Monday, 6 April 2020


I wonder about this period in our history. Perhaps this Wuhan virus is a metaphor for another more invidious virus, namely socialism. We see the precautions being taken as necessary to ‘flatten the curve’, but these extreme measures also contain the seeds to flatten the economy. To that end take note of who is cheering from the cheap seats; the Greens, the commies and those like Bob Carr/cur(Chinophile) who believes that we need socialism to repair the ‘damages of capitalism’ and thereby to repair the climate:
Socialism is a society in which the people who do all the work get to decide what they produce, how they produce and how the products of society will be distributed. A society run by workers – a socialist society – could rapidly unwind the damage done to the planet under the rule of capital. No longer would the guiding principle of all economic decisions be profit. No longer would investors, businesses and countries be locked in an endless competitive scramble to maximise “their” slice of the pie. The guiding principle of socialism is solidarity – the idea that no-one should be left behind, and that all should work together to maximise the freedoms of each.[James Plested, Red Flag]
They're doing everything in their power to push their radical agenda and move our country further left. The fact that they have to use a crisis (Coronavirus) to attempt to get it done shows just how unpopular their socialist ways really are. "[Beth Bauman]
 Nothing is going to deter the hard core Socialist Utopianist because most of these revolutionaries live in a theoretical world where human nature is malleable and human beings can be manipulated into doing what the elites believe is the best thing for the world. To paraphrase C S Lewis; There is no bully worse than the bully who believes he is dominating you for your own good.

The climate alarmists have prepared our society over a period of decades now to accept and fear catastrophism. They have planted the seeds of panic and this crisis is watering those seeds. When in our wildest dreams did we imagine an Australia where police all dressed in black combat uniforms would be shooing people off the beaches, out of parks and fining older woman sitting alone on park benches. Where in our worst nightmare did we see drones with flashing blue and white lights and loudspeakers haranguing citizens from the air…this whole scenario is Orwellian and by and large the population sits on their hands and accepts it. Most are too terrified to move out of their homes lest the neighbour or some other ‘concerned citizen peeking from behind a curtain’ snitches on them to some government authority…sounds familiar...Stasi anyone?

I know that this pandemic is deadly, heck I am amongst the demographic most at risk, but if we allow this monstrous, totalitarian response to continue until this is our ‘normal’ way of life then we deserve nothing less. I for one am getting close to rejecting the fear-mongering and starting to go about my business as if no such thing were happening (the irony of it all is that I am something of a hermit in my studio anyway) and if I am arrested and thrown into jail for going to the beach or the wilderness to paint plein air, then so be it, it is my revolution against the totalitarian mindset.
We can all work -- just like the Costco employees and supermarket cashiers and UPS drivers. We can all wear masks. Our customers can wear masks. We can all practice social distancing. Employees can stand six feet apart. Stores can limit customers. New customers can be allowed to only go in when others leave. We can sanitize our workplaces and stores like never before.[W A Root]
An finally, to those who think that I am acting irresponsibly take a good hard look at the statistics before you condemn me as some wild eyed fanatic rejecting clear science, because it is the science that I have seen that convinces me that this whole debacle has a time limit and that that limit is rapidly approaching.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020


Another milestone on the seemingly unstoppable stampede by the Western 'elite' (I shudder at using such a blatant misnomer) on their way to the civilisational precipice.

As tragic as this is and I weep at the stupidity and offensiveness of these idiotic individuals,  I also however mentally shrug my shoulders when considering the unstoppable lemming-like stampede of these remarkably deluded 'little gods' who believe that they are in complete control of their destiny's (and the weather).

Such intellectual decadence signals the end of  western civilisation as we know it and the beginning of a new, truly dark age (the mis-named 'dark ages' of Western art refers to what the enlightenment(oxymoron) philosophers thought of as an age influenced and 'retarded' by the Christian belief) where there will no longer be a 'Christian West' for those in the soon-to-be gulags, to escape to...perhaps then many will call out to the one true God in desperation.