Our new 'intellectual betters'(a.k.a. 'delusional') are purposefully pursuing policies designed to bring Western civilisation to its knees in the vain hopes of replacing it with a Utopian, more 'loving culture' such as those we are able to currently witness in Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, the current flavour of the month for Western Civ haters:
Later Tammam told us at a fancy Korean BBQ restaurant that coal miners get to eat at discounted rates. According to Article 30 of the DPR Korean constitution, “arduous trades” are entitled to shorter working days.
You get the impression that the so-called ‘elite’ in North Korea are different to the elite of capitalist societies, consisting of school teachers, scientists, architects, doctors and engineers, people whose ingenuity plays a role in providing the brain power for the state’s drive towards economic self-sufficiency. Are these people paid more? Yes, but this inequality pales in comparison to the inequality you see in the capitalist world. [Jay Tharappel]
A segue by Tim Blair on this pay differential: "Great way to run an economy. Let’s see Sydney University academics demonstrate solidarity by accepting wages below those of apprentice bricklayers"Jay is a Phd student at Sydney Uni under the tutelage of that great dissembler of Western Civilisation and friend to Dictators everywhere Tim Anderson.
Aren't we all looking forward to that 'great leap forward' where our current intellectual betters (a.k.a. loons) are safely ensconced in positions of bureaucratic power where they can legally reduce we peons to the 'proper' position of serfs to our new feudal overlords.
What a rosy future we can see in the tea leaves.