Wednesday, 21 November 2018


The 'education' unions in America are peopled by the same low-life, pinko activists as those in Australia. 

To these intellectual vandals the whole idea of 'education' comes way down the list of desirable outcomes after personal ambition, money for nothing, status, virtue signalling, political correctness etc. Thomas Sowell charts the political bastardy in not allowing 'charter' schools to open, usually because the charter system, though still public, gives meritocracy room to develop and the socialists "don lak tha'" 
As a result of the charter schools' educational achievements, it is not uncommon for thousands of children to be on waiting lists to get into such schools -- in New York City, tens of thousands.
This represents a huge opportunity for many low-income, minority youngsters who have very few other opportunities for a better life. But, to politicians dependent on teachers' unions for money and votes, charter schools are expendable.
In various communities around the country, charter schools are already being prevented from moving into empty school buildings, which would allow them to admit more children from waiting lists.
Denying these children what can be their one chance in life is a new low, even for politicians.

.....Such comparisons in New York City showed, almost every time, a majority of the students in the traditional public school scoring in the bottom half in both math and English, while the percentage of charter school students scoring in the top half was some multiple of the percentage of other students scoring that high.  [Thomas Sowell]
To see the results of our own rapidly deteriorating, semi-socialist educational system we only have to observe how the grades of Australian students are falling.

I suspect that if one plotted a graph charting the plunge it would be roughly equal to the amount of wasted extra money both Labor and  the 'liberals' (Labor-lite under Turnbull) have shovelled into the system.

Saturday, 3 November 2018


Female Presbyterian minister standing on the steps shouts at Trump visiting the Tree of Life Synagogue: 
"you're not welcome here, we welcome everybody".
She's completely unaware of the absurdity of the statement.
Its almost a haiku of cognitive dissonance and yet the left insiders no longer possess the ability to recognise the contradictions emerging from their own mouths.

A 'blood dimmed tide' indeed