Even commentators I respect on the Australian 'right' are whingeing about Trump being too harsh, being a bully, not treating others with the respect they deserve and in particular the Ukraine...which in my opinion shows that they do not do much homework on Putin's reasons for his invasion. And by the way, Putin did not try to force me to take an experimental drug my own government did that by threatening my ability to make a living, to meet with friends and family and a host of other indignities. Putin is not threatening my freedom to speak and to live freely as a Christian my own government is doing that. One look at Europe and we no longer see a culture that is our friend nor who hold to our values.
Watching the Australian news illustrates how weak the justice system, economics, education systems are...everything is tainted by the same weaknesses and ideological corruption we see on display in Europe.
Trump is a disrupter. He is tearing down decades of corruption and indecision, he is rattling cages and though I run the risk of misdirection, I believe he is an instrument being used to give us all a second chance:
"On Saturday, Labor won the WA election in a third consecutive landslide. The Liberals ran a bland no-risk campaign and, unsurprisingly, barely troubled the scorers in terms of increased lower house MPs. Worse, the result suggests the federal Liberals are not likely to win enough of the WA seats they’re banking on to get over the line in May. Meanwhile, Newspoll has confirmed what your scribe has worried about for the past year: Peter Dutton’s Coalition is failing to convince voters it is ready to return to government, even though those same voters don’t believe the Albanese government deserves re-election."[Speccie 11.3.25]
We need a powerful and disruptive force in Australia to tear down the strongholds that have been established over decades...until then I fear we will wither and die and maybe our children will have to fight a war of freedom like America in 1776.