Friday 24 May 2013


This is an excerpt from Chris Berg's War on Democracy  article, and it is a piece which captures with precision, the current state of the 'authority's' in Australia. Unfortunately such contempt for the common man usually results in rebellion and judging by some of the more extreme views being blogged about in digi-land I fear we are entering into a time of unrest:
In 1953 a bitter Bertolt Brecht wrote, 'Would it not be easier / In that case for the government / To dissolve the people / And elect another?'
With these lines, Brecht brilliantly captured the dripping contempt that some purportedly 'democratic' leaders have for those below them.
This contempt has only become more acute in recent decades. Brecht's words were rich in irony. He was a citizen of the German Democratic Republic—a state democratic in name only—and wrote his poem in the aftermath of the Uprising of 1953, which was crushed by Soviet forces stationed in Germany.
By contrast, in 21st century Australia we enjoy all the trappings of a mature, well-functioning democracy. But our liberty makes the persistence of such contempt starker.
That contempt is a thread joining a huge number of recent debates. It ties the Gillard government's proposed anti-discrimination changes with the brief furore over compulsory voting and paternalistic controls over what we eat and drink.
The belief—widespread but never stated boldly—is that it is the job of democratic politicians to change the character of the people they govern. In the 21st century, with all the cutting edge findings of behavioural economics, public health and organisational psychology, politicians no longer dream of electing a new people. They can just change them. With the judicious application of legislation and rule-making, Australians can be made better.
It's hard to think of anything more undemocratic than that.
Read the full article, it will chill you to the very marrow of your being.

To reflect on the political mindset that is Labor and which almost raised to power Mark Latham who is I am sure a borderline psychopath (imagine that man with serious power!!!!), gave us the woefully inadequate Rudd, and then foisted upon us the destructive and impossibly inept Gillard gang, is to come to the conclusion that the social engineers of the left are, (in the absence of an intrinsically motivated morality based on a religious impulse) intent on legislating our morality by force.

Totalitarianism show thy face!

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