anarchy by giving away our money to that murderous, racist and depraved planned parenthood organisation.

Julie Bishop has proved herself to be a backstabbing, disloyal, feminazi, and a devotee of the demonic cult of a modern day Molech. She must go and go quickly!

Friday, 10 March 2017


Because the main-stream-media held pole position for so long we 'normals' have been duped into believing that 'progressives' are the caring, tolerant, and gentle people that the media have painted them to be.

Internet media has shown us that this could not be further from the truth and because of the ongoing 'exposé's many are waking up to the reality that these serial hypocrites are definitely not how the MSM have portrayed them, and are not even what they believe themselves to be.

For too long, the liberal left has been hiding behind a guise of compassion and inclusivity. They claim to care about the forgotten man and pretend to have tolerance for people of all backgrounds, races, religions and political beliefs. Yet, time and time again, their actions prove otherwise.
They portray themselves as open-minded members of society, but their tones quickly change when someone disagrees with them politically. Dare to disagree with a liberal and you will often be faced by an intolerant, uncaring and sometimes even violent person.
A group of Trump supporters at the University of California-Berkley’s #March4Trump were quickly thrown into the middle of this liberal hypocrisy when attempting to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Several of the Trump supporters ended up being assaulted, including an elderly man who collapsed to the ground, and a free speech sign and flags were photographed being burned.
Outrageous. This isn’t North Korea. But, unfortunately, what happened at Berkley serves as just another example of liberals claiming to be proponents of diverse thoughts and beliefs, while never actually following the tolerant words and ideas that they consistently preach.
.......... Refusing to see the hypocrisy in their words and actions, the liberal left continues to criticize their political opponents as the careless and dangerous ones. They claim that Russian Ambassador Kislyak meeting with Attorney General Sessions was a heinous offense, but never mention the fact that seven Democratic senators met with Ambassador Kislyak in 2013 or that the Ambassador frequently visited the Obama White House. And, of course, the list goes on.         [Madison Gesiotto]
Someone has well said that if you want to know what a 'progressive' thinks; look and see what they are accusing others of...Fascists anyone?!

Sunday, 5 March 2017


From the pen of Melanie Phillips a once-upon-a-time lefty who like Orwell 'woke-up' to their ideological hypocrisy, writes about Donald Trump, a man she opposed but now provisionally most thinking people:
"Far from his leftist caricature as another Mussolini in the making, he is actually restoring constitutionality and the rule of law – in contrast to the Obama administration which undermined both. Trump is enforcing the law against illegal immigrants, for example; and when the courts made their dubious rulings against his own admittedly dubious order suspending immigration from states designated as a danger to US security, he didn’t ignore the courts but tore up his order and drafted a new one.

Amongst the public, people are getting the measure of this most unusual President and are coming to understand the distinction between his style and substance. While his loose-lipped way of speaking is far from ideal, because language matters and the US President should be careful to be accurate in what he says, people understand what he actually means – which by and large they find to be sensible and true. They discount the careless or coarse way he talks because that’s the way many of them talk too. What matters to them is not what he sounds like but what he actually does."
Unlike the sort of politicians we are most familiar with; who look good, say good things but deliver crap!

Saturday, 4 March 2017


The following excerpt illustrates what happens when you have ideologues running the show.
I'd ask Sen. Schumer how it would be possible for Secretary of Education DeVos to make education any worse than it is for many Americans. I'd suggest to Rep. Richmond that if the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan were the Secretary of Education and wanted to sabotage black academic achievement, he couldn't find a better method for doing so than keeping our public school system as it is. Many black politicians and educators would never have their own children attend the rotten, dangerous schools that are so much a part of our big cities. Many black parents, captured by these schools, would like to get their children out. But that's not in the interest of the education establishment, which wants a monopoly on education. Black politicians and academics are the establishment's facilitators. That explains their hostility to Betsy DeVos. She would like to give more parents a choice.
It is no different in Australia. When the so-called 'progressives' take control of the agenda we see the power brokers saying one thing and doing another. We see that the ones who suffer the most are the very ones that the 'do-gooders' claim to be 'helping.' We see unions making ideological deals that elevates the union boss up the promotional ladder while at the same time causing the union members to lose their jobs, Whyalla and Townsville losing their mines and factories being a case in point among many.

 Mugabe once replied to a journalists question of why he allowed so much farming land to lie fallow: "when people starve they rely more on the government"...just as the 'progressives' like to control the population through ignorance, welfare dependency and bureaucratic control over as many avenues of private lives as possible.

BTW I really have problem using the term 'progressive' to define the ideologues of the left, regressive would be a far more eloquent descriptor of their purposes and intentions. Another case of semantics claiming lies as 'truth' (fake news) and the ever ongoing trashing of JC values.

Friday, 3 March 2017


I watched a program on youtube where Larry Arn, the president of Hillsdale College and one of America's leading educationalists was interviewed by Mark Steyn. 
Steyn posed a compelling question about governmental interference in education.

The point was made that the ideologies lurking behind much bureaucratic interference not only impacted the subject matter and courses of what was being taught in schools, but had also transformed the moral and educational faculties of the teachers themselves.

An interesting and disturbing thought because if it is indeed true that our teachers and educators have been 'hollowed-out', it means that a reversal in the downward trend of the culture wars is impossible and the current 'revolution' in the West against the neo-feudalism of the elites is but a blip on the screen of our stampede towards 1984.


Hollywood elitists attend the Oscars night of Dionysian revelries adorned in their most extravagant and costly frippery, but still manage to signal their moral superiority by attaching small tokens of their 'commitment to the betterment of women':
Glam American actresses Emma Stone and Dakota Johnson adorned their pricy Oscars ceremony gowns and handbags with golden Planned Parenthood pins in the shape of the group's logo.
Of course for anyone in the know this Planned Parenthood caper was in no way established for the betterment of anyone, much less women, but hey, who cares about history never mind the actual, real and pressing needs of the women they SAY they are trying to help?
Beneath their costumery of progressive benevolence, liberal Hollywood "helpers" and global do-gooders exhibit a cold indifference toward the actual wants and needs of their supposed beneficiaries in the Third World. They're raising hundreds of millions for abortions, not for food, water and education.
This, Ekeocha accurately diagnoses, is "cultural imperialism."
And, remember, it's marinated in racist eugenics: Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 "to stop the multiplication of the unfit." It would be "the most important and greatest step towards race betterment." In an essay included in her writing collection held by the Library of Congress, Sanger urged her abortion clinic colleagues to "breed a race of thoroughbreds." Nationwide "birth control bureaus" would propagate the proper "science of breeding" to stop impoverished, nonwhite women from "breeding like weeds."

Planned Parenthood activists blanketed the Third World with population-control propaganda preaching "the fewer, the merrier" and "Why carry more burdens?"
Outside of the privileged Hollywood bubble, Obianuju Ekeocha speaks for millions in condemning the butchers, predators and enablers of Planned Parenthood.
The scriptures speak eloquently about those whose despotism has blinded them (2 Corinthians 4:4: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers)” to reality and these Hollywood creatures who have literally sold their souls to achieve their positions in the hierarchy have the temerity to preach morality(?) to the many beautiful women of Africa whose hearts and souls are pure in their love for children regardless of their lack of financial superiority or powerful 'connections':
Ekeocha actually travelled to African neighbourhoods and interviewed women about the "noble cause" of elitist abortionists.
Catholic nuns, Muslim schoolgirls, millennial-age young women and elderly grandmothers all made their position clear:
"No to abortion!"
"We love babies, so we do not support abortion."
"We don't need any safe abortion as not[h]ing is safe in killing."

Thursday, 2 March 2017


I have long championed the book 1984 as essential reading for Christians as a blueprint of the coming age, and the following extract only illustrates the point.

When (if) you read this think of how many have been coerced into 'believing' that gender is a construct of society only and not a biological fact. Think of the endless and omnipresent propaganda behind the Anthropogenic Warming cult, as fast as evidence against it comes to the fore so the propaganda doubles and triples on the 'settled science' and 'scientific consensus' indoctrination. No matter how many major, minor or otherwise invisible research scientists disagree with the so-called 'consensus', no matter how many times the cheating and manipulation of statistics is uncovered, the propaganda merely increases in volume until it becomes overwhelming to the point when one just wants to surrender in order to stop the assault on the senses.

Think of the non-stop 'marriage equality' propaganda, it has now reached the point where ordinary people are wanting it to be passed just so the news cycle can go back to 'normal' many times have you heard that sentiment voiced on TV?

............................just like Winston:
George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four was modelled on one such totalitarian hellhole: the Stalinist Soviet Union. So his book features horrific and coercive mind-control activities carried out by the State. In one memorable scene from the book the hero, Winston Smith, is being tortured by O’Brien of the Thought Police to cure him of his “insanity”. He endures a few weeks of this, as O’Brien tells him that reality is whatever the Party says it is. Consider this harrowing account:

‘You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self-destruction, an effort of the will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane.’
He paused for a few moments, as though to allow what he had been saying to sink in.
‘Do you remember,’ he went on, ‘writing in your diary, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?’
‘Yes,’ said Winston.
O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.
‘How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?’
‘And if the party says that it is not four but five – then how many?’
The word ended in a gasp of pain. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. The sweat had sprung out all over Winston’s body. The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop. O’Brien watched him, the four fingers still extended. He drew back the lever. This time the pain was only slightly eased.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
The needle went up to sixty.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Four! Four! What else can I say? Four!’
The needle must have risen again, but he did not look at it. The heavy, stern face and the four fingers filled his vision. The fingers stood up before his eyes like pillars, enormous, blurry, and seeming to vibrate, but unmistakably four.
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Four! Stop it, stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!’
‘How many fingers, Winston?’
‘Five! Five! Five!’
‘No, Winston, that is no use. You are lying. You still think there are four. How many fingers, please?’
‘Four! Five! Four! Anything you like. Only stop it, stop the pain!’
Abruptly he was sitting up with O’Brien’s arm round his shoulders. He had perhaps lost consciousness for a few seconds. The bonds that had held his body down were loosened. He felt very cold, he was shaking uncontrollably, his teeth were chattering, the tears were rolling down his cheeks. For a moment he clung to O’Brien like a baby, curiously comforted by the heavy arm round his shoulders. He had the feeling that O’Brien was his protector, that the pain was something that came from outside, from some other source, and that it was O’Brien who would save him from it.
‘You are a slow learner, Winston,’ said O’Brien gently.
‘How can I help it?’ he blubbered. ‘How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.’
‘Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.’


When Marxism replaces Environmentalism:
"There was a time when true environmentalists strove to protect wild things. Now the green shirts have become enemies of the environment by pushing green energy and demonising the building blocks of life - carbon and carbon dioxide." [V Forbes]

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


President Trump is excoriated in the press for saying that Sweden has been having issues with immigrants refusing to assimilate and creating problems of violence and sexual depravity.

The main-stream-media runs hot with denials and a concomitant denigration of Trump with his 'fake news' stories. Unfortunately for them, his somewhat clumsy reference to 'last night' (meaning he watched a program on TV 'last night') actually proved to be rather prophetic and indeed showed the media and the Swedish Government for the LIARS they really are [emphasis mine]:
Swedish politicians rushed to state that such problems were simply unknown. The city of Malmo was a model of multicultural harmony. One of the police officers interviewed by Horowitz said their comments had been taken out of context. “He is a madman.” And so on.
Just a few hours later, violence erupted in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby after a mob of around 30 began attacking officers with rocks and setting fire to cars. But Trump had not been exercising metaphysical powers of prophecy. Both he and Ami Horowitz were accurately reflecting Swedish reality, as has been steadily reported over many years despite attempts by the Swedish authorities to suppress such information.
A few weeks previously, three police officers were taken to hospital after being attacked by a mob in Rinkeby, and officials placed more than 50 areas on a high risk list of places with high levels of migrants where police admit they do not have control. National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson said he needed a further 4,100 officers and specialist staff to deal with the surge in incidents since migrants entered the nation in their thousands. He said: “We have to go to work against unrest in the asylum centres which places a much greater demand than might appear outwardly.”[M Vespa]
This world of ours has been heading down the path of self-destruction for so long now that when someone gets into power who wants to bring a halt, or at least slow down the suicidal lemming-like behaviour; the elites who are leading the charge over the cliff go berserk.

One could be tempted to allow such mass perversity to continue were it not true that those who will ultimately suffer the most are the poor, disenfranchised and the middle classes....not unfortunately the architects of the problems in the first place.

Why? Because these parasites, money/fame grabbers, power lusters have no morals, no honour, no respect and will roll over to whoever or whatever gets ultimate control thus enjoying the benefits of whatever circumstances prevail.

I say thank goodness that this is all going to come to an end one day, perhaps not too far in the future.