Monday, 31 July 2017


The triumph of emotional incontinence over reason and logic:
"The Grenfell Tower fire in London, in which an entire apartment block was consumed by flames at the loss of at least 80 lives and left all the survivors homeless, was an appalling event whose causes have yet to be established. To do so, a public inquiry was set up under a retired senior judge, Sir Martin Moore-Bick. He was chosen because his expertise in complex commercial contracts fitted him for the likely technical challenges posed by this tragedy.
Those very qualities, however, have ruled him out as far as the residents’ spokesmen are concerned. They didn’t want dispassionate, objective and informed. They wanted touchy-feely. They didn’t want the inquiry to get at the truth of what had happened. They wanted it to arrive at the conclusion they had already reached: that residents of Grenfell Tower were killed and the survivors further victimised by a callous establishment determined to trash the working-class.
So they formed themselves into a political activists’ cause: “Justice for Grenfell”. From these activists and their supporters has issued a stream of bigoted, ignorant, class-war assertions about Sir Martin Moore-Bick. Because he is upper-middle class, dresses formally and speaks like the Appeal Court Vice-President that he was rather than a grief counsellor or community organiser, the activists have decided he doesn’t understand how they feel or their way of life and is therefore axiomatically unfit for the job." [M Phillips]

Wednesday, 19 July 2017


The attached article contains a fascinating cry from the heart of a social justice warrior who once identified as a 'Christian' (although from her description I deduce a religious 'christian' experience rather than a truly Christian one), nevertheless it provides an interesting insight into the murky world of the anarchic SJW's and how, like most revolutions in history, the unleashing of unbridled passions causes the participants to end up turning on each other and devouring the very ones that started the revolution in the first place:

I cannot help but sympathise. I know what it is like to be involved with groups of passionate people involved in a 'righteous' cause. I have seen how 'doing the right thing' can mean zealotry and prejudice find rich soil to prosper. I have seen dissatisfaction turn into murderous intent, I have experienced myself becoming judgemental, manipulative and condescending. This is called life! There is far more wrong than right in our world today, we do not have to look far to find injustice.

The difference is that within Christian circles we do have a powerful assistant who works with us to not only transform the situation but us in the process, and we have the option to forgive without it becoming a defeat or a surrender. 

Without these breakers, these safety valves, life becomes unbearable and I think this is what this writer is experiencing. I only hope that she turns to the true Christian experience, one where she realises that she does not have to strive for 'perfection' nor does she have to be something that she is not, but that she is loved for who she is right now, and that she has the option of an eternal future based on love, acceptance and community. 

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Sweden leads the way once again in the area of social responsibility.

Of course it could also be said that in Sweden the very notion of 'social responsibility' is a great big OXYMORON. The latter syllable of that word is, in my opinion, the default position of most Western social justice warriors.

I digress.....the issue that I began with re: leading the way, is of course the latest call for Swedish citizens to assimilate with the refugees. WTF?

Yes, you read that correctly, it is not incumbent on the refugees to assimilate into Sweden it is for Swedes to assimilate with the refugees:
A charity backed by the Swedish government has launched a campaign denouncing the assimilation of migrants and telling natives to “integrate” with foreign “cultures and languages”.
“It’s time to realise the new Swedes will claim their space” an ad insists, describing the Nordic nation as a “safe space” for migrants and concluding: “There is no way back. Sweden will never be like it was.” [Liam Deacon]
So our resident morons leftists in Australia think that we should follow the example of Sweden in turning to greater government control and perhaps in doing so accomplish the Marxist goal of an earthly utopia?
The nations of Scandinavia and Finland, or Nordic Europe, continue to provide living proof that economic prosperity can be combined with social equality and environmental responsibility. This book, written from an Australian perspective, explores previous outside policy interest in the Nordic nations and outlines some lessons which the English-speaking world, in particular, can learn now from the achievements of the four main Nordic European nations. In terms of income distribution these countries are still much more equal than Australia, Britain, New Zealand and Canada – and nearly twice as equal as the United States. [Andrew Scott]
How soon will our government begin to make compulsory; language courses in Arabic, Swahili, Somali, Indonesian?

I think that if you choose to believe the actual facts rather than the infernal propaganda broadcast on their ABC by assorted 'academics', 'social justice warriors, 'environmental experts' and carpet-bagger Marxist  wannabees, you might discover that the facts are a little more distressing:
By the early 1990s, two decades of “socialism” had turned Sweden from one of the strongest economies in the world to a country in decline and heading into a depression. While free market reforms brought Sweden back from the brink (i.e. the Swedes recognized that “socialism” was failing and reformed before the situation became as bad as it has in Greece and Venezuela), the Swedish experiment with “socialism” will have lasting effects. 
When will we the taxpayer and the intelligent voter learn to differentiate between ideological blather and actual truth and choose to then place the countries long-term well-being above our own short-term gain, at least for the sake of our children if not our grandchildren?


Whilst I cannot condone Peterson's infrequent outbursts of bad language or his usage of religious epithets, I wholeheartedly support his attack on the ruling paradigms of today's post modern cultism.

I am also incredibly impressed by his erudition, his passion and the fact that he speaks almost entirely without notes. An impressive show of intellectual superiority if ever there was one.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017


If you really believe that Socialism is the way forward...then I suggest you examine your historical knowledge or your moral character because at least one of them is severely flawed. The evidence provided for the demonic incinerator that is 20th Century Socialism is stacked up to the tune of around 100 million bodies. Most people are offended if someone calls them a NAZI, but those same people are not when called a Socialist. Why? The former is not equal to the latter because the latter is far worse.

Friday, 7 July 2017


It appears that the obnoxious behaviour and ill concealed contempt aimed at all 'beneath them' is not new to modern day tertiary students.

The 'normals'(deplorables) of Oxford in the middle ages afforded the 'intellectuals' of that era their due comeuppance:
The seed of the riot was an altercation in the Swindlestock Tavern in Oxford (now the site of the Santander Bank on Carfax, on the corner of St Aldate's and Queen Street) between two students of the University of Oxford, Walter Spryngeheuse and Roger de Chesterfield, and the taverner, John Croidon. They complained about the quality of drinks, which led to an exchange of rude words that ended with the students throwing their drinks in the taverner's face and assaulting him.[2] Retaliation for this incident led to armed clashes between locals and students.
The mayor of Oxford, John de Bereford, asked the Chancellor of Oxford University, Humphrey de Cherlton, to arrest the two students, to no avail. Instead, 200 students supported Spryngeheuse and Chesterfield, allegedly assaulting the mayor and others.[2] As the situation escalated, locals from the surrounding countryside poured in, crying: "Havac! Havoc! Smyt fast, give gode knocks!"[3]
A riot broke out and lasted two days, which left 63 scholars and perhaps 30 locals dead.[2][4] The scholars were eventually routed.
Anyone want to predict that something of a similar outcome is brewing in our post-modern utopia called academia?

Thursday, 6 July 2017


Cue Australia's ABC network:
Part of the problem for the “journalists” in legacy media is Groupthink. You may hear it referred to as a bubble, but it’s more complicated than simply being isolated from others. It’s a concerted and dangerous state where a group of people believe they have sole possession of the truth and work to make sure alternative facts never infect the inner circle of decision-makers, or those they’re trying to influence. [T Bruce]
The Rainbow Gestapo are opening up a new front, could prove to be fatal if history has resonance:

Trump trumps the left:
"Leftists call his wife a “whore”, and run around with signs saying “rape Melania”. They hold up his bloody and severed head as a “joke”, call for his assassination as a “joke”, call his 10-year-old son a rapist and autistic and a homeschool shooter, and they are suddenly claiming the moral high ground?
This is why they hate him so much. Because despite doing everything they can think of, Trump is still standing. Then he punches back. His blows are surgical and hilarious. They take next to no effort, while the Left is literally expending all its energy and having no impact. He’s using the media’s own tools against it. He’s using social media – the Great Equalizer – against them. He’s using Alinsky against them. He’s kicking them when they’re down."

Monday, 3 July 2017


I am not sure about the veracity of the hoary old myth that states; prior to the Bolshevik revolution the Church hierarchy (the Bishops) had neglected their duties to such an extent that they spent their final days debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin.

I am sure the whole point of tales such as these was to illustrate that the Church had lost all relevance to everyday life and history appears to indicate that that was indeed the case. I am also convinced that a similar irrelevance has gripped the Western worldview today.

Those who have been given the responsibility of nurturing and maintaining almost two thousand years of hard-won freedoms and traditions; i.e. the Politicians of the West (the new world 'priesthood'), have neglected their responsibilities to the point where apparatchiks and commissars are more interested in debating how many definitions of sexual identity can be included on an official form...thus making the bishops earlier digressions seem sane by comparison.

And perhaps the result of such neglect will indeed see history repeating itself.