Friday 14 June 2013

Lawfare in the air

Tally Ho! the hunting season has begun. Gird your loins of forgiveness in preparation for a barrage of hate:
Yes, it is the gay mafia doing their thing again. Consider these five recent cases of tolerance in action. They come from the US, the UK, and Europe. Beginning in Colorado, we have yet another case of a Christian cake-maker being dragged to the courts for standing up for conscience:
“A gay couple is pursuing a discrimination complaint against a Colorado bakery, saying the business refused them a wedding cake to honor their Massachusetts ceremony, and alleging that the owners have a history of turning away same-sex couples. As more states move to legalize same-sex marriage and civil unions, the case highlights a growing tension between gay rights advocates and supporters of religious freedom….
“Mullins, 28, and Craig, 33, filed the discrimination complaint against Phillips after visiting his business in suburban Denver last summer. After a few minutes looking at pictures of different cakes, the couple said Phillips told them he wouldn’t make one for them when he found out it was to celebrate their wedding in Colorado after they got married in Massachusetts. Phillips has said making a wedding cake for gay couples would violate his Christian religious beliefs, according to the complaint.”
The second case involves an army soldier who was actually disciplined for serving Chick-Fil-A at his promotion party: “A U.S. Army serviceman has been reprimanded for serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at a party celebrating his promotion to master sergeant. The unidentified soldier was investigated, reprimanded, threatened with judicial action, and given a bad efficiency report after sending invitations that read, ‘In honor of my promotion and in honor of the Defense of Marriage Act, I’m serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at my promotion party,’ according to the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty….

.... Yep that is the essence of it all: a group which demands that everyone in the world show them tolerance refuses to extend tolerance to anyone else. This is just how they operate. They have declared an all out war on anyone and anything which stands in their way.

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