For the first time in history, good people have become morally paralysed by mere name-calling.
If you engage in a conversation with people today and broach one of the forbidden, sensitive subjects (which are legion) you will immediately be side-lined/stopped in your tracks by a variety of slurs...racist, homophobe, transphobe, misogynist, etc, all of which are designed to shut down any disagreement, to put you in your place as a Neanderthal and to cause you to start defending yourself for 'sins' as yet undefined.
The generation I was brought up in used the 'sticks and stones' rhyme to counter such nonsense, but today if you dare to even mention this rhyme you are met with an avalanche of insults. Too many people today have become hair-trigger empaths who erupt at the mere mention of some of their favourite things to hate, and it doesn't take much to trigger 'hurty' feelings and a subsequent stampede to 'safe spaces' which are incidentally set up by the ruling powers to keep the snowflake generation from questioning the undermining of our civilisation that is taking place at an increasing pace.
Taylor Swift is a morally compromised but extremely talented modern day harpie who every now and again comes up with something rather profound. I suggest more of these snowflakes take her advice as per the title of this piece and learn to embrace the 'sticks and stones' advice of my generation.