Friday 24 February 2017


The following quote is unfortunately true and is the result of the Gramscian 'long march through the institutions':
Our colleges, universities, (and an increasing number of high schools and elementary schools) have been transformed from educational institutions into indoctrination institutions. With the left-wing takeover of universities, their primary aim has become graduating as many leftists as possible.
The vast majority of our colleges have become left-wing seminaries. Just as Christian seminaries exist to produce committed Christians, Western universities exist to produce committed leftists. Aside from the Christian-Leftism difference, universities differ in only one respect from Christian seminaries. Christian seminaries admit their goal, whereas the universities deceive the public about theirs. [Dennis Prager]
I continue to encourage my children and others to 'get educated', and by that I mean study the world, history, the classics, and any course or university subject that better equips you to fulfil your destiny.
In stating this however, I would warn against going to many of the universities for the simple reason that I agree with Pragers quote.

My reasoning is that unless you are studying for a degree in medicine, engineering or a course that is necessary to accumulate 'real knowledge' as opposed to ideological indoctrination, avoid the campus like a plague, because a plague is what it is.

I do not believe that we can change the course of these institutions, their intellectual strongholds are too strong, all we can do now is to establish alternatives to the mainstream educational system,

Colleges such as Hillsdale in the States which refuses any/all government largess and therefore is unencumbered by government control. Most Universities in the West were first established as seminary's, many began during times when knowledge was at risk and reason, learning and gathered wisdom needed a refuge from the 'barbarians' (not necessarily the 'Huns') who are to be identified as those opposing Godly knowledge and insight.

We are at the dawn of such a period!

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