Saturday, 22 October 2022


Socialism is replacing God with the State and replacing freedom with tyranny. Socialism is crouching at our door. If you are one of the people who have been seduced into believing that socialism is a good thing, I implore you to do some homework. Read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Gulag Archipelago’, F A Hayek’s ‘Road to Serfdom’ or Orwell’s 1984.

Lenin said that socialism is the prelude to communism and we have seen the results of that ideology so many times, in so many countries, that I am amazed that many are still ignorant of the dangers.

Thursday, 20 October 2022


Eric Metaxas joins the show again at Love Life Washington Conference on October 1st, 2022 to discuss what has perhaps become the most damaging and deadly phrase in American Evangelicalism in the 21st century: “Just Preach The Gospel.” Used by both our enemies and would-be allies, this phrase has simply come to mean abdication and cowardice. Eric explains how this phrase was the result of the little known Johnson Amendment and is a carbon copy of what the majority of German churches who refused to speak out against Hitler said. Eric addresses all of this in his new book “Letter To The American Church” as a clarion call to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are still parroting this demonic line to justify their apathy and absence in the culture wars; a line that even Hitler himself used to silence the Church.

Sunday, 16 October 2022


I don’t watch many movies these days, can’t remember when last I went ‘to the movies’, but I do occasionally tape onto my hard drive, selections from the SBS World Movie series. I have just watched one and it was confirmed in spades why I don’t watch many. It’s a production called Assassins Creed (2016) with a great cast; Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson, Charlotte Rampling, but talk about rewriting history.

Of course given the trajectory of today’s Holly Wood the ‘assassins’(Shia Muslim sect) are the good guys and the Christians are the bad ones, in fact it is ironic that I quote C S Lewis in my title page as encouraging youngsters to admire 'brave knights', that most definitely would not include the 'knights' of this abomination of a movie. The baddie Christians are of course, seeking to control the whole worlds thought processes through the mythical ‘apple’ from the garden of Eden, which in my opinion is a classic Leftist act of projection. 

In fact the ‘Church’ regalia in this movie looks like it belongs in a bacchanalian pagan festival, or is perhaps inspired by scenes from the Californian 'Bohemian Grove' cult where the scriptwriters possibly gained their inspiration. The ‘bible quotes’ were not from any bible I’ve read, probably because if any of the scriptwriters actually read the bible they would have burst into flames.

Knowing a good deal of history, both Church and secular, I just could not swallow the absolute lies and misrepresentation of truth, and I noticed that even rotten tomatoes scored it a woeful 19%, though probably for different reasons.

The attacks against the church and against Christians are being propagated from every angle and I hope and pray that Church congregations, particularly the younger members(this movie has been adapted from a popular video game) are kept informed on the true history of the West and the good things that we enjoy as a result of our Judaeo-Christian heritage, it is vital that we are kept ahead of the propaganda by the constant renewing of our minds and of our worldviews...but given my experience in various church bodies I fear that that could be mere wishful thinking. 
To those who are teaching real meat, well done, great applause is due you.

But God!

Thursday, 13 October 2022


All cultures and people groups on earth inhabit lands that were stolen from some previous inhabitants. Wars, conquests and forceful agreements have been the recorded history of mankind(oops am I allowed to say that anymore?), such is the revealed nature of humanity, proving for one thing the falseness of the Rousseauian doctrine of 'born innocent' and instead illustrating the biblical 'born to sin' doctrine. 

However the only culture on the planet being made to apologise for its existence is Western culture, arguably the one which has bought the maximum benefit to the globe and from whom most of the inhabitants of the earth appropriate to some measure. 

There exists a form of suicidal schizophrenia in the West where the neo-Gramscians who have gained control of the institutions view Western history(aka the Judeo-Christian culture) through an elitist, evolutionary, contemporary lens which condemns all who came before as ignoramuses, colonialists, slavers, conquerors etc and thus worthy of having their statues pulled down and their names erased from the history books, all in the manner of Winston Smith. I do believe C S Lewis called it 'chronological snobbery'.

The suicidal schizophrenia comes in when these same 'contemporary colonialist/conquerors' then elevate 'indigenous' or 'ancient' pagan cultures and/or failed modern ideologies such as socialism and communism to places of honour and superiority thus effectively replacing an historically affirmed, successful and beneficial culture(with acknowledged issues!) with historically diabolical and disastrous ones.

It not only makes the historically literate person think, it makes one question the motives behind this attack on Western values and mores. 

Destroy the West, the one independent, freedom affirming, cultural worldview that stands in the way of global domination by an elite oligarchy perhaps?

Thursday, 6 October 2022


 God's chosen people have long been considered the 'canary's in the coal mine'...if so...: