Saturday, 15 September 2018


Identity politics is really a revival of the pre-modern notion of caste — that is, of a person's status fixed at birth. The sheer persistence of that idea across continents and centuries suggests that our notion of personal autonomy is the more difficult one to sustain.

The values that make an open society possible are not innate. We have to be taught that things we don’t know might have value, that people we dislike might have wisdom, that disagreement does not imply immorality. Are we still teaching our young people these lessons? To ask the question is to answer it. [Dan Hannan]
I have said it before (ad-nauseatingly it seems) that our 'cultural elites' (um...oxymoron alert!)  are trying to subvert the freedoms hard won by the Western civilisational story (a Judeo-Christian one).

In an attempt to be understanding even of those things I abhor (I take Dan Hannan's comment seriously) I would posit that many who are actively working against the freedoms that we enjoy are doing it out of ignorance (i.e. the herd mentality) or because of their own sense of meaninglessness rather than out of the dark malevolence of a 'lets conquer the world' mentality, at least I hope so for their sake.

Whatever the motivation the end results remain the same; Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Mao's China. Stalin's Russia, all shout loudly and proudly about the failures of Marxism 101.

Unfortunately, because Lenin and Trotsky (sounds like a music duo) new-age, post-modern acolytes occupy the high ground of academia, our children are not taught about the effects of communism, neither are they equipped to unearth the details for themselves, rather they are indoctrinated and force fed lies and more lies amidst rewritten history texts which blind their eyes to the truth. This makes it possible for 'trans' students to lobby for socialism without understanding that trans people will not survive a totalitarian regime.

It has become more than acceptable (almost obligatory) to walk around with an image of Che Guevara (a murderous and inept thug) on their t-shirts, or as they are currently doing in England (how that bonnie land has plummeted from its heights) wearing t-shirts that proudly proclaim that they are 'literally Communists':

I have never been so glad to be old.

Friday, 14 September 2018


1984 is alive and well in the West.

I have a passion for history, I taught it at tertiary level, I wrote my Masters thesis on the history of a venerable institution in South Africa and I have read prodigiously about history for over half a century.

I currently teach many forms of history @ homeschooling. 
We have covered ancient history from Mesopotamia to the Post Modern era. 
We have studied the history of medicine from Imhotep to Asclepius to Hippocrates to Galen to James Watson and Francis Crick, we have studied the history of Geography/Geology/Earth  from Erasosthenes to Hanno to Marco Polo to Christopher Columbus to Galileo to Newton to Einstein, Werner Von Braun and today. 

In other words I love history; learning about it, teaching it, living it and it pains me to see how prophetic Orwell was in his denunciation of the impulse within the totalitarian worldview to shape history according to their prejudices. 

When I was a school teacher I noticed many inaccuracies in the Australian history text books, particularly regarding Aboriginal and Colonial times and of the influences behind Western civilisation. 
I have witnessed firsthand the teaching of these 'rewrites' and the way it shapes and often polarises ordinary Australians. As  a result of these observations I started my own research program to investigate such propagandist impulses and was on the verge of starting my Phd. in Education on this issue when circumstances intervened. 

In short I have despaired over the damage done to a subject I love and believe to have incredible importance in the shaping of worldviews, perhaps this is why there has been such an assault on the subject of History. 
This extract is but a tiny part of the continuing attack:
U.S. History textbook, The American Pageant, written by Thomas Bailey, David Kennedy, and Lizabeth Cohen, is also riddled with inaccuracies. That's according to Daniel Oliver, chairman of the board of the Education and Research Institute.

“Almost every other page” has liberal bias, Oliver charged during an interview with Townhall on Tuesday. His "favorite" example, he said, is the book's section on Alger Hiss. It's well known that Hiss was a communist who was supplying information to the Soviet Union, Oliver relayed. He was convicted of perjury in 1948. Yet, in The American Pageant, the authors write that Hiss was being chased by Richard Nixon, a “red hunter,” and that he got caught in “embarrassing falsehoods.”

Oliver calls the description "extraordinary" and "ridiculous." [Cortney O'Brien]
Propaganda disguised as history; unfortunately it is but the tip of an iceberg. Many, perhaps most, certainly a majority of those who have churned through the (academically plummeting) educational institutions over the past 3 decades have imbibed a warped view of the histories that have shaped our culture; Climate history, Natural history, Art history,Western history, Medical history be frank, I am not sure there can be any reversal of the trend. 

Perhaps the radicals on their long march have indeed won! 

If so they might not want what they finally get, in fact I daresay they will be horribly surprised at the results of their longings for Utopia, if the study of history has any truth to it.

P.S. For those who believe in an earthly Utopia where all things will be 'just great!'...consider that it was in the Garden of Eden that mankind first staged a revolution. There will be no peace this side of the second coming.

Sunday, 9 September 2018


In 2012 Obama stated in a speech that America's entrepreneurs didn't build their businesses, the Government did....the old 'you didn't build that' moment. These days he's saying the same thing about Trump, i.e. that the economic recovery was in fact Obama's achievement. Remembering of course that he first said an economic recovery was impossible...something about a 'magic wand' I think it was.
It turns out that Obama found a 'magic wand' in his own cupboard but the difference is that his wand rewrites history, just like Lenin's, Stalin's, Mao's, Castro's, Chavez''s wand etc etc. 

It seems that such wands are available on the dark web under Amazon@K Marx.communism.www. 

Get one now at bargain basement prices.

Friday, 7 September 2018


Obama doubled Americas debt during his term in office taking it from 10 trillion to 20 trillion...why? Because he is a socialist and views government as the solution to everything.
Trump, not-so-much:
"In 2017, things began to change for the better. And that too happened because of deeds, not words. The Trump administration began an aggressive and widespread effort to reduce the regulatory calcification of our economy that had taken place under the previous administration. That caused small business confidence to immediately soar to reach its highest level in three decades." [Rep D Brat]
What Australia needs is a similar stampede AWAY from the picayune meddling of politicians in the minutiae of citizens lives, particularly regarding small, free enterprise business regulations which is the vital economic engine room of Western civilisation. It is no surprise that the tsunami of GREEN TAPE imposed on business in Australia and formerly on America has caused such economic pain.

It has been intentional!

The often stated aims of the globalist elite has been to reduce the Western economic model (a.k.a. capitalism) to ruins.

By-the-way this is not some wacko conspiracy theory, to which you might reply...WHY NOT?

Simply stated; because the Gramsci/Alinsky/World alliance has written quite copiously and very publicly about their intentions, for example read Gramsci's Prison Diaries, Alinsky's Rules for Radical and Agenda 21.

The new breed of millennial-socialists whose older-statesmen mouthpieces in England; Corbyn, America; Sanders, Australia; Shorten have bought into these strategies (along with Labor's Fabians) and advocate the use of regulatory restrictions to limit and control the freedoms of 'normal outsiders'.

Its all part of the great globalist plan towards a neo-feudalist future where a small elite control the vast majority of the population (a.k.a. Agenda 21) by bringing them into submission via regulatory hamstringing whilst at the same time reducing our 'cruel capitalist' economy to tatters, thus paving the way for the rule of an elite, seemingly compassionate, environmentally friendly, paganistic band of neo-feudalist bureaucrats.

Sounds like a conspiracy theorists worst nightmare right?

I used to be extremely sceptical of all conspiracy theory's floating like flotsam on the web, now (excluding the wacko out-there theory's of the 'big' ones like JFK, the moon landing and the flat earth conspiracy) I'm not so sure.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018


The so-called 'Resistance' in America; 
  • the vagina-hat wearing numpties, 
  • the Russian-collusion fantasists, 
  • the Campus Trotskyites, 
  • the media hysterics, 
  • talk-show screechers, 
  • Hollywood hypocrites
  • Antifa (one of the most egregiously misnamed org.'s in the world)  
  • and hip-hop BLM hooligans 

are actually the ones who are meddling in democracy in the United States.

They howl at the moon about how much Trump is colluding with Russia to undermine Americas democracy while at the same time doing their level best to tear down everything about Western culture that has any meaning. 

While Russia itself speeds away from the Marxist nightmare, the 'progressives' (such an oxymoron) in America (and Australia) are doing everything in their power to destroy Western culture and to turn instead to the failed policies of Marxism a.k.a. the destructive policies which have destroyed Venezuela, Cambodia, North Korea etc.

What is it about the unreal-world 'intellectuals' that insist on tearing down the good to replace it with the disastrous?
What is behind this ignorance?
2 Corinthians 4:4 seems a good place to start as an explanation because in activating this the powers behind the scene achieve this: John 10a

BTW....the solution is found in 10b.