Friday 14 November 2014


In Australia as I imagine in many other (if not most) parts of Western civilisation, the left-wing of politics has gained the tactical 'high-ground.' They have established themselves in positions of power within the hierarchy's of education, in the mainline churches, in politics and in the arts and media.
Our left-wing 'masters' have followed to the letter, Antonio Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony' by adopting the method of his 'long march through the institutions',(In Australia this idea is fostered through the Australian Fabian Society, a socialist movement that most of the leaders of Australia's Labor party belong to)  the ultimate objective of which is to influence the direction of the culture and most importantly; education from reception to year 12 and all the tertiary training thereafter.
Education (which includes inculcating values through the arts and the electronic media) becomes the long term key to establishing the values and norms of what Gramsci termed 'the new order' (L'Ordine Nuovo) so that his neo-Marxist thought becomes the normative, ruling value in the culture, in essence it becomes what we unconsciously refer to as: common sense
"The Left doesn’t even pretend any more. The ABC openly campaigns for Leftist causes, for instance, and the University of Queensland now offers a course on global warming that is pure propaganda, founded on a “97 per cent” proposition that is deeply misleading and meaningless.
Here is the course description, essentially teaching uninformed students not to open their minds but to close them:
In public discussions, climate change is a highly controversial topic. However, in the scientific community, there is little controversy with 97% of climate scientists concluding humans are causing global warming."
When left-wing progressivism (socialism by another name) becomes 'common sense' as in the repeatedly pronounced mantra of Global warming, then we know that the collapse of western civilisation is very close. J M Coetzee, a South African Nobel laureate now living in Adelaide wrote a prophetic book titled: Waiting for the Barbarians.....
I think the real barbarians are in the walls already.

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