Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Socialism: the gospel of greed.
It amuses/saddens me to listen to young and uniformed voices blame 'capitalism' for greed and moral corruption. Sure, human beings sometimes abuse the systems and structures of their society to 'game' the bias to their advantage, but thats a human trait not a systemic one.
As far as political and economic systems go Socialism is the one with inbuilt methodologies destined to produce greed, corruption, bias and slovenliness, and it has been illustrated over a century and in many different cultures.
What more evidence can you ask for?

Saturday, 15 June 2019


The attached article engendered a modicum of hope in me that there remains in some of the 'educational' faculties of the West, a few brave souls who retain their intellectual abilities and stand as impenetrable barriers to fake science.

The fact that it is a mathematics teacher in this case is reassuring and I suppose somewhat predictable in that the STEM sciences have not yet fully capitulated to the onset of toxic irrationality that appears to have gripped the majority of Western 'educators'.

An excerpt from the piece:
I often come across students and teachers who express concern over climate change and the need for humanity to do something about it. I always begin such conversations with the question, “What’s the problem?” They always, eventually, get down to the fact that it’s carbon “pollution” and how we must stop burning fossil fuels and embrace renewables in order to save the planet. Again, its the MSM spin. My next question is how much CO2 is in the atmosphere? I have yet to come across anyone at school, when asked that question, who knows that it’s a bit above 400 ppm. After informing them of this particular fact, I ask if they know how low the CO2 concentration can fall before life on earth ceases. Again, I have yet to come across anyone at school who knows that once it drops to about 180 ppm, we are in trouble.
My third question after that is this: if 400 ppm is too much and 180 ppm too little, how much CO2 is just right? Again, no one has been able to answer this, as no one on the planet knows the answer. I then try to present students (adults have usually stopped listening by that stage) with some perspective on 400 ppm. I ask them to think of a million molecules of atmosphere as a million one-dollar coins placed adjacent to each other in a square. The square would be 25 metres by 25 metres, about the size of a school’s small gymnasium. The 400 ppm of CO2, if represented by those dollar coins, would make up a square 50 cm by 50 cm. What’s more, since humanity is responsible for only about three per cent of the CO2 in the atmosphere, the human contribution to those one million coins would be 12 coins.

Friday, 14 June 2019


Steve Turner — 'If chance be the Father of all flesh, Disaster is his rainbow in the sky, And when you hear ... It is but the sound of man worshiping his maker.”...and this research on incarceration in Australia is the result of men worshiping a god of their own making:
"Over the past decade, incarceration in Australia has grown at an unsustainable rate. The incarceration rate has increased by 30 percent in that time, from 167 prisoners per 100,000 adults to 217 prisoners per 100,000 adults. Taxpayers now spend $4.4 billion on corrective services, most of which goes towards incarceration. This figure has grown by 29 percent in just the past five years. Incarceration costs on average $110,000 per prisoner per year." [A Bushnell]
A cost of 110K per year? Ridiculous!
Take away the TV's, the sprung mattresses and other perks and let the perps work off their debt to society...that will cut costs in a big way.