Identity politics is really a revival of the pre-modern notion of caste — that is, of a person's status fixed at birth. The sheer persistence of that idea across continents and centuries suggests that our notion of personal autonomy is the more difficult one to sustain.I have said it before (ad-nauseatingly it seems) that our 'cultural elites' (um...oxymoron alert!) are trying to subvert the freedoms hard won by the Western civilisational story (a Judeo-Christian one).
The values that make an open society possible are not innate. We have to be taught that things we don’t know might have value, that people we dislike might have wisdom, that disagreement does not imply immorality. Are we still teaching our young people these lessons? To ask the question is to answer it. [Dan Hannan]
In an attempt to be understanding even of those things I abhor (I take Dan Hannan's comment seriously) I would posit that many who are actively working against the freedoms that we enjoy are doing it out of ignorance (i.e. the herd mentality) or because of their own sense of meaninglessness rather than out of the dark malevolence of a 'lets conquer the world' mentality, at least I hope so for their sake.
Whatever the motivation the end results remain the same; Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Mao's China. Stalin's Russia, all shout loudly and proudly about the failures of Marxism 101.
Unfortunately, because Lenin and Trotsky (sounds like a music duo) new-age, post-modern acolytes occupy the high ground of academia, our children are not taught about the effects of communism, neither are they equipped to unearth the details for themselves, rather they are indoctrinated and force fed lies and more lies amidst rewritten history texts which blind their eyes to the truth. This makes it possible for 'trans' students to lobby for socialism without understanding that trans people will not survive a totalitarian regime.
It has become more than acceptable (almost obligatory) to walk around with an image of Che Guevara (a murderous and inept thug) on their t-shirts, or as they are currently doing in England (how that bonnie land has plummeted from its heights) wearing t-shirts that proudly proclaim that they are 'literally Communists':
I have never been so glad to be old.